V. Prakash Reddy
Dr. V. Prakash Reddy is currently a professor of chemistry at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, United States. He received the Golden Key National Honor Society award for teaching excellence at Case Western Reserve University, and was also a NASA faculty fellow at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. His research interests are in the cutting-edge interdisciplinary areas of synthetic and mechanistic organic- and bio-organic chemistry, drug discovery toward neuronal disorders and other age-related diseases, carbocations, electrophilic reactions, superacids, and organofluorine chemistry. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and patent disclosures, and is also the author of the book Organofluorine Compounds in Biology and Medicine, published by Elsevier.
Affiliations and expertise
Missouri University of Science and Technology, MO, United States