Order Invariant Unfolding Analysis under Smoothness Restrictions (W.J. Heiser). An Analytical Approach to Unfolding (H. Feger). GENFOLD 2: A General Unfolding Methodology for the Analysis of Preference/Dominance Data (W.S. DeSarbo, V.R. Rao). Maximum Likelihood Unidimensional Unfolding for a Probabilistic Model without Distributional Assumptions (P.M. Bossuyt, E.E. Roskam). Latent Class Models for the Analysis of Rankings (M.A. Croon). The Wandering Ideal Point Model for Analyzing Paired Comparisons Data (G. De Soete, J.D. Carroll, W.S. DeSarbo). Analysis of Covariance Structures and Probabilistic Binary Choice Models (Y. Takane). Two Classes of Stochastic
Tree Unfolding Models (J.D. Carroll, W.S. DeSarbo, G. De Soete). Probabilistic Multidimensional Analysis of Preference Ration Judgments (J.L. Zinnes, D.B. MacKay). Testing Probabilistic Choice Models (P.M. Bossuyt, E.E. Roskam). On the Axiomatic Foundations of Unfolding, with an Application to Political Party Preferences of German Voters (B. Orth). Unfolding and Consensus Ranking: A Prestige Ladder for Technical Occupations (R. van Blokland-Vogelesang). Unfolding the German Political Parties: A Description and Application of Multiple Unidimensional Unfolding (W.H. van Schuur). Probabilistic Multidimensional Scaling Models for Analyzing Consumer Choice Behavior (W.S. DeSarbo, G. De Soete, K. Jedidi). Probabilistic Choice Behavior Models and their Combination with Additional Tools Needed for Applications to Marketing (W. Gaul). Indexes.