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Physicochemical Interactions of Engineered Nanoparticles and Plants: A Systemic Approach, Volume Four in the Nanomaterial-Plant Interactions series, presents foundational informati… Read more
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Physicochemical Interactions of Engineered Nanoparticles and Plants: A Systemic Approach, Volume Four in the Nanomaterial-Plant Interactions series, presents foundational information on how ENMs interact with the surrounding environment. Key themes include source, fate and transport of ENMs in the environment, biophysicochemical transformations of ENMs, and chemical reactions and mechanisms of ENMs transport in plants. This book is an essential read for any scientist or researcher looking to understand the molecular interactions between ENMs and Plants.
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) reach plant ecosystems through intentional or unintentional pathways. In any case, after release, these materials may be transformed in the environment by physical, chemical and biochemical processes. Once in contact with plant systems, biotransformation may still occur, affecting or stimulating plant metabolism. Since plants are the producers to the food chain, it is of paramount importance to understand these mechanisms at the molecular level.
Audience would be researchers. Could be tailored towards commercial plant nutritional advisors ie companies that sell products to improve plant productivity and control weeds and pests. Plant scientists, nanomaterial scientists, Environmental Chemists, toxicology. Researcher in the field of environmental nanoscience, environmental chemistry and agriculture
Dr. Jose R. Peralta-Videa was an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Environmental Science and Engineering PhD program at the University of Texas at El Paso until February 2023. He earned a Doctor of Science degree from the Genetic Center in the Postgraduate College at Chapingo, Mexico, 1986 and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from The University of Texas at El Paso in 2002. His research is focused on the area of nanotoxicology, with an emphasis on the toxicity of nanoparticles in terrestrial systems. He has published more than 220 referred articles, 25 book chapters, 19 proceedings, and 4 manuals/booklets. As Senior Research Associate of Dr. Gardea-Torresdey, former Chair of the Chemistry Department, Dr. Peralta-Videa was an active member of the University of California Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (UC CEIN). UTEP was the branch of UC CEIN responsible for investigating the interaction of nanoparticles with terrestrial plants.