Chapter 1. In-situ infrared studies of the electrode-electrolyte interface (P.A. Christensen, A. Hamnett). 2. Raman spectroscopic studies of species in situ at electrode surfaces (R.E. Hester). 3. The use of ex-situ UHV techniques to study electrode surfaces (R. Parsons). 4. New hydrodynamic methods (W.J. Albery, C.C. Jones, A.R. Mount). 5. Microelectrodes (J. Robinson). 6. The use of channel electrodes in the investigation of interfacial reaction mechanisms (P.R. Unwin, R.G. Compton). 7. In-situ electrochemical ESR (A.M. Waller, R.G. Compton). 8. Photocurrent spectroscopy (L.M. Peter). 9. Electroreflectance at semiconductors (A. Hamnett, R.L. Lane, P.R. Trevellick, S. Dennison). 10. Ellipsometry (R. Greef). 11. A computing strategy for the on-line accumulation and processing of electrochemical data (J.A. Harrison). Index.