Pharmacology for Student and Pupil Nurses and Student Pharmacy Technicians
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1971
- Author: Bernard R. Jones
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 3 3 - 1 7 5 4 0 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 1 3 2 - 9
Pharmacology for Student and Pupil Nurses and Student Pharmacy Technicians is based on lectures presented to nurses in training for the State Registration and State Enrollment… Read more

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Request a sales quotePharmacology for Student and Pupil Nurses and Student Pharmacy Technicians is based on lectures presented to nurses in training for the State Registration and State Enrollment Examinations and to Students in Dispensing. The book presents an account of drugs that are in use or are very likely to be used. The text includes description of drug administration; antacids, gastric sedatives, laxatives, antidiarrheal, and diuretics are discussed in detail. The intravenous infusions, cardiovascular drugs, anti-anemics, hemostatics, and anticoagulants are described as to their effects and functions. A brief anatomy of the human circulatory process is presented. The next types of drugs discussed are those that target the respiratory system — expectorants and cough sedatives. The effects of sedatives, stimulants, analgesics, and anesthesia on the nervous system are discussed in detail. Antibiotics, drugs combating infection, tropical diseases, sera, and vaccines as prophylactic and therapeutic remedies are explained. Other drugs, such as antiseptic and disinfectants, drugs used in endoctrine therapy and malignant diseases, as well as drugs that are locally applied and those used in diagnosis are explained. The process of ordering, storage, and administration of drugs; calculations used in determining safe dosages; and the poisons regulations concerning dangerous and potentially harmful drugs are covered in detail. Pharmacists, student pharmacy technicians, professors of pharmacology, practitioners of general medicines, and specialists with interests in drug therapy will find this reference valuable.
Introduction Acknowledgments Chapter 1 How Drugs are Administered —the main routes employed —the forms in which they are usedChapter 2 The Metric SystemChapter 3 Antacids and Gastric Sedatives with Carminatives; Emetics; Anti-emeticsChapter 4 Laxatives and Antidiarrhoeal DrugsChapter 5 Diuretics —and other drugs acting on the urinary system —drugs and procedures used in kidney failure —drugs used in retention of urine—antidiuretics —drugs used in enuresisChapter 6 Intravenous Infusions —types and uses; with a note on subcutaneous infusionsChapter 7 Cardiovascular Drugs —digitalis and other drugs acting on the heart —hypotensive drugs—vasodilators—vasoconstrictors —drugs used in cardiac arrhythmiasChapter 8 Drugs Which Affect the Blood —Anti-anaemics—Haemostatics—AnticoagulantsChapter 9 VitaminsChapter 10 Drugs Used for Their Effect on the Respiratory System —expectorants—sedatives—bronchodilators and antispasmodics—stimulants—oxygen and carbon dioxideChapter 11 Hypnotics and Sedatives with Anticonvulsants; Tranquillisers and Antidepressants; Antihistamines; Amphetamines; drugs used in Parkinsonism; Muscle relaxants; Cholinergic drugs; drugs acting on the uterusChapter 12 Analgesics with antirheumatic drugsChapter 13 Anaesthetics —general—localChapter 14 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Infection —the chemotherapeutic drugs—drugs used in tuberculosis —the antibioticsChapter 15 Anthelmintics with an outline of drugs used in tropical diseasesChapter 16 Sera and VaccinesChapter 17 Antiseptics and DisinfectantsChapter 18 Drugs Used in Endocrine Therapy —the functions of the glands —the hormones—deficiency—excess —preparations used in treatmentChapter 19 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Malignant Disease—The CytotoxicsChapter 20 Drugs Used by Local ApplicationChapter 21 Drugs Used in Diagnosis —general—urine examination—radiologicalChapter 22 "Water" and "Spirit" —the various forms explainedChapter 23 Ward Medicine Routine —requisitioning—storage—administrationChapter 24 Poisons Regulations —as they apply to the Hospital WardChapter 25 CalculationsAppendix The Imperial System Of Weights And Measures with conversion tablesIndex
- No. of pages: 258
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1971
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Paperback ISBN: 9780433175407
- eBook ISBN: 9781483141329
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