Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology
- 9th Edition - June 4, 2020
- Authors: Andrew B. Lumb, Caroline R Thomas
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 7 9 0 8 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 7 9 3 4 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 7 9 3 3 - 7
Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology, Ninth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically… Read more

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, Ninth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically challenging situations and environments into which humans take themselves – coverage is from basic science to clinical applications.Trusted for over 50 years
, this most comprehensive single volume on respiratory physiology will prove invaluable to those in training or preparing for examinations in anaesthesia, intensive care, respiratory medicine or thoracic surgery – as well as an essential quick reference for physiologists and the range of practitioners requiring ready access to current knowledge in this field.Now fully revised and updated
, this ninth edition includes a larger page format for improved clarity, as well as full access to the complete, downloadable eBook version. This incorporates BONUS chapters, handy topic summaries, interactive self-assessment material and a NEW series of expert lectures on key topics. The result is a more flexible, engaging and complete resource than ever before.Enhancements to this edition include:
- bonus chapters
- handy chapter summaries
- interactive self-assessment material
- a NEW series of 25 expert lectures focusing on the most essential topics in respiratory physiology
Postgraduate doctors specializing in anaesthesia, intensive care medicine, thoracic surgery and respiratory medicine. This includes both trained doctors (UK consultants, US attendings etc.) and those in training/exam candidates.
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface to the ninth edition
- Videos table of contents
- Part 1: Basic Principles
- 1. Functional anatomy of the respiratory tract
- Mouth, nose and pharynx
- The larynx
- The tracheobronchial tree
- The alveoli
- Alveolar cell types
- The pulmonary vasculature
- Chapter 1 summary—functional anatomy of the respiratory tract
- References
- 2. Elastic forces and lung volumes
- Elastic recoil of the lungs
- Elastic recoil of the thoracic cage
- Pressure–volume relationships of the lung plus thoracic cage
- Static lung volumes
- Principles of measurement of compliance
- Principles of measurement of static lung volumes
- Chapter 2 summary—elastic forces and lung volumes
- References
- 3. Respiratory system resistance
- Physical principles of gas flow and resistance
- Respiratory system resistance
- Factors affecting respiratory resistance
- Muscular control of airway diameter
- Drug effects on airway smooth muscle
- Compensation for increased resistance to breathing
- Principles of measurement of respiratory resistance and closing capacity
- Chapter 3 summary—respiratory system resistance
- References
- 4. Control of breathing
- The origin of the respiratory rhythm
- Central nervous system connections to the respiratory centre
- Peripheral input to the respiratory centre and nonchemical reflexes
- The influence of carbon dioxide on respiratory control
- The influence of oxygen on respiratory control
- Periodic breathing
- Breath holding
- Drug effects on the control of breathing
- Methods for assessment of breathing control
- Chapter 4 summary—control of breathing
- References
- 5. Pulmonary ventilation
- Upper airway muscles
- Respiratory muscles of the trunk
- Integration of respiratory muscle activity
- Neuronal control of respiratory muscles
- Respiratory muscle fatigue and disuse
- The work of breathing
- Measurement of ventilation
- Measurement of ventilatory capacity
- Assessment of the respiratory muscles
- Chapter 5 summary—pulmonary ventilation
- References
- 6. The pulmonary circulation
- Pulmonary blood flow
- Pulmonary blood volume
- Pulmonary vascular pressures
- Pulmonary vascular resistance
- Passive changes in pulmonary vascular resistance
- Active control of pulmonary vascular resistance
- Drug effects on the pulmonary circulation
- Principles of measurement of the pulmonary circulation
- Chapter 6 summary—the pulmonary circulation
- References
- 7. Distribution of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion
- Distribution of ventilation
- Distribution of perfusion
- Ventilation in relation to perfusion
- Dead space
- Venous admixture or shunt
- The effect of scatter of ratios on arterial Po2
- Principles of assessment of distribution of ventilation and pulmonary blood flow
- Chapter 7 summary—distribution of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion
- References
- 8. Diffusion of respiratory gases
- Fundamentals of the diffusion process
- Diffusion of oxygen in the lungs
- Diffusion of carbon dioxide in the lungs
- Diffusion of carbon monoxide in the lungs
- Factors affecting diffusing capacity
- Diffusion of oxygen in the tissues
- Principles of measurement of diffusing capacity
- Chapter 8 summary—diffusion of respiratory gases
- References
- 9. Carbon dioxide
- Carriage of carbon dioxide in blood
- Factors influencing the Pco2 in the steady state
- Carbon dioxide stores and the unsteady state
- Apnoea
- Carbon dioxide carriage during hypothermia
- Outline of methods of measurement of carbon dioxide
- Chapter 9 summary—carbon dioxide
- References
- 10. Oxygen
- Oxygen cascade
- Carriage of oxygen in the blood
- Role of oxygen in the cell
- Transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cell
- Oxygen stores
- Cyanosis
- Principles of measurement of oxygen levels
- Measurement of oxygen consumption and delivery
- Chapter 10 summary—oxygen
- References
- 11. Nonrespiratory functions of the lung
- Filtration
- Defence against inhaled substances
- Chemical hazards
- Processing of endogenous compounds by the pulmonary vasculature
- Pharmacokinetics and the lung
- The endocrine lung
- Chapter 11 summary—nonrespiratory functions of the lung
- References
- Part 2: Applied Physiology
- 12. Pregnancy, neonates and children
- Respiratory function in pregnancy
- The lungs before birth
- Events at birth
- Neonatal lung function
- Premature birth and the lungs
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Development of lung function during childhood
- Chapter 12 summary—pregnancy, neonates and children
- References
- 13. Exercise
- Oxygen consumption during exercise
- Anaerobic metabolism
- Ventilatory response to exercise
- Fitness and training
- Chapter 13 summary—exercise
- References
- 14. Sleep
- Normal sleep
- Sleep-disordered breathing
- Chapter 14 summary—sleep
- References
- 15. Obesity
- Respiratory physiology of obesity
- Impact of obesity on lung disease
- Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- Chapter 15 summary—obesity
- References
- 16. High altitude and flying
- Respiratory system responses to altitude
- Altitude illness
- Flying
- Chapter 16 summary—high altitude and flying
- References
- 17. High pressure and diving
- Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Effects attributable to the composition of the inspired gas
- Types of diving activity and their respiratory effects
- Respiratory aspects of decompression illness
- Chapter 17 summary—high pressure and diving
- References
- 18. Respiration in closed environments and space
- Closed-system anaesthesia
- Submarines
- Space
- Microgravity
- Biospheres
- Chapter 18 summary—respiration in closed environments and space
- References
- 19. Drowning
- Physiology of immersion
- Physiological mechanisms of drowning
- The role of hypothermia
- Principles of therapy for near-drowning
- Chapter 19 summary—drowning
- References
- 20. Smoking and air pollution
- Tobacco smoke
- Mechanisms of smoking-related lung damage
- Air pollution
- Chapter 20 summary—smoking and air pollution
- References
- 21. Anaesthesia
- Control of breathing
- Pattern of contraction of respiratory muscles
- Change in functional residual capacity
- Atelectasis during anaesthesia
- Respiratory mechanics
- Gas exchange
- Other effects of general anaesthesia on the respiratory system
- Anaesthesia in specific patient groups
- Special circumstances relevant during anaesthesia
- Regional anaesthesia
- Respiratory function in the postoperative period
- Chapter 21 Summary—anaesthesia
- References
- 22. Changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure
- Causes of hypocapnia
- Causes of hypercapnia
- Effects of carbon dioxide on the nervous system
- Effects on other body systems
- Hypercapnia in clinical practice
- Chapter 22 Summary—changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure
- References
- 23. Hypoxia
- Biochemical changes in hypoxia
- Mechanisms of hypoxic cell damage
- Po2 level at which hypoxia occurs
- Effects of hypoxia
- Chapter 23 Summary—hypoxia
- References
- 24. Anaemia
- Pulmonary function
- Oxygen delivery
- Anaemia and exercise
- Anaemia in the clinical setting?
- Chapter 24 Summary—anaemia
- References
- 25. Oxygen toxicity and hyperoxia
- Hyperoxia
- Oxygen toxicity
- Defences against reactive oxygen species
- Normobaric hyperoxia
- Clinical effects of normobaric hyperoxia
- Hyperbaric hyperoxia
- Chapter 25 Summary—oxygen toxicity and hyperoxia
- References
- 26. Comparative respiratory physiology
- Designs of respiratory system
- Respiratory systems of major phyla
- Carriage of gases in blood
- Animals at physiological extremes
- Pathophysiology of animal respiratory diseases in veterinary practice
- Chapter 26 Summary—comparative respiratory physiology
- References
- Part 3: Physiology of Pulmonary Disease
- 27. Ventilatory failure
- Pattern of changes in arterial blood gases
- Causes of ventilatory failure
- Relationship between ventilatory capacity and ventilatory failure
- Breathlessness
- Principles of therapy for ventilatory failure
- Chapter 27 Summary—ventilatory failure
- References
- 28. Airways disease
- Asthma
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Chapter 28 Summary—airways disease
- References
- 29. Pulmonary vascular disease
- Pulmonary oedema
- Pulmonary embolism
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Hepatopulmonary syndrome
- Chapter 29 Summary—pulmonary vascular disease
- References
- 30. Diseases of the lung parenchyma and pleura
- Pulmonary collapse
- Pulmonary consolidation (pneumonia)
- Interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis
- Lung cancer
- Pleural disease
- Chapter 30 Summary—diseases of the lung parenchyma and pleura
- References
- 31. Acute lung injury
- Clinical aspects of acute lung injury
- Mechanisms of acute lung injury
- Principles of therapy
- Chapter 31 summary—acute lung injury
- References
- 32. Respiratory support and artificial ventilation
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Noninvasive ventilation
- Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
- Clinical use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation
- Positive end-expiratory pressure
- Physiological effects of positive pressure ventilation
- Ventilator-induced lung injury
- Artificial ventilation for resuscitation
- Extrapulmonary gas exchange
- Chapter 32 summary—respiratory support and artificial ventilation
- References
- 33. Pulmonary surgery
- Physiological aspects of common interventions
- One-lung ventilation
- Lung transplantation
- Chapter 33 summary—pulmonary surgery
- References
- Online Content
- 34. The atmosphere
- Evolution of the atmosphere
- The greenhouse effect
- Turnover rates of atmospheric gases
- Oxygen, ozone and ultraviolet screening
- Evolution and adaptation
- References
- 35. The history of respiratory physiology
- Ancient civilizations
- The renaissance
- Experimental physiology in the 17th century
- Chemistry and respiration
- Early development of current ideas of respiratory physiology
- References
- Appendix A: Physical quantities and units of measurement
- Appendix B: The gas laws
- Appendix C: Conversion factors for gas volumes
- Appendix D: Symbols and abbreviations
- Appendix E: Mathematical functions relevant to respiratory physiology
- Index
- No. of pages: 456
- Language: English
- Edition: 9
- Published: June 4, 2020
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780702079085
- eBook ISBN: 9780702079344
- eBook ISBN: 9780702079337
Andrew B. Lumb
Affiliations and expertise
Consultant Anaesthetist, St James' University Hospital; Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in Anaesthesia, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.