Chapter and main section headings: Nuclear Physics and Basic Technology. Basic concepts. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission reaction. Nuclear chain reaction. The moderator. The four-factor formula. The finite reactor. Heat transfer and fluid flow. Nuclear power reactors. Properties of reactor materials. References. Additional references. Appendices.
Nuclear Power Station Design. Magnox Reactor: Magnox reactor and associated systems. Magnox reactor fuel handling and storage systems. Magnox reactor post-trip heat removal. Magnox reactor electrical auxiliary supplies. Magnox reactor control, instrumentation and protection systems.
Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGR): Advanced gas cooled reactor and associated systems. AGR fuel handling and storage systems. AGR post-trip heat removal systems and essential electrical supplies. AGR control and protection systems.
Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR): Pressurised water reactor and associated systems. Fuel handling and storage. Post-trip heat removal and electrical auxiliary supplies. Control and protection systems. References.
Nuclear Power Station Operation. Operation policy. Irradiation effects on operation and control. Temperature effects in nuclear reactors. Reactor kinetics. Reactor control. Control and instrumentation. Operation management. Fuel management. Condition monitoring. References.
Nuclear Safety. Introduction. Regulatory control. Safety philosophy. Radiological protection. The management of nuclear safety. Emergency arrangements. Decommissioning. References. Appendices.
Index.296 illus.