New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Microbial Cellulase System Properties and Applications
- 1st Edition - August 2, 2016
- Editor: Vijai G. Gupta
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 3 5 0 7 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 3 5 1 5 - 0
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Cellulase System Properties and Applications covers the biochemistry of cellulase system, i… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNew and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Cellulase System Properties and Applications covers the biochemistry of cellulase system, its mechanisms of action, and its industrial applications. Research has shed new light on the mechanisms of microbial cellulase production and has led to the development of technologies for production and applications of cellulose degrading enzymes.
The biological aspects of processing of cellulosic biomass have become the crux of future research involving cellulases and cellulolytic microorganisms, as they are being commercially produced by several industries globally and are widely being used in food, animal feed, fermentation, agriculture, pulp and paper, and textile applications. The book discusses modern biotechnology tools, especially in the area of microbial genetics, novel enzymes, and new enzyme and the applications in various industries.
As a professional reference, this new book is useful to all researchers working with microbial cellulase system, both academic institutions and industry-based research bodies, as well as to teachers, graduate, and postgraduate students with information on continuous developments in microbial cellulase system. The book provides an indispensable reference source for chemists, biochemical engineers/bioengineers, biochemists, biotechnologists and researchers who want to know about the unique properties of this microbe and explore its future applications.
- Compiles the latest developments made and currently undergoing in the area of microbial cellulase system
- Chapters are contributed from top researchers on this area around the globe
- Includes information related to almost all areas of microbial cellulase system
- Extensive cover of current industrial applications and discusses potential future applications
Bioengineers, Biochemical Engineers, Biochemist, Biotechnologists
- List of Contributors
- Part I: Cellulose Systems
- Chapter 1: Important Roles of the Cellulosome on Degradation of Plant Biomass
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Functions and roles of the C. cellulovorans cellulosome
- 3. A large gene cluster and expression control of the genes related to the cellulosome
- 4. Synergistic effect on cellulosomal subunits and/or noncellulosomal enzymes
- 5. Postgenome studies on C. cellulovorans
- 6. Outlook
- Chapter 2: Fungal Cellulases: An Overview
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Types of fungal cellulase (fungal cellulases)
- 3. Major fungal cellulase producers
- 4. Other notable producers
- Chapter 3: Comparative Biochemistry and Kinetics of Microbial Cellulase
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Sources of microorganisms
- 3. Microorganisms involved in cellulase synthesis
- 4. Classification of microbial cellulase
- 5. Enzyme–substrate interaction
- 6. Specific activity and kinetics of cellulase
- 7. Inhibition of cellulolytic activity
- 8. Catabolic repression and production strategies
- 9. Immobilization of cellulase enzyme
- 10. Synergism with other enzyme complexes
- 11. Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 4: Impact of Microbial Cellulases on Microbial Cellulose Biotechnology
- Abstract
- 1. Microbial cellulose
- 2. Microbial cellulase
- 3. Microbial cellulose degradation/utilization
- 4. Impact of microbial cellulases on microbial cellulose biotechnology
- 5. Outlook
- Chapter 1: Important Roles of the Cellulosome on Degradation of Plant Biomass
- Part II: Diversity
- Chapter 5: Microbial Diversity and Cellulase Production
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulase mechanisms
- 3. Endocellulases
- 4. Cellulase synergism
- 5. Cellulase kinetics
- 6. Cellulolytic fungi
- 7. Cellulolytic bacteria
- 8. Cellulose digestion in soil
- 9. Conclusions
- Chapter 6: Diversity of Microbial Cellulase System
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulose – an insight into structure
- 3. Cellulose-degrading enzyme system – the cellulases
- 4. Diversity of cellulolytic microorganisms
- 5. Carbohydrate-binding modules
- 6. Auxiliary activity enzymes
- 7. Conclusions
- Chapter 7: Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose for Ethanol Production: Fundamentals, Optimal Enzyme Ratio, and Hydrolysis Modeling
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulose structure
- 3. Enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis
- 4. Synthetic enzyme mixtures
- 5. Enzymatic hydrolysis modeling
- 6. Conclusions
- Chapter 5: Microbial Diversity and Cellulase Production
- Part III: Methods and Advancements
- Chapter 8: Rhizobium Symbiotic Enzyme Cellulase CelC2: Properties and Applications
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Biochemical and genomic characterization of rhizobial cellulase CelC2
- 3. Cellulase CelC2 and cellulose: implications in the hydrolysis and the biosynthesis of rhizobial cellulose
- 4. Biotechnological applications: biofilms and agrobiotechnology
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 9: Thermostable and Alkaline Cellulases from Marine Sources
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Microbial enzymes
- 3. Extremozymes
- 4. Marine microorganisms as a potential source of novel enzymes
- 5. Thermostable and alkaline enzymes
- 6. Microbial cellulases
- 7. Thermostable cellulases
- 8. Alkaline cellulases
- 9. Industrial applications of thermostable and alkaline cellulases
- 10. Improvement of cellulase activity
- 11. Conclusions and future perspectives
- Chapter 10: Cloning and Recombinant Expression of a Cellulase
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cloning and expression
- 3. Conclusions
- Chapter 11: Recent Updates on Immobilization of Microbial Cellulase
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Microbial cellulase
- 3. Types of source
- 4. Structure and catalytic activity of cellulases
- 5. Cellulase immobilization
- 6. Effect of different factors on immobilized cellulase activity
- 7. Modern applications of immobilized cellulase
- 8. Future perspective – the challenges in cellulase immobilization research
- 9. Conclusions
- Chapter 12: Molecular Characterization of Nanoimmobilized Cellulase in Facilitating Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Enzyme immobilization on nanomaterials
- 3. Characterization of nanomaterial-immobilized enzyme
- 4. Recent trends in immobilization
- 5. Biofuel cells
- 6. Conclusions
- Chapter 8: Rhizobium Symbiotic Enzyme Cellulase CelC2: Properties and Applications
- Part IV: Applications
- Chapter 13: Cellulase in Pulp and Paper Industry
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Sources of cellulases
- 3. Molecular architecture and mode of action of cellulases
- 4. Application of cellulases in paper and pulp industry
- 5. Treatment of cellulosic paper waste
- 6. Characterization of pulp fibers
- 7. Fiber analysis and modification
- 8. Cellulase biotechnology: future prospects
- 9. Conclusions
- Acknowledgment
- Chapter 14: An Overview of Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes and Their Applications in Textile Industry
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulose structure
- 3. Cellulose-degrading enzymes
- 4. Applications of cellulose-degrading enzymes in textile industry
- 5. Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 15: Applications of Cellulase in Biofuel Industry
- Abstract
- 1. History of lignocellulosic biofuel development
- 2. Current outlook for cellulosic biofuels
- 3. Cellulases and auxiliary enzymes
- 4. The blend wall
- 5. The enzyme production race
- 6. The need for pretreatment
- Chapter 16: Cellulase Application in Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biomass
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulase enzyme
- 3. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass
- 4. Enzymatic hydrolysis of oat hulls
- 5. Enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm
- 6. Enzymatic hydrolysis of grass and weed plant
- 7. Enzymatic hydrolysis of recycled newspaper and pulp
- Chapter 17: Cellulases: Application in Wine and Brewery Industry
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulases
- 3. Mode of action of cellulases
- 4. Role of cellulase in brewery industry
- 5. Role of cellulases in wine industry
- 6. Conclusions
- Chapter 18: Cellulases for Food Applications
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Use of cellulase to improve the extraction and clarification of fruit and vegetable juices
- 3. Cellulase to improve cloud stability and texture, and decrease viscosity of the nectars and purees from tropical fruits
- 4. Cellulases to improve extraction of olive oil
- 5. Cellulases to alter the texture, flavor, and other sensory property characteristics of fruits and vegetables
- 6. Conclusion
- Chapter 19: Cellulase Applications in Pigment and Bioactive Compound Extraction
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Pigments and other bioactive compounds in plants
- 3. Cell wall degradation by cellulases and related enzymes
- 4. Cellulase-assisted extraction processes
- 5. Examples of applications
- 6. Conclusions
- Chapter 20: Identifying Potential Cationic Surfactant – Cellulase and Computational Approaches
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Models based on biochemical and biophysical processes
- 3. Experimental results and discussions
- 4. Conclusion
- Chapter 21: Cellulase in Waste Management Applications
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cellulase
- 3. Classification of cellulase
- 4. Production of cellulase
- 5. Catalytic mechanisms of cellulase
- 6. Cellulase in MSW treatment
- 7. Cellulase in wastewater and sludge treatment
- 8. Cellulase in agricultural waste management
- 9. Cellulase in industrial waste management
- 10. Bioremediation of lignocellulosic wastes using cellulase
- 11. Conclusions
- Chapter 22: Microbial Cellulase Applications in Algal Research
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Biomass
- 3. Food
- 4. Protoplasts
- 5. Pharmaceuticals
- 6. Biofuels
- 7. Immobilization
- Chapter 23: Cellulase in Biomedical Research
- Abstract
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Biotechnical background of cellulose
- 3. Microbial sources of cellulase
- 4. Industrial production of cellulase
- 5. Scope of cellulase use in industry
- 6. Use of cellulases in biosciences
- 7. Conclusion
- Chapter 13: Cellulase in Pulp and Paper Industry
- Index
- No. of pages: 300
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 2, 2016
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444635075
- eBook ISBN: 9780444635150