Editors Preface
Third International Congress of Neuropathology
Discussian du theme: pathologie des maladies demye1inisantes
Uber die Ergebnisse der einmaligen Bestrahlung der trachtigen Maus
Summary and Comments on Papers and Discussions on the Topic. "Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis"
The Effect of Irradiation by X-Rays by the Course and Pathology of Rabies in Mouse
The Effect of Irradiation by X-Rays by the Course and Pathology of Rabies in Mouse
Morphology and Histochemistry of Degenerative Axonal Changes in the Central Nervous System
The Neuropathological and Topographical Study of Whole Brains following Neutron Capture Therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme
Effects of Atomic Radiation on the Brain in Man. A Study of the Brain of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Casualties
Recent Observations on Nervous Tissue In Vitro
Dr. Seitelbergers Entgegnung
Experimental Tests to the Question of the Fonnal Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis
Histochemical Findings on Leukodystrophy, (Degenerative Diffuse Sclerosis of the Type Scholz, Bielschowsky and Henneberg)
L'encephalite periveineuse gliogene demyelinisante primitive
Subacute inclusion Encephalitis in the Middle-Aged
Experimental Encephalomyelitis
Color in Unfixed State and Histological-Chemical Structure of the Plaques of Multiple Sclerosis
Encephalitogenic Activity of Bovine Cord Protein Fractions
Die eosinophile Allgemein-Reaktion der peripheren Nerven nach experimenteller Entmarkung
Cerebral Ultrasonotomy
Les maladies demyelinisantes: situation de la sclerose en plaques vis-a-vis de leur classement
Jakob-Creutzfeldt Syndrome. (A Clinical Pathological Report of an Unusual Case)
Neurological Effects, Immunological Reactions and Neuro-Pathological Findings in Monkeys Fed or Injected with Calf Brain
The Rotation Process of Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Micro-Organisms and Tissue Cells in the Pathology of Demyelinating Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurolyses, Etc.
Morphologische Analogien zu den Herden der multiplen Sklerose und ihre Deutung
The Blood-Nerve Barrier in Experimental Animals and Its Influence on the Distribution of Demylineative Lesions in Experimental Allergic Neuritis and Diphtheritic Neuritis
Histochemistry of Changes Occurring in Degenerating Myelin
An Experimental Neuropathological Study of the Effects of Ultrasound on the Brain of the Cat
The State of Nervous Tissue Acetylcholinesterase as Detennined by Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation Inactivation
The Effect by the Hypophysis of Radio-Yttrium
The Effect by the Hypophysis of Radio-Yttrium
The Radioresistance of Peripheral Nerve
The Effects on Brain Tumors of Betatron Radiation. A Clinico-Pathological Report of 3 Cases Irradiated After Tumor Removal
L'influence de l'honnone epiphysaire,de If} cortisone et de la thyroxine sur l'incorporation du pu dans les differents segments de I'encephale chez Ie rat
Dynamics of the Distribution of Labeled Drugs in Different Parts of the Rat's Brain
The Effects of Roentgen Radiation on Experimentally Induced Gliomas. II.Studies Using the Ultraviolet Microscope
Spatschadigung des Ruckenmarkes bei Rontgenbestrahlung
The Acute Morphological Changes Induced in the Central Nervous System of Monkeys by Gamma Radiation
Effects of Beta Rays by a Single Nerve Fiber
The Cerebral Migration of Radioisotopes with Special Reference to Autoradiograms
Neurosecretion as a Neuronal Process
Modifications du contenu proteinique des neurones des voies optiques a differents niveaux pendant des activites fonctionnelles variees et pendant la narcose a l'heptane
Etude de quelques composes histochimiques dans Ie ganglion cervical superieur chez l'homme apres stimulation electrique
Experimental Nutritional Degeneration of the Anterior Horn Motor Cells in Guittea-Pigs
A propos des lesions du globus pallidus dans les myopathies
L'etat hyperchromophile des cellules nerveuses
Cytologie des tumeurs nerveuses
Nature pseudo-Iesionnelle des 'cellules sombres' en neuropathologie: Etude duchoc et de l'asphyxie
Cytochemical Alterations of Neurons Induced by Psychopathogenic Nitriles
The Retinal Lesions in Some Viral Infections of Animals
The Pathology of H. Influenza Meningitis
Histopathology of Nerve-Cells and Neuroglia of the Central Nervous System in Trauma and Degenerative Disease
Palaeocerebellar Atrophy with Extrapyramidal Manifestations in Association with Bronchiectases and Telangiectases of the Conjunctiva Bulbi as a Familial Syndrome
Progressive Cerebral Degeneration Affecting both the White and Gray Matter
The Vascular Patholoky of Certain Extrapyramidal Syndromes in the Elderly
On Population Genetics of Huntington's Chorea in Japan
The Parvocellular Red Nucleus and Its Descending Connections to the Inferior Olive
Sur une forme particuliere d' atrophie lamellaire des cellules de Purkinje
Atrophy of the Brain and Status Mannoratus as an Intrauterine Disease
The Pathology of Friedreich's Ataxia
Remarks Abstracting the Papers of Messrs. Biemond, Sedgwick and Von Hagen, Urich, Sager and Hornet, Tadros and Sorour, Ogawa
Diabetic 'Myelopathy' with Formation of Aberrant Nerve Fibers in the Spinal Cord
A Histoautoradiographic Study of Changes in Motoneurones Following Denervation. Incorporation of Methionin
Les lesions cerebrales de l'avitaminose B12
Role of Ethanol in the Production of Prematurity and Neurological Defects
Functional and Morphological Changes following Anoxia of the Brain and Attempt to Influence Them
Cerebellar Astrocytomas
Brainstem Involvement in Collagen Vascular Diseases
Carotico-Vertebral Arterial Stenosis
Epithelioma cylindromateux du palais; syndrome paralytique unilateral des nerfs craniens; propapgation tumorale 'hodotropique' le long de la pie-mere medullaire et dans les racines et ganglions rachidiens
Le ventriculocele - une malformation congenitale cranio - cerebrale peu connue
Etude clinique, chirurgicale et histologique d'un cas de gangliogliome du cervelet
The Influence of Cysticercosis on the Formation of Brain Tumors
A propos des hemangioblastomes du cerveau
Diagnostic Value of Muscle Tissue Culture
Polarisationsoptische Untersuchungsbefunde der Extremitatenmuskulatur bei chronischen peripheren Durchblutungsstorungen
Degeneration and Regeneration of Intramuscular Nerve Endings (Study of Nerve Endings in Over 100 Biopsies)
L' energie vibratoire et la pathologie de l'organe de l'ouie
A Comparative Study of Certain Olfactory Centers in the Mole, Guinea Pig, Cat and Man
Observations on the Mechanism of the Neurological Complications of Behcet's Disease
Retention of Visual Habits after Serial Temporal and Parietal Lesions in Macaques
Weight, Atrophy and Repair in the Very Old Human Brain. Findings in the Brain of Eight Patients Over 90 Years of Age
Functional Localization in the Cerebellum: A Clinico-Pathological Report
Some Comments on the Pathological Cavity in the Brain
Contribution ala connaissance de la degeneration d' Alzheimer dans la come d' Ammon
Contribution to the Histological Study of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System under Acute Poisoning from Potassium Atractylate
Histochemical Study on the Modifications of Nucleic Ducleo-Cytoplasmic Acids in the Cerebrospinal Nervous System and in the Various Exfernal and Internal Organs of Pigeons, Rats, Guinea-Pigs and Rabbits Under Acute Experimental Poisoning From Potassium Atractylate