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This book addresses the possibilities provided by scattering techniques in the study of soft matter. It fills the gap between the fundamental scattering processes, which are… Read more
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Peter Lindner worked as a soft-matter scientist at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France for 35 years. He is an expert in small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and has been responsible for the SANS instrument D11 for 25 years. He oversaw the coordination of its user operation and was project leader of instrument upgrades and sample environment development, in particular of SANS experiments under non-equilibrium conditions and online rheology. Among others, his research interests lie in the structure and dynamics of complex fluids, like polymer solutions, colloidal dispersions and lyotropic lamellar phases, which are exposed to external fields, such as shear.
In 1990 he founded, together with Thomas Zemb, the Bombannes Summer School on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter. Together, they published in 1991 the lecture notes of the first Bombannes school (Elsevier North Holland Delta Series, 1991) and edited the first edition of this book with Elsevier in 2002.
Julian Oberdisse has been working for the past 20 years at the University of Montpellier, France, on the experimental determination of microstructures and dynamics of soft matter (self-assembled systems, colloids, polymer nanocomposites). His main techniques are small-angle scattering of neutrons and X-rays, complemented by computer simulations, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and light scattering. He is also strongly involved in the advisory boards of European research centers on neutron scattering. After having been a Bombannes student in 1996 and teaching there since 2004, he is currently co-organizing the Bombannes Summer School with Peter Lindner.