J.S. Lee, B. Birren, and E. Lai, Introduction to Pulsed Field Gels, Preparation, and Analysis of Large DNA.K. Dewar, L. Bernier, and R. Levesque, Electrophoretic Karyotyping in Fungi.M. Ganal, Isolation and Analysis of High Molecular Weight DNA from Plants.J.A. Rafalski, M. Morgante, W. Powell, J.M. Vogel, and S.V. Tingey, Generating and Using DNA Markers in Plants.S. Morzaria, Genome Mapping of Protozoan Parasites by Linking Clones.U. Rimling, R. Fislage, and B. Tummler, Mapping and Analysis of Bacterial Genomes.R. Wenzal and R. Herrmann, Cosmid Cloning with Small Genomes.C.T. Amemiya, T. Ota, and G.W. Litman, Construction of P1 Artificial Chromosome (PAC) Libraries from Lower Vertebrates.S. Melville, N. Shepherd, C. Gerrard, and R. Le Page, The Selection of Chromosome-Specific DNA Clones from Africian Trypanosome Genomic Libraries.A. Kuspa and W. Loomis, Analysis of the Dictyostelium discoideum Genome.J.D. Hoheisel, E. Maier, R. Mott, and H. Lehrach, Integrated Genome Mapping by Hybridization Techniques.Subject Index.