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The gradual increase of population and the consequential rise in the energy demands in the recent years have led to the overwhelming use of fossil fuels. Hydrogen has recently ga… Read more
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The gradual increase of population and the consequential rise in the energy demands in the recent years have led to the overwhelming use of fossil fuels. Hydrogen has recently gained substantial interest because of its outstanding features to be used as clean energy carrier and energy vector. Moreover, hydrogen appears to be an effective alternative to tackle the issues of energy security and greenhouse gas emissions given that it is widely recognized as a clean fuel with high energy capacity. Hydrogen can be produced by various techniques such as thermochemical, hydrothermal, electrochemical, electrolytic, biological and photocatalytic methods as well as hybrid systems. New Dimensions in Production and Utilization of Hydrogen emphasizes on the research, development and innovations in the production and utilization of hydrogen in the industrial biorefining, hydrotreating and hydrogenation technologies, fuel cells, aerospace sector, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, as well as bio-oil upgrading. Moreover, the supply chain analysis, lifecycle assessment, techno-economic analysis, as well as strengths and threats of global hydrogen market are covered in the book. This book provides many significant insights and scientific findings of key technologies for hydrogen production, storage and emerging applications. The book serves as a reference material for chemical and biochemical engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, biomedical scientists and scholars working in the field of sustainable energy and materials.
Chemical engineers, biochemical engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, biomedical scientists and scholars working in the field of advanced catalysis and sustainable energy sources
Dai-Viet N. Vo is deputy director of the Institute of Applied Technology and Sustainable Development, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, in Vietnam. He worked as the principal investigator and co-investigator for 23 different funded research projects related to sustainable and alternative energy, and published two books, 15 book chapters, more than 300 peer-reviewed journals including 101 prestigious review articles, and more than 80 conference proceedings. Dr. Vo is an assistant subject editor for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier) and guest editor for several special issues in high-impact factor journals such as the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), Comptes Rendus Chimie (Elsevier), Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier), and Topics in Catalysis (Springer), amongst others.