Preface. Sponsors, exhibitors and participants in the industrial track. Committees. Invited Papers. Parallel and distributed computing using pervasive web and object technologies (G.C. Fox, W. Furmanski). Parallel database techniques in decision support and data mining (A. Reuter). Parallel multimedia computing (A. Krikelis). Europort-D: Commercial benefits of using parallel technology (K. Stüben). Applications. Parallel processing for scanning genomic data-bases (D. Lavenier, J.-L. Pacherie). Application of a multi-processor system for recognition of EEG-activities in amplitude, time and space in real-time. (G. Roscher et al.). Solving large-scale network transportation problems on a cluster of workstations (P. Beraldi, L. Grandinetti, F. Guerriero). Parallel probabilistic computations on a cluster of workstations (A Radenski, A. Vann, B. Norris). Photorealistic rendering in heterogeneous networks (D. Fellner, S. Schäfer, M. Zens). Fractal compression of satelite images: combining parallel processing and geometric searching (J. Hämmerle, A. Uhl). Parallel computation of inviscid 3D flows with unstructured domain partitioning: performance on SGI-Power Challenge Supercomputer (E. Bucchignani, W.G. Diurno). Performance and load balancing of diverse parallel implementations of the plasma code HINT (R. Dohmen, U. Schwenn). Performing DNS of turbulent combustion with detailed chemistry on parallel computers (M. Baum). Radio wave propagation simulation on the Cray T3D (F. Guidec, K. Luonen, P. Calégari). Parallel computation of the electromagnetic field of hand-held mobile telephones radiating close to the human head (U. Jakobus). Parallelization of nonlinear robust optimization algorithm (B.A. Tanyi, B. Rustem, J. Darlington). Parallelizing CFX-TfC, a state-of-the-art industrial CFD package (S. Rathmayer, F. Unger). Parallel simulation of flows in sewer network systems (G. Rünger, R. Ruth). Parallel multigrid in the simulation of metal flow (U. Becker-Lemgau et al.). An enhancement of SIMD machine for executing SPMD programs (Y. Takahashi, M. Sano, T. Inoue). Comtinuous wavelet transform on massively parallel arrays (M. Feil, A Uhl, M. Vajtersic). Parallel simulation of coupled oxidation and diffusion in VLSI wafer-fabrication (M.G. Hackenberg, W. Joppich, S. Mijalkovic). Report on a parallel molecular dynamics implementation (P.-E. Bernard, D. Trystram). Simulation of energy deposition in deep x-ray lithography (H. Zumaqué, G.A. Kohring, J. Hormes). Automatic Parallelisation and data distribution. Scheduling block-cyclic array redistribution (F. Desprez et al.). Parallelization of irregular codes including out-of-core data and index arrays (P. Brezany, A. Chaoudhary, M. Dang). Compiling the block-cyclic distribution (C. Germain, F. Delaplace). Unstructured templates for programming irregular grid applications on high performance computers (M. Gerndt). Hierarchical static analysis for improving the complexity of linear algebra algorithms (F. de Dinechin, T. Risset, S. Robert). Semi-automatic parallelization of dynamic, graph-based applications (K. Birken). About the parallelization of climate models (V. Güzow, T. Diehl, F. Foelkel). Direct numerical simulation of turbulent reactive flows using massively parallel computers (M. Lange et al.). Automatic parallelization for distributed memory machines using genetic programming (P. Walsh, C. Ryan). Debugging. Supporting parallel program debugging through control and data flow analysis (D. Kranzlmüller, A. Christanell, J. Volkert). Interactive visualization environment of multi-threaded parallel programs (B. Stein, J. Chassin de Kergommeaux). Maintaining concurrency information for on-the-fly data race detection (K. Audenaert). JiT I: tracing memory references for data race detection (M. Ronsse, K. De Bossschere). An integrated dynamic and visual debugging for parallel applications. (G.-W. On, D.-H. Chi, S.-H. Yoon). Industrial Perspective. High performance technical computing at DIGITAL (J. Pareti). PALLAS parallel tools -- A uniform programming environment form workstations to teraflop computers (W. Krotz-Vogel, H.C. Hoppe). Architectural overview of the HP exemplar V-Class technical server (F.P.E. Baetke, H.V.A. Strauß). Languages. Paradigms for the parallel programming of heterogeneous machines through an interface compiler (D.N.J. Clarke et al.). Higher level programming and efficient automatic parellelization: a functional data flow approach with FASAN (R. Ebner, A. Pfaffinger). On the portability of parallel programs (O. HAan). Design and implementation of a scalable parallel C language (K. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Woo). Porting to HPF: experiences with DBETSY3D within PHAROS (T. Brandes, K. Krause). Networks and Communication. IP multicast for PVM on bus based networks (B. Van Assche). Benchmark evaluation of the message-passing overhead on modern parallel architectures (T. Bönisch, M. Resch, H. Berger). Coupling industrial simulation codes on parallel computers using a communications library (E. Brakke et al.). Flexible communication for parallel asynchronous methods with application to a nonlinear optimization problem (D. El Baz et al.). Runtime library for parallel I/O for irregular applications (J. No, A. Choudhary). Communication performance of gigabit LAN workstation cluster RWC/WSC (K. Kubota et al.). Self-routing in 2-D shuffle networks with dimension-independent switches of size ⪰8x8 (J. Giglmayr). Hyper-systolic routing for SIMD systems (A. Hoferichter et al.). Metacomputing in a regional ATM-testbed - experience with reality (J. Henrichs et al.). Network simulation on the CM-5 by sorting integer conflict functions (M. Grammatikakis et al.). Distributed heterogeneous dynamic computing -- a case study (T. Fink, M.M. Gutzmann, R. Weper). Operating systems and threads. Experiences in building cosy - an operating system for highly parallel computers (R. Butenuth et al.). Architecture virtualization with mobile threads (Y. Denneulin, R. Namyst, J.F. Méhaut). Compiler support for low-synchronization among threads (C.J. Newburn, J.P. Shen). WINPAR - Windows-based parallel computing (A. Bäcker et al.). Parallel Algorithms. A fast algorithm for massively parallel, long-term, simulation of complex molecular dynamics systems (A. Fijany et al.).