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Nuclear Fission and Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Sections
A Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Data Committee (OECD) Series: Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data in Science and Technology
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Authors: G. D. James, J. E. Lynn, A. Michaudon
- Editors: A. Michaudon, S. W. Cierjacks, R. E. Chrien
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 9 7 6 - 5
Nuclear Fission and Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Sections is the first volume in a series on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data in Science and Technology. This volume serves the… Read more
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Request a sales quoteNuclear Fission and Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Sections is the first volume in a series on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data in Science and Technology. This volume serves the purpose of providing a thorough description of the many facets of neutron physics in different fields of nuclear applications. This book also attempts to bridge the communication gap between experts involved in the experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear properties and those involved in the technological applications of nuclear data. This publication will be invaluable to those interested in studying nuclear fission and neutron-induced fission cross-sections, as well as other relevant concepts.
List of Abbreviations
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Basic Physics of the Fission Process
II.A Introduction
II.B Various Phases of the Fission Process
II.B.1 Formation of the Initial State
II.B.2 From the Initial State to Scission
II.B.3 From Scission to the Formation of Fission Products (Fast Processes)
II.B.4 Deexcitation of the Fission Products (Delayed Processes)
II.C Some Properties of the Low-energy Fission of Actinide Nuclei
II.C.1 Mass Distribution of the Fission Products
II.C.2 Prompt-Fission Neutron Emission
II.C.3 Kinetic Energy of the Fission Fragments
II.C.4 Energy Balance in Fission
II.D Neutron-induced Fission
II.D.1 Introduction
II.D.2 Fissile and Non-Fissile Nuclei
II.D.3 Fast-Neutron Fission Cross-Sections
II.D.4 Fission Cross-Sections in the Resonance Region
II.D.5 Thermal-Neutron Fission Cross-Sections
II.D.6 A. Bohr's Theory of Fission Exit Channels
II.D.7 Some Effects Associated with a Double-Hump Shape of the Fission Barrier
Chapter III Fission Cross-section Requirements for the Nuclear Energy Program
III.A Introduction
III.B Fuel Cycles and the Qualitative Role of Nuclear Data
III.B.1 Fuel Cycles and Important Fission Cross-Sections
III.B.2 Importance of the Energy Dependence of Cross-Sections
III.C Reactor Calculations and the Quantitative Role of Nuclear Data
III.C.1 Group Averaged Cross-Sections
III.C.2 Reactor Calculations for which Nuclear Data are Required
III.C.3 Sensitivity of Calculations to Nuclear Data Uncertainties
III.C.4 Examples of Sensitivity Calculations
III.D Integral Measurements
III.D.1 Methods for Taking into Account the Results of Integral Measurements
III.D.2 The Accuracy Requirements for Cross-Section Measurements When Integral Measurements are Taken into Account
III.D.3 Examples of the Changes in Cross-Section Measurement Requirements when Integral Measurements are Taken into Account
III.E Summary of Fission Cross-section Requirements for the Nuclear Energy Program
III.E.1 Primary Actinides
III.E.2 Secondary Actinides
Chapter IV Measurements of Fission Cross-sections
IV.A Introduction
IV.B Essentials of Cross-section Measurements
IV.C Measurement Techniques
IV.D Fission Detection
IV.D.1 Fission Fragment Detection
IV.D.2 Fission-Neutron and Fission-Gamma-Ray Detection
IV.E Selected Examples of Fission Cross-section Measurements
IV.E.1 Precise Measurement of the 2200 m/s Fission Cross-Section of 235U
IV.E.2 High Resolution Fission Cross-Section Measurements in the Resonance Region for the Main Fissile Isotopes
IV.E.3 Measurement of the 235U Fission Cross-Section from 1 to 6 MeV
IV.E.4 Measurement of the 235U Fission Cross-Section in the Energy Range 1 keV to 1 MeV
IV.E.5 Measurement of the 235 U Fission Cross-Section in the Fast-Neutron Energy Range (35 keV to 3.5 MeV)
IV.E.6 Measurement of the 238U to 235U Fission Cross-Section Ratio Over the Energy Range 1 keV to 30 MeV
IV.E.7 Fission Cross-Section Measurement for a Short-Lived Isotope
IV.F Data Reduction and Storage
IV.F.1 Data Reduction
IV.F.2 Data Storage
IV.G Data Analysis
IV.G.1 Introduction
IV.G.2 Resonance Formalisms
IV.G.3 Doppler and Resolution Broadenings
IV.G.4 Resonance Analysis
IV.G.5 Resolved and Unresolved Resonance Regions
IV.H Data Evaluation
IV.H.1 Introduction
IV.H.2 Need for Evaluated Cross-Sections
IV.H.3 Uncertainties in Measured and Evaluated Fission Cross-Sections
IV.H.4 Cross-Sections of Fissile Nuclei Below 1 eV
IV.H.5 The 235U Fission Cross-Section from 1 eV to 100 keV
IV.H.6 The 235U Fission Cross-Section from 0.1 to 20 MeV
IV.H.7 Conclusions
IV.I Comparison of Experimental Results with Needs
IV.I.1 Fissile Isotopes; 233U, 235U, 239Pu, and 241Pu
IV.I.2 Fertile Isotopes: 232Th, 238U, and 240Pu
IV.I.3 Secondary Actinides
IV.J Future Measurements
Chapter V Theoretical Methods for Calculating the Cross-sections of Fissionable Nuclei
V.A Introduction
V.B The Compound Nucleus and Hauser-feshbach Theory
V.B.1 The Compound Nucleus^ Independence of Formation and Decay
V.B.2 The Compound Nucleus Formation Cross-Section: Relation to the Transmission Coefficient
V.B.3 Formulations and Models for the Transmission Coefficient
V.C Calculation of Neutron Transmission Coefficients
V.C.1 Statistical Concepts for High Neutron Energies
V.C.2 Nuclear Structure Effects in Neutron Transmission Coefficients
V.D Radiative Transmission Coefficients
V.D.1. Statistical Concepts
V.D.2 Nuclear Structure Effects
V.E Level Densities
V.E.1 Independent Quasi-Particle States
V.E.2 The Blocking Effect; The Independent Particle Model
V.E.3 Rotational States
V.E.4 Experimental Data on Level Densities
V.F Fission Transmission Coefficients
V.F.1 Statistical Concepts
V.F.2 Structure Effects in Fission Transmission Coefficients
V.F.3 Assessment of Barrier Parameters
V.G Computational Methods for Calculating Cross-sections of Fissionable Nuclides
V.G.l Introduction
V.G.2 The Program EVAPF
V.G.3 The Program AVXS
V.G.4 Examples of Calculated Cross-Sections
V.H Conclusions
Chapter VI Conclusion
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 294
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483189765
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