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Petroleum Rock Mechanics: Drilling Operations and Well Design covers the fundamentals of solid mechanics and petroleum rock mechanics and their application to oil and gas-re… Read more
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Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineer, Drilling Engineers, Exploration Geophysicists
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Chapter 1. Stress/Strain Definitions and Components
1.1. General concept
1.2. Definition of stress
1.3. Stress components
1.4. Definition of strain
1.5. Strain components
Chapter 2. Stress and Strain Transformation
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Transformation principles
2.3. Two-dimensional stress transformation
2.4. Stress transformation in space
2.5. Tensor of stress components
2.6. Strain transformation in space
Chapter 3. Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Principal stresses
3.3. Average and deviatoric stresses
3.4. General interpretation of principal stresses
3.5. Two-dimensional stress analysis
3.6. Properties of strain
Chapter 4. Theory of Elasticity
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Materials behavior
4.3. Hooke's law
4.4. Hooke's law in shear
4.5. Analysis of structures
4.6. Theory of inelasticity
4.7. Constitutive relation for rocks
Chapter 5. Failure Criteria
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Failure criteria for rock materials
5.3. The von mises failure criterion
5.4. Mohr-coulomb failure criterion
5.5. The griffith failure criterion
5.6. Hoek-brown failure criterion
5.7. Druker-prager failure criterion
5.8. Mogi-coulomb failure criterion
Chapter 6. Introduction to Petroleum Rock Mechanics
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Definition and classification of rocks
6.3. Petroleum rock mechanics
6.4. Why study stress in rocks?
6.5. Units of measurement
Chapter 7. Porous Rocks and Effective Stresses
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Anisotropy and inhomogeneity
7.3. Anisotropic rocks, transversal isotropy
7.4. Porous rock
7.5. Formation pore pressure
7.6. Effective stress
7.7. Formation porosity and permeability
Chapter 8. In-Situ Stress
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Definitions
8.3. in-situ principal stresses
8.4. Measurement and estimation of in-situ stresses
8.5. Probabilistic analysis of stress data
8.6. Bounds on in-situ stresses
8.7. Stress directions from fracture traces
Chapter 9. Rock Strength and Rock Failure
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Strength of rock material
9.3. Empirical correlations
9.4. Formation fracture gradient
9.5. Laboratory testing of intact rocks
9.6. Rock tensile strength
9.7. Rock shear strength
Chapter 10. Stresses Around a Wellbore
10.1. Introduction
10.2. State of stresses around a wellbore
10.3. Properties of rock formation around a wellbore
10.4. Equations governing stress analysis
10.5. Analysis of stresses around a wellbore
10.6. Isotropic solution
10.7. Anisotropic solution
Chapter 11. Wellbore Instability Analysis
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Analysis procedure
11.3. Wellbore fracturing pressure
11.4. Wellbore collapse pressure
11.5. Instability analysis of multi-lateral boreholes
11.6. Instability analysis of adjacent boreholes
11.7. Instability analysis of underbalanced drilling
11.8. Shallow fracturing
11.9. General fracturing model
11.10. Compaction analysis for high-pressure, high-temperature reservoirs
11.11. Breakthrough of a relief well into a blowing well
11.12. Fracture model for load history and temperature
11.13. Effects of flow induced stresses
11.14. Sand production modeling
Chapter 12. Wellbore Instability Analysis Using Inversion Technique
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Definitions
12.3. The inversion technique
12.4. Geological aspects
12.5. Analysis constraints
12.6. Inversion from fracture data and image logs
Chapter 13. Wellbore Instability Analysis Using Quantitative Risk Assessment
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Deterministic analysis versus probabilistic assessment
13.3. Why probabilistic assessment?
13.4. Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
13.5. Quantitative risk assessment of underbalanced drilling
Chapter 14. The Effect of Mud Losses on Wellbore Stability
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Mud losses during drilling
14.3. Interpretation of the leak-off tests
14.4. Future developments for wellbore stability
Appendix A. Mechanical Properties of Rocks
Appendix B. The Poisson's Ratio Effect
Appendix C. Model for the Stress Bridge
Appendix D. Glossary Of Terms