Nuclear, Particle and Many Body Physics
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1972
- Editors: Philip M. Morse, Bernard T. Feld, Herman Feshbach
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 5 0 8 2 0 2 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 9 5 8 - 1
Nuclear, Particle and Many Body Physics, Volume II, is the second of two volumes dedicated to the memory of physicist Amos de-Shalit. The contributions in this volume are a… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNuclear, Particle and Many Body Physics, Volume II, is the second of two volumes dedicated to the memory of physicist Amos de-Shalit. The contributions in this volume are a testament to the respect he earned as a physicist and of the warm and rich affection he commanded as a personal friend. The book contains 41 chapters and begins with a study on the renormalization of rational Lagrangians. Separate chapters cover the scattering of high energy protons by light nuclei; approximation of the dynamics of proton-neutron systems; the scattering amplitude for the Gaussian potential; Coulomb excitation of decaying states; the and optical potential for pions propagating in nuclear matter. Subsequent chapters deal with topics such as the elastic scattering of protons from analog resonances; internal Compton scattering in a muonic atom with an excited nucleus; and a formal theory of finite nuclear systems. The book also includes a eulogy and recollections of Amos de-Shalit.
PrefaceEulogyRecollections of Amos de-ShalitList of PublicationsRenormalization of Rational LagrangiansOn High-Energy Scattering by Nuclei-IIThe 206Pb(t,p)208Pb and 210Pb(p, t)208Pb Reactions at 20 MeVThe Roton Model of Quartets in NucleiDistribution Methods for Nuclear Energies, Level Densities, and Excitation StrengthsExponentially Small Scattering Amplitude in High Energy Potential ScatteringCoulomb Excitation of Particle-Unstable StatesPions in Nuclear Matter-An Approach to the Pion-Nucleus Optical PotentialResonant Elastic Scattering of Protons from Analog and Compound StatesGroup Theory and Second Quantization for Nonorthogonal OrbitalsFinite Energy Sum Rules for Forward Compton ScatteringIntensity Rules for Partial Widths of Deformed Analog ResonancesRemarks on Muonic Atoms of Nuclear IsomersOperator Products at Almost Light like DistancesFormal Theory of Finite Nuclear SystemsAn Apparatus of the NBC Type and the Physics Results ObtainedFactorization in High Energy Hadron CollisionsAnalysis of Separation EnergiesSemiclassical Theory of a Nuclear Josephson Effect in Reactions Between Heavy IonsCoherent Production of PionsElementary Algebra of the Euclidean Group, with Application to Magnetic Charge QuantizationMeasurements and Models of the Level Structure of 42ScPartons and Their Applications at High EnergiesCore Polarization and the Effective Interaction between Nucleons in a NucleusComposite Models of the Baryons and Electromagnetic DecaysHindrance Phenomena in Unique First- and Third-Forbidden ß-DecayStudy of the 1.704 MeV 1+ State in 206PbTransfer Reactions below the Coulomb BarrierValidity of the Sopkovich ApproximationStrangeness Analog ResonancesProperties of the Breaking of Hadronic Internal SymmetryTwo Body Contribution to the Effective Radius OperatorA Discussion of the Role of Dispersion Effects on Isotopic Charge Density VariationsThe Spectra of near-Magic Odd-Odd Nuclei and the Effective InteractionInvestigation of the 3He→(d→, p)4He Reaction with Polarized Beam and Target at 430 keVNeutron Starquakes and Pulsar SpeedupAn Algebra of Currents and Gradient TermsScaling Properties in Inelastic Electron Scattering with a Fixed Final MultiplicityFresnel Diffraction in DeuteriumOn the Diffraction Model of Transfer ReactionsEvidence for Quartet Structures in the Nickel RegionAuthor IndexSubject Index
- No. of pages: 954
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1972
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780125082020
- eBook ISBN: 9781483259581
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