Introduction: The Psychopathology of Animal Life
Section I, Animal and Human Psychopathology
1. Psychosomatics in Veterinary Medicine
2. Zoological Garden and Mental
3. Parallels Between Animal and Human Neuroses
4. Experimental Psychiatry and the Humane Study of Fear
Section II, Origins and Symptomatology in Psychopathology
5. Neurotic Behavior
6. Animal Behavior and Mental Illness
7. Stereotyped Activities Produced by Amphetamine in Several Animal Species and Man
8. Animal Model of Depression, I. Review of Evidence: Implications for Research
Section III, Animal Neuroses
9. Some Observations on Neurosis in Farm Animals
10. Spontaneous Neurosis in Chimpanzees: Theoretical Relations with Clinical and Experimental Phenomena
11. Conflict and Conditioned Aversive Stimuli in the Development of Experimental Neurosis
12. Experimental Neurosis in Monkeys
Section IV, Psychoses in Animals
13. The History of a Catatonic Dog
14. Behavioral Analysis of Chronic Amphetamine Intoxication
15. Tonic Immobility in the Rhesus Monkey (Macaca Mulatta) Induced by Manipulation, Immobilization, and Experimental Inversion of the Visual Field
Section V, Animal Addictions
16. Addiction in Animals
17. Tobacco Smoking in Monkeys
18. Behavioral Maintenance of High Concentrations of Blood Ethanol and Physical Dependence in the Rat
19. Evidence from Rats that Morphine Tolerance is a Learned Response
Section VI, Animal Disorders of Personality
20. "Hypersexuality" in Male Cats without Brain Damage
21. The Self-Mutilation of a Male Macacus Rhesus Monkey
22. Behavioral Abnormalities in Young Adult Pigs Caused by Malnutrition in Early Life
23. Prenatal Stress Feminizes and Demasculinizes the Behavior of Males
Section VII, Psychophysiological Disorders
24. Learned Asthma in the Guinea Pig
25. Activity-stress Ulcer in the Rat, Hamster, Gerbil, and Guinea Pig
26. Ulcerative Colitis-Like Lesions in Siamang Gibbons
27. Operant Conditioning of Large Magnitude, 12-hour Duration, Heart Rate Elevations in the Baboon
Section VIII, Specific Anomalies
28. Characteristics of Epileptoid Convulsive Reactions Produced in Rats by Auditory Stimulation
29. Spontaneously Occurring Forms of Tonic Immobility in Farm Animals
30. On the Phenomenon of Sudden Death in Animals and Man
31. The Kindling Effect
32. "Whirling Behavior" in Dogs as Related to Early Experience
Section IX, Disorders of Childhood
33. Toward an Animal Model of Depression: A Study of Separation Behavior in Dogs
34. Stereotyped Behavior of the Infant Chimpanzee
35. Mother-Infant Separation in Monkeys: An Experimental Model
36. The Development of Head Banging in a Young Rhesus Monkey
Section X, Environmental Control Of Anomalous Behaviour
37. Stereotyped Behavior and Cage Size
38. Some Effects of Different Test Cages on Response "Strategies" during Leverpress Escape
39. Circadian Susceptibility to Animal Hypnosis
40. Schedule-Induced Drinking as a Function of Interpellet Interval
Section XI, Treatment of Abnormal Animals
41. Animal Clinical Psychology: A Modest Proposal
42. Breaking the Killing Habit in Dogs by Inhibiting the Conditioned Reflex
43. Monkey Psychiatrists
44. Alleviation of Learned Helplessness in the Dog