Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion
At Cornell University Ithaca, New York, August 27 to September 1, 1962
- 1st Edition - September 11, 2013
- Author: Sam Stuart
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 6 1 5 7 - 7
Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion covers the proceedings of the Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion, held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on August… Read more
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Request a sales quoteNinth Symposium (International) on Combustion covers the proceedings of the Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion, held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on August 27 to September 1, 1962, under the auspices of the Combustion Institute. The book focuses on the processes and reactions involved in combustion. The selection first offers information on flame strength of propane-oxygen flames at low pressures in turbulent flow and mixing and flow in ducted turbulent jets. Topics include radial profile of the jetting velocity, radial growth of the jet, and mixing zones of a ducted jet. The text then elaborates on turbulent flame studies in two-dimensional open burners; turbulent mass transfer and rates of combustion in confined turbulent flames; and flame stabilization in a boundary layer. The publication examines the theoretical study of properties of laminar steady state flames as a function of properties of their chemical components and spectra of alkali metal-organic halide flames. The text then takes a look at the thermal radiation theory for plane flame propagation in coal dust clouds; flame characteristics of the diborane-hydrazine system; and studies of the combustion of dimethyl hydrazine and related compounds. The selection is a dependable reference for readers interested in the processes and reactions involved in combustion.
PrefaceThe Combustion Institute1962 Symposium SubcommitteesList of AuthorsIntroductionTurbulent Gas Flames Flame Strength of Propane-Oxygen Flames at Low Pressures in Turbulent Flow Mixing and Flow in Ducted Turbulent Jets Turbulent Flame Studies in Two-Dimensional Open Burners Turbulent Mass Transfer and Rates of Combustion in Confined Turbulent FlamesLaminar Gas Flames Further Study on Flame Stabilization in a Boundary Layer: A Mechanism of Flame Oscillations Flame Propagation in Laminar Boundary Layers On the Structure of Premixed and Diffusion Laminar Spherico-Symmetrical Flames A Theoretical Study of Some Properties of Laminar Steady State Flames as a Function of Properties of their Chemical ComponentsHigh Temperature Spectroscopy Absorption Spectra at High Temperatures. I. The Ultraviolet Spectra of Shock- Heated Cis- and Trans-l ,2-Dichloroethylene Spectra of Alkali Metal-Organic Halide Flames Spectral Emissivity of the 4.3ì C02 Band at 1200°K The Emissivity of Luminous Flames The Thermal Radiation Theory for Plane Flame Propagation in Coal Dust CloudsReaction Kinetics — I Flame Characteristics of the Diborane-Hydrazine System Magnesium-Oxygen Dilute Diffusion Flame Studies of the Combustion of Dimethyl Hydrazine and Related Compounds Thermal Decomposition of Wood in an Inert Atmosphere Isotopic Carbon as a Tracer in Combustion ResearchReaction Kinetics — II The Kinetics of the Carbon Monoxide Flame Bands The Self-Inhibition of Gaseous Explosions A Shock Tube Study of Ignition of Methane-Oxygen Mixtures The Nature and Cause of Ignition of Hydrogen and Oxygen Sensitized by Nitrogen DioxideHydrogen-Oxygen Reaction Rates of Some Atomic Reactions Involving Hydrogen and Oxygen Kinetics in Hydrogen-Air Flow Systems: I. Calculation of Ignition Delays for Hypersonic Ramjets Kinetics in Hydrogen-Air Flow Systems: II. Calculation of Nozzle Flows for Ramjets Catalysis of Recombination in Nonequilibrium Nozzle Flows Energy Transfer from Hydrogen-Air FlamesDetonation and Transition to Detonation On the Generation of a Shock Wave by Flame in an Explosive Gas Spherical Detonations of Acetylene^Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixtures as a Function of Nature and Strength of Initiation Direct Electrical Initiation of Freely Expanding Gaseous Detonation Waves The Growth and Decay of Hot Spots and the Relation Between Structure and Stability A Correlation of Impact Sensitivities by Means of the Hot Spot ModelCombustion Instability Dynamic Characteristics of Solid Propellant Combustion Virtual Specific Acoustic Admittance Measurements of Burning Solid Propellant Surfaces by a Resonant Tube Technique An Experimental Study of the Aluminum Additive Role in Unstable Combustion of Solid Rocket Propellants Participation of the Solid Phase in the Oscillatory Burning of Solid Rocket Propellants Oscillatory Burning of Solid Composite PropellantsCombustion Involving Solids On the Analysis of Linear Pyrolysis Experiments Deflagration Characteristics of Ammonium Perchlorate at High Pressures A Simple Theory of Self-Heating and its Application to the System Ammonium Perchlorate and Cuprous Oxide Turbulent Boundary Layer Combustion in the Hybrid Rocket An Aerothermochemical Analysis of Erosive Burning of Solid PropellantMiscellaneous Studies Drag Coefficients of Inert and Burning Particles Accelerating in Gas Streams Ignition of Mixtures of Coal Dust, Methane and Air by Hot Laminar Nitrogen JetsDiscussion on Detonations Introduction Contribution to the Theory of the Structure of Gaseous Detonation Waves Determination of the Detonation Wave Structure Structure and Stability of the Square-Wave Detonation Reaction Zone and Stability of Gaseous Detonations Vibratory Phenomena and Instability of Self-Sustained Detonations in Gases Optical Studies of the Structure of Gaseous Detonation Waves General Discussions The Onset of Detonation in a Droplet Combustion Field Standing Detonation Waves The Initiation and Growth of Explosion in the Condensed Phase The Shock-to-Detonation Transition in Solid Explosives Shock Initiation of Granular Explosives Pressed to Low Density The Initiation of Detonation in Solid Explosives Theory of Initiation of Detonation in Solid and Liquid ExplosivesDiscussion on Fundamental Flame Processes Some Remarks on the Theory of Flame Propagation Radical Concentrations and Reactions in a Methane-Oxygen Flame Some Observations on the Structure of a Slow Burning Flame Supported by the Reaction between Hydrogen and Oxygen at Atmospheric Pressure The Study of the Structure of Laminar Diffusion Flames by Optical Methods The Decomposition of Ethylene and Ethane in Premixed Hydrocarbon-Oxygen-Hydrogen Flames Some Observations on the Mechanism of lonization in Flames Containing Hydrocarbons Ion and Electron Profiles in Flames A Cyclotron Resonance Study of lonization in Low-Pressure Flames A Study of lonization in Cyanogen Flames at Reduced Pressures by the Cyclotron Resonance Method Fast Reactions of OH Radicals A Study of the Reaction of Potassium with CH3Br in Crossed Molecular Beams Atomic Flame Reactions Involving N Atoms, H Atoms and Ozone A Kinetic Study of Hydrocarbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen Flame Systems and Molecular Weights of Chain Carriers Combustion Studies of Single Aluminum Particles Theory of Transport Properties of Gases Rotational Relaxation and the Relation Between Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity for Some Nonpolar Polyatomic Gases Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions of Flame IntermediatesColloquium on Chemical Reactions and Phase Changes in Supersonic Flow Introduction Rate and Radiative Transfer Processes During Flow in de Laval Nozzles Energy Transfer Processes and Chemical Kinetics at High Temperatures Chemical Reactions in Supersonic Nozzle Flows Complex Chemical Kinetics in Supersonic Nozzle Flow Condensation in Nozzles Gas Particle Nozzle Flows Magneto-Fluid-Dynamic Nozzle FlowColloquium on Modeling Principles The Art of Partial Modeling The Size of Flames from Natural Fires Scale Effects on Propagation Rate of Laboratory Scale Crib Fires A Model Study of the Interaction of Multiple Turbulent Diffusion Flames Some Experiences in Gas Turbine Combustion Practice Using Water Flow Visualization Techniques Modeling of Double Concentric Burning Jets Application of the Water Traverse Technique to the Development of an Afterburner Similarity and Scale Effects in Ramjet Combustors Modeling Studies of Baffle-Type Combustors Examination of the Possibility of Predicting Reaction-Rate-Controlled Flame Phenomena by the Use of Cold Models Semitheoretical Considerations on Scaling Laws in Flame Stabilization Modeling Techniques in Reactor Design Flow Patterns in a Phase Change Rocket Combustion Model Modeling Techniques for Liquid-Propellant Rocket Combustion Processes Theoretical and Experimental Models for Unstable Rocket Combustor Scaling Problem Associated with Unstable Burning in Solid Propellant RocketsColloquium on Reciprocating Engine Combustion Research Reciprocating Engine Combustion Research. A Status Report Knock Reaction Organolead Antiknock Agents—Their Performance and Mode of Action Combustion of Hydrocarbons Behind a Shock Wave Effect of Antiknocks on Flame Propagation in a Spark Ignition Engine Study of Burning Rate and Nature of Combustion in Diesel Engines Flame Studies by Means of Ionization Gap in a High-Speed Spark-Ignition Engine Classification of Fuels: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties in Otto EnginesIndex of Authors and Discussors
- No. of pages: 1118
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 11, 2013
- Imprint: Academic Press
- eBook ISBN: 9781483261577
Sam Stuart
Dr. Sam Stuart is a physiotherapist and a research Fellow within the Balance Disorders Laboratory, OHSU. His work focuses on vision, cognition and gait in neurological disorders, examining how technology-based interventions influence these factors. He has published extensively in world leading clinical and engineering journals focusing on a broad range of activities such as real-world data analytics, algorithm development for wearable technology and provided expert opinion on technology for concussion assessment for robust player management. He is currently a guest editor for special issues (sports medicine and transcranial direct current stimulation for motor rehabilitation) within Physiological Measurement and Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, respectively.
Affiliations and expertise
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation, Northumbria University, UK
Honorary Physiotherapist, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, North Shields, UKRead Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion on ScienceDirect