Empowering Progress
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Neurophysiology of Silence, Volume 277 in the Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field, including chapters on Mindfulness, mind wandering and creati… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
1. Letting it go: The interplay between mindfulness, mind wandering and creativity
Narayanan Srinivasan
2. Evaluating brain spectral and connectivity differences between silent mind-wandering and trance states
Helané Wahbeh, Cedric Cannard and Arnaud Delorme
3. Quadrato Motor Training influences IL-1β expression and creativity: implications for inflammatory state reduction and cognitive enhancement
Sabrina Venditti, Loredana Verdone, Fabio Marson, Micaela Caserta, Michele Zampieri, Anna Reale, Maria Giulia Bacalini, Valerio Vetriani and Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan
4. Personality traits and environment: The effects of observing visual art on verbal creativity
Rotem Leshem, Shahar Himan Heltai and Nira Mashal
5. The cloud of unknowing: Cognitive dedifferentiation in whole-body perceptual deprivation
Joseph Glicksohn and Michele Pellegrino
6. Measures of music-like experience emergent in a sonic ganzfeld: an example of perceptual structuring on the edge of silence.
Mark A. Elliott, Graeme Porter and Yoshitaka Nakajima
7. Increased relaxation, less boredom, and a faster passage of time during a period of silence in the forest.
Eric Pfeifer, Kerstin Pothmann, Sefan Claaßen and Marc Wittmann
8. Embodied empathy and abstract concept concreteness from the contemplative practice framework
Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan, Fabio Marson, Revital Naor-Ziv, Patrizio Paoletti and Filippo Carducci