PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum
Preprocedure, Phase I and Phase II PACU Nursing
- 4th Edition - March 14, 2020
- Authors: ASPAN, Lois Schick, Pamela E Windle
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 0 9 1 8 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 3 9 7 4 - 3
Prepare to succeed on the CPAN® and CAPA® exams with this authoritative guide from ASPAN! PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum, 4th Edition is a comprehensive reference that he… Read more
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Request a sales quotePrepare to succeed on the CPAN® and CAPA® exams with this authoritative guide from ASPAN! PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum, 4th Edition is a comprehensive reference that helps you care for patients before and after anesthesia in all types of settings. Coverage of the full scope of perianesthesia nursing makes it an ideal resource for both inpatient and outpatient care. To keep you current on the many facets of perianesthesia, this edition also describes the newest advances in interventional radiology, robotics, and endoscopy procedures. Written by the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) and edited by respected perianesthesia nurses Lois Schick and Pam Windle, this book will help you build the skills and expertise you need to excel on your certification exam and in practice.
- Perianesthesia Complications chapter now appears after the System Competencies section to quickly display complications for all system competencies in one spot to help you find this vital information easily.
- System Competencies chapters have been updated to focus on specific, non-redundant topics to help you grasp key points right away.
- UPDATED! Certification of Perianesthesia Nurses and Testing Concepts and Strategies appendicies provide helpful tools for CPAN® or CAPA® certification to assist you to prepare for these exams.
- This authoritative guide written by ASPAN covers the full scope of perianesthesia practice to help you prepare to succeed in practice and on the CPAN® and CAPA® exams.
- Easy-to-use outline format serves as a quick review and reference.
- Objectives at the beginning of each chapter focus on key content to allow you to use the book more effectively.
- Plentiful boxes, tables and illustrations highlight important references to ensure you get the most out of the book’s mutifaceted topics.
- A bibliography at the end of every chapter provides additional resources to make it easy for you to research at an in-depth level.
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contributors
- Reviewers
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Section One. Professional Competencies
- Chapter 1. Evolution of Perianesthesia Care
- I. Early Beginnings
- II. Acceptance and Decline of Recovery Rooms
- III. Ambulatory Surgery Focus
- IV. Emergence of Organized Recovery Room Groups
- V. First years (October 1980 to April 1982)
- VI. ASPAN Developments
- Chapter 2. Standards, Legal Issues, and Practice Settings
- I. Definition of Standard
- II. Evolution of Nursing Standards
- III. Sources of Standards
- IV. Standard Criteria
- V. ANA Standards of Nursing Practice
- VI. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- VII. 2019–2020 Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations, and Interpretive Statements
- VIII. Competency-Based Practice
- IX. Ethical Issues
- X. Legal Concepts
- XI. Liability Issues
- XII. Legal Process
- XIII. Issues of Consent
- XIV. Policies and Procedures
- Chapter 3. Safety, Quality Improvement, and Regulatory and Accrediting Agencies
- I. Workplace Definitions
- II. ASPAN Safety Goal, Culture of Safety Characteristic, and Safety-Related Position Statements
- III. Advocacy Organizational and Regulatory Patient Safety Resources
- IV. Patient Safety Tools and Resources
- V. Perianesthesia Nursing Implications and Approach to Data Management for Analysis
- Chapter 4. Research and Evidence-Based Practice
- I. Definition of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- II. Goal of EBP
- III. Stimuli for EBP Initiatives
- IV. Steps of EBP
- V. Developing an Evidence-Based Culture
- VI. Definition of Nursing Research
- VII. Goals of Perianesthesia Nursing Research
- VIII. Objectives of Perianesthesia Nursing Research
- IX. Developing and Planning a Research Study
- X. Components of a Research Proposal
- XI. Ethical Issues in Nursing Research
- XII. Providing and Analyzing Results of a Research Study
- XIII. QI and the Research Process
- XIV. Disseminating Research Findings
- XV. Professional Responsibility for EBP and Research
- Section Two. Preoperative Assessment Competencies
- Chapter 5. Preoperative Evaluation
- I. Timing of Preoperative Assessment
- II. Purpose of Preoperative Assessment and Programs
- III. Benefits of a Preoperative Assessment Program
- IV. Types of Preoperative Assessments and Programs
- V. Importance of Preoperative Assessment
- VI. The Nursing History and Physical Examination
- VII. Psychosocial Assessment
- VIII. Diagnostic Assessment
- IX. Scheduling Surgery
- X. Patient Types
- XI. Day of Surgery: General Preparation
- XII. Regulatory (see Chapter 3)
- Chapter 6. Preexisting Medical Conditions
- I. Preexisting Medical Conditions
- II. Cardiovascular Diseases (see Chapter 19)
- III. Pulmonary Diseases (see Chapter 18)
- IV. Renal Diseases (see Chapter 25)
- V. Liver Diseases (see Chapter 22)
- VI. Neuromuscular, Skeletal, Connective Tissue Diseases (see Chapters 8, 20, and 29)
- VII. Endocrine Diseases (see Chapter 21)
- VIII. Hematologic Diseases (see Chapter 24)
- IX. Infectious Diseases
- X. Substance use Disorder (see Chapter 17)
- XI. Obesity (see Chapter 33)
- Chapter 7. Transcultural Nursing and Alternative Therapies
- I. Definitions of Culture, Transcultural, and Complementary
- II. Major World Views of Health and Illness
- III. Major Sectors of Health Care
- IV. Traditional Healers
- V. Cultural Nursing Assessment
- VI. Health Habits
- VII. Cultural Beliefs
- VIII. Key Cultural Communication Techniques
- IX. Nutrition and Culture
- X. Spiritual and Religious Needs
- XI. Current Utilization of CTs
- XII. Overview of Selected CTs
- XIII. Gender Diversity
- XIV. Preoperative Assessment of Perianesthesia Patients
- XV. Perianesthesia Nursing Considerations
- Chapter 8. The Developmentally and Physically Challenged Patient
- I. Overview
- II. The Developmentally Challenged Patient
- III. Alzheimer Disease
- IV. Hearing Impairment
- V. Vision Impairment
- VI. Speech Impairment
- VII. Spinal Cord Injury (SCI; see Chapter 20)
- VIII. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- IX. Parkinson Disease (PD; see Chapter 6)
- X. Multiple Sclerosis (MS; see Chapter 6)
- XI. Myasthenia Gravis (MG; see Chapter 6)
- XII. Autism Spectrum and Intellectual Disorders in the Pediatric Patient
- XIII. Pediatric Motor/Neurological Disabilities
- Section Three. Life Span Competencies
- Chapter 9. The Pediatric Patient
- I. Classification of Pediatric Patients by Age
- II. Growth and Development Overview (Box 9.1)
- III. Anatomy and Physiology Considerations
- IV. Stressors
- V. Family-Centered Care
- VI. Phases of Perioperative Care for Pediatric Patient
- VII. Preoperative Teaching
- VIII. Preoperative Phase
- IX. Intraoperative Treatment
- XI. Discharge (Box 9.17)
- Chapter 10. The Adolescent Patient
- I. Classification By Age
- II. Growth and Development (Table 10.1)
- III. Adolescent Response to Surgery and Hospitalization
- IV. Family-Centered Care
- V. Phases of Perioperative and Procedural Care for the Adolescent Patient
- VI. Postprocedural Considerations for Adolescents (see Chapters 36 to 38)
- Chapter 11. The Adult Patient
- I. Definitions
- II. Stages of Adulthood
- III. Health, Wellness, and Illness
- IV. Health and Illness Behavior
- V. Stress Response Syndrome
- VI. Stress Management
- VII. Health Promotion and Prevention
- VIII. Preoperative Health History Interview (see Chapter 5)
- IX. Health Teaching-Learning (see Chapter 38)
- Chapter 12. The Geriatric Patient
- I. Overview
- II. Definition of Geriatric or Older Adult
- III. Theories of Aging
- IV. Physiological Changes of Aging: Changes in Both Structure and Function
- V. Psychosocial Consideration for the Elderly
- VI. Elder Abuse (Usually Related to Family or Other Caregiver)
- VII. Pharmacologic Alterations in Aging
- VIII. Considerations Before Surgery (Box 12.1)
- IX. Intraoperative Considerations for the Older Adult
- X. Anesthetic Options for Older Adult Patient (see Chapter 14)
- XI. Postanesthesia Priorities for the Older Adult Patient in Phase I (Box 12.2)
- XII. Postanesthesia Phase II and Extended Observation Phase (see Chapter 37)
- Section Four. Perianesthesia Competencies
- Chapter 13. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
- I. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Overview
- II. Body Fluid Distribution
- II. Physiological Particle (Solute) Distribution
- IV. Hormonal Regulators of Blood Volume
- V. Fluid and Electrolyte-Related Perianesthesia Issues
- VI. Fluid Imbalances (Box 13.2)
- VII. Acid-Base Concepts: Physiology of Chemical Balance
- VIII. Primary Acid-Base Imbalance
- IX. Mixed Acid-Base Imbalances
- X. Physiological Compensation of Acid-Base Imbalances
- XI. Interpreting ABGs
- Chapter 14. Anesthesia, Moderate Sedation/Analgesia
- I. Sedation: A Continuum (Table 14.1)
- II. Presedation Assessment
- III. Procedural Care
- IV. Airway Management and Management of Respiratory Complications
- V. Moderate Sedation, Pharmacological Agents
- VI. Recovery After Moderate Sedation
- VII. Moderate Sedation Risk Management
- VIII. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Sedation and Anesthetic Agents
- IX. Stages of Anesthesia
- X. Local Anesthesia Options
- XI. Regional Techniques
- XII. Anesthetic Induction Agents
- XIII. Opioid Anesthetics
- XIV. Anesthetic Adjuncts
- XV. Volatile Inhalational Anesthetics
- XVI. Gaseous Inhalational Anesthetic: Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
- XVII. Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants (NDMRs)
- XVIII. Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants (DMRs) (Succinylcholine)
- XIX. NDMRs Reversal Agents: Anticholinesterases
- XX. NDMRs Reversal Agents: Sugammadex
- Chapter 15. Thermoregulation
- I. Basic Terms and Definitions
- II. Thermoregulation Physiology
- III. Perioperative Thermoregulation
- IV. Planned Perioperative Hypothermia
- V. Unplanned Perioperative Hypothermia
- VI. Malignant Hyperthermia
- Chapter 16. Postoperative/Postdischarge Nausea and Vomiting
- I. Definitions
- II. Consequences of PONV or PDNV
- III. Etiology of PONV and PDNV
- IV. Incidence of PONV and PDNV
- V. Risk Factors for PONV
- VI. Assessment of PONV
- VII. PONV Plan
- VIII. Prophylactic Interventions
- IX. Rescue Interventions
- X. Complementary Therapies
- XI. Pediatric PONV Therapy Considerations
- XII. PONV/PDNV Nursing Interventions
- XIII. Documentation
- Chapter 17. Pain and Comfort
- I. Pain
- II. Comfort
- III. Pain and Comfort Management
- Section Five. System Competencies
- Chapter 18. Respiratory
- I. Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Respiratory Assessment
- III. Respiratory Pathophysiology
- IV. Pulmonary Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures
- V. Postanesthesia Respiratory Care
- Chapter 19. Cardiovascular
- I. Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Vascular Structure and Function (Fig. 19.3)
- III. Foundations of Tissue Oxygenation
- IV. Pathologies: Congenital Heart Disease (CHD; Box 19.1)
- V. Coronary Artery Disease
- VI. Myocardial Infarction (MI)
- VII. Valvular Heart Disease
- VIII. Other Acquired Diseases
- IX. Assessment and Management
- X. Rhythm Monitoring
- XI. Goals of Hemodynamic Monitoring
- XII. Physiological Variables Affecting Cardiac Function
- XIII. Hemodynamic Evaluation of Cardiac Function
- XIV. Limitations of Hemodynamic Monitoring
- XV. Concepts of Pressure Monitoring
- XVI. Arterial Pressure Monitoring (Arterial Line)
- XVII. CVP Monitoring
- XVIII. PA Pressure Monitoring Via PA Catheter
- XIX. Cardiac Output Measurement
- XX. SvO2
- XXI. Cardiovascular Operative and Invasive Procedures
- XXII. Cardiac Complications (see Chapters 31 and 36)
- XXIII. PACU Admission (Phase I)
- XXIV. Immediate Patient Management
- Chapter 20. Neurological
- I. Anatomy and Physiology of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
- II. Anatomy and Physiology of the Spine and Spinal Cord
- III. Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nervous System
- IV. Assessment
- V. Dynamics of ICP
- VI. Neurological Complications
- VII. Diagnostic Tools
- VIII. Disorders Potentially Requiring Surgical Intervention
- IX. Selected Operative Procedures
- X. Disorders Potentially Requiring Spinal Surgery
- XI. Common Spinal Operative Procedures
- XII. Other Outpatient Procedures
- XIII. Postanesthesia Care for Spinal Surgery
- Chapter 21. Endocrine
- I. Hypothalamus (Fig. 21.1)
- II. Pineal Gland (see Fig. 21.1)
- III. Thymus (see Fig. 21.1)
- IV. Thyroid Gland
- V. Parathyroid Glands (see Figs. 21.1 and 21.2)
- VI. Pituitary Gland (see Fig. 21.1)
- VII. Adrenal Glands (see Fig. 21.1)
- VIII. Diabetes Mellitus in the Surgical Patient
- IX. Pancreas Transplantation and Pancreatectomy (see Chapter 22)
- Chapter 22. Gastrointestinal
- I. Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Pathophysiology
- III. Diagnostic Tests or Procedures
- IV. Intraoperative Concerns
- V. GI Operative Procedures
- VI. General Postanesthesia Care Concerns
- Chapter 23. General Surgery
- I. Overview
- II. Breast
- III. Gallbladder
- IV. Spleen
- V. Esophagus-Stomach
- VI. Appendix
- VII. Intestine
- VIII. Anal-Rectal Disorders
- IX. Hernias
- X. Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid Gland (see Chapter 21)
- XII. Skin
- XIII. Minimally Invasive Surgery/Robotic Surgery
- Chapter 24. Hematology
- I. Overview
- II. Perianesthesia Issues Related To Hematology
- III. Hematology Components: Blood Cells and Clotting Factors
- IV. Coagulation: A Chain of Events To Ensure Hemostasis
- V. Transfusion Physiology: Blood Cell Compatibility
- VI. Administering Blood and Blood Products
- Chapter 25. Renal/Genitourinary
- I. Genitourinary System Anatomy
- II. Adult Male Anatomy
- III. Adult Female Anatomy
- IV. Renal Physiology
- V. Pathophysiology
- VI. Assessment
- VII. Nursing Diagnosis
- VIII. Renal Surgery
- IX. Genitourinary Surgery
- X. Laparoscopy
- Chapter 26. Obstetrics and Gynecology
- I. Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Congenital and Anatomical Abnormalities
- III. Physiological Changes of Pregnancy
- IV. Pregnancy Complications
- V. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
- VI. Obstetric Anesthesia/Analgesia
- VII. Postpartum Care
- VIII. Diagnostic or Preoperative Evaluation
- IX. Gynecological Operative Procedures
- X. Nursing Priorities
- XI. Postanesthesia Priorities
- Chapter 27. Ophthalmology
- I. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye (Fig. 27.1)
- II. Preoperative Considerations
- III. Common Ophthalmic Surgical Procedures
- IV. Anesthetic Considerations
- V. Drugs Frequently Used for Ophthalmological Surgery (Table 27.1)
- VII. Possible Complications of Ophthalmic Surgery
- Chapter 28. Oral/Maxillofacial/Dental
- I. Overview
- II. Anatomy and Physiology
- III. Preanesthesia Assessment and Parameters Specific to Procedures
- IV. Intraoperative Priorities
- V. Postanesthesia Priorities
- VI. Common Operative Procedures (see also Chapters 30 and 32)
- Chapter 29. Orthopedics and Podiatry
- I. Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Pathophysiology of the Musculoskeletal System
- III. Common Therapeutic Devices
- IV. Assessment Parameters
- V. Complications Common To Orthopedics
- VI. The Perianesthesia Experience
- VII. Common Operative Procedures
- VIII. Types of Orthopedic/Podiatric Surgery (Table 29.1)
- IX. Regional Anesthesia for Surgery
- X. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
- Chapter 30. Otorhinolaryngology
- I. Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Pathophysiology
- III. Assessment
- IV. Procedures
- Chapter 31. Peripheral Vascular Disease
- I. Anatomy and Physiology
- II. Pathophysiology
- III. Diagnostic Assessments
- IV. Perioperative Assessments
- V. Procedures
- VI. PACU Nursing Interventions for Specific Vascular Procedures
- VII. Patient and Family Discharge Education (see Chapters 37 and 38)
- Chapter 32. Plastic and Reconstruction
- I. Overview
- II. Anatomy and Physiology
- III. Assessment
- IV. Perioperative Concerns
- V. Cosmetic Body Procedures (Box 32.1)
- VI. Cosmetic Breast and Chest Procedures
- VII. Cosmetic Head and Neck Procedures
- VIII. General Reconstructive Procedures (Box 32.2)
- IX. Breast Reconstructive Procedures
- X. Overview of Burns
- XI. Common Surgical Burn Procedures
- XII. Intraoperative Considerations for the Burn Patient
- XIII. Postoperative Concerns for the Burn Patient
- Chapter 33. Bariatrics
- I. Overview
- II. Anatomy and Physiology of Digestion and Absorption
- III. Obesity
- IV. Bariatric Surgery
- V. Nursing Process
- Chapter 34. Trauma
- I. Overview
- II. Prehospital
- III. Mechanism of Injury
- IV. Stabilization Phase
- V. Diagnostic Studies and Protocols
- VI. Collaborative Approach
- VII. Postanesthesia Care
- VIII. Shock in the Multi-Trauma Patient
- Chapter 35. Interventional Radiology and Special Procedures
- I. Overview
- II. Assessment
- III. Endoscopic Procedures
- IV. IR Procedures
- V. Vascular Procedures (see Chapter 31)
- VI. Electroconvulsive Therapy
- VII. Pulmonary Procedures
- Chapter 36. Perianesthesia Complications
- I. Perianesthesia Setting
- II. Critical Postanesthesia Assessments (see Chapter 37)
- III. Airway Integrity (Box 36.2)
- IV. Cardiovascular Stability (Box 36.3 and see Chapter 19)
- V. GI Issues (see Chapter 22)
- VI. Neurological Concerns (see Chapters 20 and 37)
- VII. Thermoregulation (see Chapter 15)
- Section Six. Education and Discharge Competencies
- Chapter 37. Postoperative/Postprocedure Assessment
- I. Definitions
- II. Postanesthesia and Postprocedural Care Settings
- III. Pacu Phase I Care
- IV. Pacu Phase II Care
- Chapter 38. Discharge Criteria, Education, and Postprocedure Care
- I. Discharge Criteria
- II. Length of Stay
- III. Discharge Scoring System
- IV. Phase I Discharge—Data Collected, Documented, and Evaluated; Consider Relevant Preoperative Status, Including But Not Limited To:
- V. Phase II Discharge—Data Collected, Documented, and Evaluated
- VI. Documentation of Nursing Assessment Will Reflect Patient Met Discharge Criteria
- VIII. Provide Follow-Up for Extended Care As Indicated
- IX. Patient Education
- X. Benefits of Patient and Family Education
- XI. Challenges of Discharge Instructions
- XII. Patient Education and Training
- XIII. Applying the Principles of Learning Allows the Professional Registered Nurse To Prepare an Effective Method of Teaching
- XIV. Assessment
- XV. Nursing Diagnosis
- XVI. Planning
- XVII. Implementation
- XVIII. Discharge Teaching: Side Effects of Specialized Anesthesia Medication (Selected)
- XIX. Postprocedure Follow-Up
- XX. Postprocedure Care/Extended Care/Ongoing Care
- Appendix A. Certification of Perianesthesia Nurses: The CPAN and CAPA Certification Programs
- Appendix B. Testing Concepts and Strategies
- Index
- No. of pages: 984
- Language: English
- Edition: 4
- Published: March 14, 2020
- Imprint: Saunders
- Paperback ISBN: 9780323609180
- eBook ISBN: 9780323639743
Lois Schick