Masculinity, Femininity, and Gender-Related Traits: A Conceptual Analysis and Critique of Current Research
I. Introduction
II. Properties of the Personal Attributes Questionnaire and Bern Sex Role Inventory
III. Conceptions of Masculinity, Femininity, and Sex-Role Identification
IV. Androgyny and Its Vicissitudes
V. What Do the BSRI and PAQ Measure?
VI. Issues Related to Combining M and F Scores
VII. Androgyny as an Emergent Construct
VIII. Issues Related to Mental Health
IX. Masculinity and Femininity as Gender Identity
X. Summary and Conclusions
Volitional Aspects of Achievement Motivation and Learned Helplessness: Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Action Control
I. Introduction
II. Action Control and Achievement-Related Behavior
III. A General Framework for the Theory of Action Control
IV. The Problem of Volition in Various Subfields of Psychology
V. Two Modes of Control: Action and State Orientations
VI. Conclusion
Differential Involvement in Delinquency: Toward an Interpretation in Terms of Reputation Management
I. Introduction
II. Research Strategies
III. The Consistency of Delinquent Conduct
IV. Explanations of Delinquency
V. Delinquency and Reputation
VI. Delinquency as a Consequence of Knowledge Deficits
VII. Motivational Factors in Delinquency
VIII. Conclusions
Acts, Dispositions, and Personality
I. From Acts to Dispositions
II. Act Frequency Research Methods
III. The Comparative Analysis of Dispositions
IV. Dispositions as Modal Human Tendencies
V. Analysis of Individual Differences in Dispositions
VI. Dispositions in the Idiographic Analysis of Persons
VII. From Dispositions to Personality
Personality and Chronic Headache
I. Introduction
II. Classification and Description of Headache
III. Review of the Clinical Observation Literature
IV. Review of Investigations Employing Standardized Psychological Tests
V. Studies on Personality and Headache from the SUNYA Headache Project
VI. Overall Discussion
Contents of Previous Volumes