Empowering Progress
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Novel Catalytic and Separation Process Based on Ionic Liquids presents the latest progress on the use of ionic liquids (ILs) in catalytic and separation processes. The book disc… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Novel Catalytic and Separation Process Based on Ionic Liquids presents the latest progress on the use of ionic liquids (ILs) in catalytic and separation processes. The book discusses the preparation of ILs, the characterization of IL catalysts by spectroscopic techniques, catalytic reactions over IL catalysts, separation science and technology of ILs, applications in biomass utilization, and synthesis of fine chemicals.
Scientists, engineers, graduate students, managers, decision-makers, and others interested in ionic liquids will find this information very useful. The book can be used as a springboard for more advanced work in this area as it contains both theory and recent applications, research conducted, and developments in separation techniques and catalysis using ionic liquids.
Industrial chemists and engineers, staff and students of R&D in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biology, and Environmental and Energy Engineering
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Preparation and Characterization of Ionic Liquids
Chapter 3. Properties of Ionic Liquids
Chapter 4. Catalytic Reaction in Ionic Liquids
Chapter 5. Separation Science and Technology
Chapter 6. Biomass Utilization
Chapter 7. Synthesis of Fine Chemicals
Chapter 8. Ionic Liquid Gating of Thin Films