PrefaceNote on the Computer Programs1 The D.C. Voltage 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Units2 Resistors 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Units 2.3 Resistance Formulas 2.4 Resistor Values 2.5 Resistor Circuits3 D.C. Circuits 3.1 Current 3.2 Units of Current 3.3 Ohm's Law 3.4 Power 3.5 Types of Circuits 3.6 Measurements 3.7 The Wheatstone Bridge4 Network Theorems 4.1 Kirchhoffs Laws 4.2 Superposition Theorem 4.3 Thevenin's Theorem 4.4 Norton's Theorem 4.5 Maximum Power Transfer5 Time 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Units Used 5.3 Conversion of Seconds to Milliseconds, Microseconds and Nanoseconds 5.4 Conversion of Milliseconds, Microseconds and Nanoseconds to Seconds6 The A.C. Voltage 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Voltage Generating 6.3 Instantaneous Value 6.4 Peak, Peak to Peak and R.M.S. Values 6.5 Frequency 6.6 Wavelength 6.7 Average Value for a Sine Wave 6.8 Graphical Determination of R.M.S. Value of a Sine Wave 6.9 Graphical Determination of Average and R.M.S. Values of a Non-Sinusoidal Waveform7 Capacitors 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Units 7.3 Capacitor Formulas 7.4 Capacitor Circuits 7.5 Reactance8 Inductors 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Units 8.3 Inductor Formulas 8.4 Inductor Circuits 8.5 Reactance (Sinusoidal Voltages Only)9 D.C. Transients 9.1 Introduction 9.2 C-R Circuit 9.3 L-R Circuit10 Electromagnetism 10.1 Force on a Conductor, F 10.2 E.M.F. Generated, E 10.3 Magnetomotive Force, F 10.4 Magnetic Field Strength, H 10.5 Permeability 10.6 Total Flux 10.7 Relative and Absolute Permeabilities 10.8 Reluctance, Rm11 A.C. Circuits 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Resistor, R 11.3 Inductor, L 11.4 Capacitor, C 11.5 Series Circuits 11.6 Parallel Circuits12 Phasors 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Addition 12.3 Subtraction 12.4 Multiplication 12.5 Division 12.6 Further Addition13 Transformers 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Transformer Action 13.3 Maximum Power Transfer14 D.C. Supplies 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Battery Connections 14.3 Battery Charger 14.4 Rectifier Circuits 14.5 Power Supply Unit 14.6 Voltage Regulators15 Transistor Amplifiers 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Common Emitter - Static Conditions 15.3 Common Emitter - Dynamic Conditions 15.4 Common Base - Static Conditions 15.5 Common Base - Dynamic Conditions 15.6 Common Collector16 Operational Amplifiers 16.1 Open Loop Amplifiers 16.2 Closed Loop Amplifiers 16.3 Summing Amplifiers 16.4 Subtracting Amplifiers17 Oscillators 17.1 Introduction 17.2 R-C Phase Shift Oscillator 17.3 Wien Bridge Oscillator 17.4 Twin-T Oscillator 17.5 Non-Sinusoidal Oscillators 17.6 Sawtooth Waveform 17.7 Triangular Waveform18 Filters and Attenuators 18.1 Introduction to Filters 18.2 The Decibel 18.3 Low Pass Filters 18.4 High Pass Filters 18.5 Introduction to Attenuators 18.6 Symmetrical T Attenuator 18.7 Asymmetrical T Attenuator 18.8 Symmetrical π Attenuator 18.9 Asymmetrical π Attenuator19 Denary, Binary and Logic 19.1 The Denary System 19.2 The Binary System 19.3 Octal Numbers 19.4 Hexadecimal Numbers 19.5 Logic Gates and Truth Tables20 Two- and Three-Phase Systems 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Two-Phase Supply 20.3 Three-Phase Supply 20.4 Three-Phase Star Connected Load 20.5 Three-phase Delta Connected LoadAppendix Symbols, Abbreviations and DefinitionsAnswers to ProblemsIndex