List of Contributors
Chapter 1. Exercise and the Growth and Development of Muscle Tissue
I. General Muscle Development
II. Overload Hypertrophy of Muscle
III. Hyperplasia
IV. Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced Growth
Chapter 2. Physical Activity and the Growth and Development of Bone and Joint Structures
I. Introduction
II. Growth and Development of the Skeletal Structures
III. Epiphyseal Development and Growth
IV. Indirect Injuries to the Immature Skeleton
V. Direct Injuries to the Immature Skeleton
VI. Safeguards to the Health of the Younger Child in Physical Activity Programs
Chapter 3. Growth in Muscular Strength and Power
I. Definitions
II. Physiological Considerations
III. Isometric Muscular Strength and Growth
IV. Functional Muscular Strength
V. Growth, and Training of Muscular Strength
Chapter 4. Factors Affecting the Working Capacity of Children and Adolescents
I. Physiology of Exercise in Normal Individuals
II. The Working Capacity and Its Measurements
III. Other Methods of Evaluating Exercise Performance
IV. Factors Affecting the Working Capacity
V. Techniques and Equipment Used in Studying Working Capacity
VI. Summary
Chapter 5. Body Composition and Exercise During Growth and Development
I. Age Changes in Body Composition
II. The Impact of Exercise on Body Composition
III. Dynamic Changes in Body Composition and Body Build in Boys with Different Physical Activity Regimens
IV. Body Composition Changes as Related to Aerobic Capacity in Boys
V. Body Composition and Step Test Results
VI. Effects of Physical Conditioning on Body Composition of Girls
VII. The Reversibility of Body Composition
VIII. Caloric Intake as Related to Body Composition During Training
IX. Metabolic Changes in Fat Tissue as a Result of Exercise
X. Body Composition and Aerobic Capacity in Obese Children
XI. Changes in Body Composition and Aerobic Capacity in the Obese After Exercise Therapy
XII. Summary
Chapter 6. Growth, Physique, and Motor Performance
I. Introduction
II. Physique and Body Composition
III. Assessment of Physique
IV. Growth and Physique 135
V. Sex Differences in Physique
VI. Maturation and Physique
VII. Ethnic Differences in Physique
VIII. Exercise and Physique
IX. Physique and Strength
X. Physique and Motor Performance
Chapter 7. Age Changes in Motor Skills
I. Early Patterns of Motor Behavior
II. Locomotor Development
III. Development of Phylogenetic Skills
IV. Bases for Sex Differences in Skill Level
Chapter 8. Motor Learning as a Function of Age and Sex
I. Introduction
II. Infancy
III. Early Childhood
IV. Middle Childhood
V. Adolescence
Chapter 9. Stability and Change in Motor Ability
I. Prediction of Developmental Change
II. Stable and Unstable Growth Characteristics
III. Time, Maturity, and Prediction of Change
IV. Hereditary Factors and Human Development
V. Growth in Strength
VI. Motor Performance
VII. Growth Status and Incremental Changes in Strength and Gross Motor Proficiency
VIII. Stability and Change in Physical Fitness
IX. Factors Affecting the Prediction of Motor Performance
Chapter 10. Motor Performance of Mentally Retarded Children
I. Physical Development of Mentally Retarded Children
II. Reflex and Reaction Time in Mental Retardation
III. Motor Abilities in the Retarded
IV. Motor Ability Structure in the Retarded
V. Motor Learning
VI. Physical Working Capacity
VII. School Physical Education Programs and Changes in Motor Performance
VIII. Effects of Perceptual-Motor Training and Physical Activity Programs upon Intelligence and Academic Performance
IX. Summary and Implications
Chapter 11. Play, Games, and Sport in the Psychosociological Development of Children and Youth
I. The Socialization Process
II. Play, Games, and Sport in Socialization
Chapter 12. Becoming Involved in Physical Activity and Sport: A Process of Socialization
I. Sport Socialization: A Conceptual Frame of Reference
II. Sport Socialization: Some Findings
III. A Basis for Future Research
IV. In Conclusion
Chapter 13. Ethnic and Cultural Factors in the Development of Motor Abilities and Strength in American Children
I. Infancy and Early Childhood
II. School Ages
III. A Suggested Hypothesis
Chapter 14. Competitive Sports in Childhood and Early Adolescence
I. Introduction
II. Past Policies on Competitive Sports for Children
III. Extent of Participation in Competitive Sports Programs
IV. Effects of Athletic Competition on Children
V. Competitive Sports for Girls
VI. Policies Governing Competitive Sports for Young Girls
VII. Guidelines for Competitive Sports for Children of Elementary School Age
Author Index
Subject Index