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Nutrition and Bariatric Surgery discusses nutritional deficiencies and requirements that are often present with diverse bariatric techniques as main mechanisms for weight loss.… Read more
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Bariatric surgeons, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, general practitioners, nutritionists, dietitians and nurses specialized in nutritional management
1. Preoperative nutritional deficiencies
2. Nutritional evaluation and calculation of nutritional requirements in the preoperative course
3. Preoperative diets: LCD, VLCD and commercial supplements
4. Impact of preoperative nutritional intervention on comorbidities: Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and NAFLD
5. Fluid therapy during bariatric surgery
6. Bariatric surgery options
7. Postoperative complications. Indications and access routes for enteral and parenteral nutrition
8. Nutritional treatment in the critically-ill complicated patient
9. Nutritional recommendations after restrictive procedures
10. Nutritional recommendations after mixed procedures
11. Nutritional recommendations after malabsorptive procedures
12. Postoperative vitamin and mineral supplementation
13. Special nutritional requirements in children and adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery
14. Special nutritional requirements in the elderly patient undergoing bariatric surgery
15. Special nutritional requirements in specific situations in women: Pregnanacy, lactancy and post-menopauseal status
16. Follow-up and screening of postoperative nutritional deficiencies
17. Postoperative management of specific complications: Anemia, protein malnutrition and neurological disorders
18. Cookbook for bariatric patients