New Frontiers in Rare Earth Science and Applications
Proceedings of the International Conference on Rare Earth Development and Applications Beijing, The People's Republic of China, September 10–14, 1985
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1985
- Editors: Xu Guangxian, Xiao Jimei
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 7 6 7 6 6 2 - 3
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 9 6 3 - 5
New Frontiers in Rare Earth Science and Applications, Volume II documents the proceedings of the International Conference on Rare Earth Development and Applications held in Beijing… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNew Frontiers in Rare Earth Science and Applications, Volume II documents the proceedings of the International Conference on Rare Earth Development and Applications held in Beijing on September 10-14, 1985. This compilation discusses quenching and sensitization of rare earth luminescence, magnetic properties of rare earth intermetallics, and microcapsulated rare earth-nickel hydride-forming materials. The effect of rare earth on the quality and properties of hot-rolled steel strips and role of yttrium in heavy section spheroidal graphite cast iron are also elaborated. This book likewise covers the application of scandium oxide in an electron emission material and study on the effect of rare earth elements on the yield of wheat. This publication is beneficial to researchers and scientists conducting work in the field of earth science.
Luminescence and Phosphors
Rare Earth Lasers (Invited Paper)
The Structure and Excitation of Rare-Earth Luminescence Centers in ZnS (Invited Paper)
Quenching and Sensitization of Rare Earth Luminescence (Invited Paper)
Energy Transfer from Transition Metal to Rare Earth Ions in Oxide Lattices (Invited Paper)
Rare Earth Sesquisulfides: Potential Solar Energy Conversion Materials
Energy Transfer from the Higher Excited States of Mn to Sm in ZnS:Mn, Sm
The Energy Level and Optical Properties of Trivalent Lanthanide
Luminescence of MFX: Eu2+(M=Ca, Sr, Ba, X=Cl, Br, I)
The Similar Centers of ZnS: (Sm, Li)
Luminescence Centers in ZnS:Nd, Na
Excitation of the Luminescence of Trivalent Lanthanides in Sulfides Through Charge Transfer or f→d Transitions
X-Ray Induced Thermally Stimulated Luminescence of NaYF4 Phosphors Doped with Rare Earths
Luminescence of Rare Earth Doped BaMgF4 Under UV and X-Rays
Gamma Ray Induced Thermoluminescence of BaFCl Crystals Doped with Rare Earth Ions
Excitation Spectra and Forward Injection Electroluminescence of Er3+ Ions in ZnS
Preparation and Luminescence Properties of CaS: Sm Phosphors
Energy Transfer from Tb3+ to Ce3+ in CaS: Ce, Tb
The Fluorescent Properties of Tb3+ and Cross Relaxation Between Dy3+ and Tb3+ in Dyx Tby Y1-x-y P5O14 Crystals
The Luminescence of Ce3+ in Some Sulphur Compounds
Parametrization of 4f-4f Transition Probabilities of Na5Eu(MO4)4 (M = Mo, W) Hosts
Application of the "Three Parameters" Theory to the Crystal Field Calculation of Scheelite Related Rare Earth Molybdates and Tungstates
Direct Observation of a Crossing of Crystal Field Levels
Spectra Intensity Parameter of DyP5O14 Single Crystals
Synthesis, Composition, Structure and Luminescence Properties of M2RSbO6:Eu3+(M=Ba, Sr, Ca; R=LA, Gd, Y, Bi) Complex Oxide
Investigation of Fluorescence Properties of Europium 2-Naphthoyltrifluoroacetinate and 2-Furanoyltrifluo roacetinate Chelate
Investigation of Er3+⇌Tm3+ Energy Transfers in LaOBr:Er, Tm
Infrared Transitions in LaOBr: Er3+, Tm3+ Phosphors
Optimization of Color Rendering Properties of Ruorescent Lamps and Their Spectral Power Distribution
A New Way to Improve the Luminous Efficiency of Fluorescent Lamps
On the Luminscence of Perovskite Type Rare Earth Gallates
Luminescence Behavior of Terbium Chelates
Luminescence Life Time, A Tool for Study of Complex Formation
Electron Microscopy of Cathodoluminescent Rare Earth Ions in Thin Films
Magnetism and Intermetallics
A Review of Rare-Earth Permanent Magnets,Applications and Prospects (Invited Paper)
Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Intermetallics (Invited Paper)
Neodymium-Iron-Boron Permanent Magnets by Rapid Solidification
Ce-Didymium-Fe-B Sintered Permanent Magnets (Invited Paper)
Magnetic Moments and Coercivities of(Fe1-xNdx)94 B6 Metallic Glasses
The Magnetic Moment of Heavy Rare Earth Metals
Magnetic Properties of Some Pseudobinary Gd2Co7-Based Compounds
LPE Growth of Narrow Linewidth Single Crystal Films of La3+ -Doped Yig
The Effect of Iron Substitution on the Magnetic Properties of Y2Fe14 B-Based Compounds
A New Type of High Performance Cobalt Free Permanent Magnets
Some Consideration Concerning the Magnetism of R2Fe14B Compounds
Magnetic Properties of R2 Fe14 B Measured on Single Crystals
Magnetic Properties of R2 Fe14 B Single Crystals
Magnetic Anisotropy of Neodymium-Iron-Boron Alloys
Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of R15 B7Fe78
Lanthanide-Iron Magnets
Resonance Studies on Some Rare Earth Compounds
Magnetism and Electronic Structure
Magnetic Properties of R2Co17-xMx Pseudo-Binary Compounds (R=Sm, Er)
A Study of New Substituted Nd-B-Fe Magnets
Magnetic Characteristics of (R,R')2 Fe14 B Systems (R=Nd, R'=Er, Dy)
Mờssbauer Studies of Nd-Fe-B Alloys
A Pulse-Alignment, Heat-Treatable Die Process for Making Co5 Sm Magnets
The Magnetostriction' of Amorphous Alloys TbFe2 ,SmCo5 and Sm2 Co 17
The Development and Design of the REPM Pilot Exciter for a Huge Turbogenerator
Flux Distribution of Radially Oriented Multi-Pole Magnet Ring for High Precision Mint Motors
Rare Earth-Cobalt Permanent Magnet Force Motor
Performance Analysis of Samarium Cobalt P.M. Synchronous Motor Fed from PWM Inverters
The Development and Design of the Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnet D.C. Motor
The Development of the Magnetic Overshot
A Study of Coercivity Dropping at 750°C in SmCo5 Magnets
Hydrogen Storage Materials
Studies of Magnesium Rich Rare-Earth Alloys on Hydrogen Absorption in Vacuum
Storage and Compression of Hydrogen Using Lanthanum Alloys
Microcapsulated Rare Earth-Nickel Hydride-Forming Materials
Chemical Synthesis and Hydrogen Storage Characteristics of Mischmetal-Nickel Compounds
A New Intermediate Hydride in LaNi5 -H2 System
An X-Ray Diffraction Study of Phase Transition of Lattice Gas in LaNi5 Hn
Effects of Hydrogen Absorption on Electric Resistivities of LaNi5 , SmCo5 and LaCo5 Films
LaNi5 Hydrogen Storage Device and Its Efficiency of Purification
A Study of the Dehydriding Kinetics of Rare Earth Magnesium Alloys
Investigation of Separation and Purification of Hydrogen by Using La-Rich MMNi5 Hydride
Molten Salt Electrowinning of Rare-Earth and Yttrium Metals and Alloys (Invited Paper)
The Development of Pyrometallurgical Processing of Rare Earths and Its Problems (Invited Paper)
Some Progress in Study on Preparation of Rare Earth Metals and their Alloys by Fused Salt Electrolysis in China (Invited Paper)
Survey Research on Rare Earth Alloys and Compounds
Recent Developments in USA Rare Earth Technology
The Effects of Rare Earths on the Oxidation Kinetics of Copper
Physicochemical Studies on Electrowining of Mischmetal-Aluminium Alloys with RECL3-KCI·NaCI Molten Salt at Lower Temperature
Studies on Surface Tension,Density and Viscosity of LnCI-KCI·NaCI Melts
A Study of Ageing Effect on an Al-Mg-Si Alloy Containing Rare Earth Metals
The Critical Cooling Velocity of Rare-Earth Modified Al-Si Eutectic Alloy and the Combined Effect of Magnesium and Rare Earth on the Modification
A Study of Some Thermodynamic Properties of Rare Earth Elements in Liquid Nickel and Aluminum
The Technology and Installation of High Temperature Chlorination of Baotou High-Grade Rare Earth Concentrate for the Production of Anhydrous Rare Earth Chlorides
An Investigation on Melting Point and Electrical Conductivity of Fluoride-Lanthana Melt
The Solubility of Some Rare Earth Oxides in Cryolite-Alumina Based Melts
Preparation of RE-Mg-Si Alloys by Silico Thermoreduction of Dolomite
Rare Earth Ferrosilicon Alloy
Applications in Steel
The High Temperature Thermodynamics of the La-O-F and Ce-O-F Systems
The High Temperature Thermodynamics of the La-O-S Systems
Effect of Rare Earth on the Quality and Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Strips
A Study of RE-Si-Fe and CaSi Powder Injection
Characteristics and Behavior of Rare Earth Inclusions in Steel in the Ladle
Accumulation of Inclusions and Segregation in RE Treated Steel
Rare Earths in Iron and Steel Making and Gaseous Desulphurisation
Interaction Between Yttrium and Oxygen, Sulphur, Carbon in Liquid Iron
[Ce]-[O]-[S] Precipitation Diagram in Liquid Iron and its Application
Activity of RE2O3 in Liquid La2O3-Al2O3-CaF2 and Ce2O3-CaO-CaF2 Slags
The Influence of Cerium on the Equilibrium Grain Boundary Segregation of Antimony and the Grain Boundary Migration in Pure Iron
Effect of La on the Isothermal Embrittlement of P-Doped Ni-Cr Steel
The Role of Rare Earths in Low Sulfur 16Mn Steels
Effect of REM on Formability and Toughness of Tool Steel
Influence of RE on Fatigue Life of Steel
Influence of Rare Earth Oxides on the Oxidation Behaviour of Aluminide Coating on Mild Steel
Effects of Rare Earth Elements on Solidification of Steels
Effect of Rare Earths on the Aging Resistance of S20A Steel
The Effect of the Rare Earth Elements on a Steel Used in Sour Gas Well
Effect of Rare Earths on Crack-Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal
The Mechanism of Improvement in the Creep-Rupture Properties of Crl8Ni18Si2 Austenitic Steel by Rare Earth Addition
A Study on Application of Rare Earth Metals in Heat Resistant Steels
The Effect of Rare Earths on the Overheating Susceptibility of the "Clean Steel" with Low S
Applications in Cast Alloys
BCIRA Work on the Effect of Cerium in Cast Irons (Invited Paper)
Influence of Rare Earth Addition to Aluminium-Silicon Alloys and Aluminium Bronzes (Invited Paper)
Behavior of the Ceriuln and Its Alloys for Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Production of CV Cast Iron Using High Sulphur Contained Cupola Molten Iron
A Study on the Role of Rare Earth in Spheroidal and Vermicular Graphite Cast Irons
Content and Micfodistribution of Cerium in Various Phases of Cast Iron
Role of Yttrium in Heavy Section Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Some Rare Earth Containing Inoculants for Gray Cast Iron
The Feature of RCA Inoculant and its Application to Produce Thin Walled As-Cast Ferritic Nodular Iron Castings
The Modification Effect by Microaddition of Misch Metal in a Eutectic Al-Si Piston Alloy
Application of Cerium in a Cast Titanium Alloy
An Investigation on Creep Properties at 300°C of Mg-Y-Zn-Zr Cast Alloys
Effect of Misch Metal on Solidified Structure and Brightness of Al-Mg Alloy
The Vermiculizing Effects of IndiVidual Rare Earth Elements La, Ce, Pr and Nd on Graphite in Cast Iron
A Study on Producing Heavy Section Vermicular Graphite Iron (VGI) Castings with Rare-Earths
Mass Production of Compacted/Vermicular Graphite (C/V) Cast Iron Exhaust Manifold by Using Rare Earth(RE) Containing Alloy
The Metallurgical Behaviour of Rare-Earth Containing Nodullzer in Molten Iron
An Investigation on Producing Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron by the Method of Injecting Rare Earth Free-Silicon Alloy Particles
Application of Rare Earths in Cast Alloys in China (Invited Paper)
An Investigation on the Reduction of Crack in CrMoV Steel Castings by Adding RE Metals
The Effect of Rare Earths on Nucleation in Cast Iron
Applications in Glassess and Ceramics
A Study on Crystallization Property of Optical Glasses in RO-ZrO2-La2O3-SiO2-B2O3 System
Application of Rare Earths in Glasses for Lasers and Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Rare Earth Sulfide and Oxysulfide Glasses
Study of Rare Earth as Suspending Agent in Enamel Slip
Application of Lanthanum in Fiber Optical Glass with High Refraction and Extended Ultra-Violet Transmission
Application of Scandium Oxide in an Electron Emission Material
The Coloring Effect of Praseodymium Carbonate Combined with Transition Metal Ions in Na2O-CaO-SiO2 Glass System
Formation and Structure of Lanthanum..containing Fluorozirconate Glasses
Spectral Absorption of Rare Earth Ions in Silica Glasses
Structural Analytical Investigation of Violet Chameleonic Glaze Containing Neodymia
The Application of Rare Earth Compound in the Decoloring and Coloring of Glass
Miscellaneous Applications
Studies on the Application of Rare Earth Elements to Fruit Trees and Watermelon Plants
Study on the Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Yield of Wheat
Study on the Application of Rare Earths to Rubber Trees
Soluble Rare Earth Elements in Soils
The Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Soybean Plants
The Results of Applying Rare Earth Elements to Rice and Other Crops
Present and Future Situation of Rare Earth Research in Chinese Agronomy
Effects of Rare Earth Elements on Photosynthesis and Photofixation of Nitrogen in Anabaena Azotica
The Investigation of Mutagenicity and Teratogenicity from Rare Earth Compounds
Synthesis and Applications of Diaryl (alkyl) Phosphineoxides of Some Lanthanons
- No. of pages: 833
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1985
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780127676623
- eBook ISBN: 9781483259635
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