The Myth of the Nonaggressive Female: New Trends in the Study of Female Aggression. Biology Does Not Make Men More Aggressive Than Women. The Aggressive Female Rodent: Redressing a "Scientific" Bias. Hormones and Human Aggression. The Development of Direct and Indirect Aggressive Strategies in Males and Females. Sex Differences in Aggressive Play and Toy Preference. Differing Normative Beliefs About Aggression for Boys and Girls. Gender Differences in Violence: Biology And/Or Socialization? Changes in Patterns of Aggressiveness Among Girls Over a Decade. Patterns of Aggressive-Hostile Behaviour Orientation Among Adolescent Boys and Girls. The Path to Adulthood for Aggressively Inclined Girls. Gender Differences in Coronary-Prone Aggression. Expressions of Aggression in the Life Stories of Aged Women. Cultural Difference in Regard to Female Aggression: Matrifocality and Female Aggression in Margariteno Society. Interfemale Aggression and Resource Scarcity in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. "Women Are Women and Men Are Men": How Bellonese Women Get Even. Female Aggression Among the Zapotec of Oaxaca, Mexico. Lady Macbeth as a Problem for Shakespeare. Female Aggression and Its Social Settings: Sex and Violence in Acali: Six Females and Five Males Isolated on a Raft on the Atlantic and the Caribbean for 101 Days. Sex Differences in Conflict and Aggression in Individual and Group Settings. The Other Sex: How Are Women Different? Gender, Dominance, And Intimate Relations in Social Interaction. Alcohol and Female Disinhibition. Battling Amazons: Responses to Female Fighters. The Ambivalence of Motherhood: The Great Mother. Vicissitudes of Mother's Hate. Vampire and Child-Saviour Motifs in the Tales of Isak Dinesen. Female Aggression in Subhuman Species: Female Aggression Among the Great Apes: A Psychoanalytical Perspective. Aggression in Canine Females. Sex, Drugs, And Defensive Behaviour: Implications for Animal Models of Defense. Aspects of Aggression, Aggressive Arousal, And Sexual Behaviour in Female Hamsters. Aggressive Female Mice and Learning-Sensitive Open-Field Parameters. Aggressive Behaviour in Female Mice as a Correlated Characteristic in Selection for Aggressiveness in Male Mice. Biological Correlates of Attack on Lactating Intruders By Female Mice: A Topical Review. Female Aggression in Mice: Developmental, Genetic, And Contextual Factors. Chapter References.