- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Author: R. Lindsay Rea
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 5 6 3 - 6
Neuro-Ophthalmology provides information pertinent to the neuro-ophthalmological examination of the eye. This book discusses the anatomy and function of the eye as well as its… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNeuro-Ophthalmology provides information pertinent to the neuro-ophthalmological examination of the eye. This book discusses the anatomy and function of the eye as well as its various diseases. Organized into 17 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the various equipment and methods used in the examination of the eye, including the Snellen's test type, a 13 dioptre lens, and electric ophthalmoscope. This text then discusses the principal reactions of the normal pupil, including the direct light reflex, reflex to accommodation, the spino-pupillary reflex, the psychical reflex, the orbicularis reflex, and the oculo-sensory reflex. Other chapters consider the anatomy of the muscles and nerves of the eye as well as it adnexa. This book discusses as well the condition of optic atrophy and its various types. The final chapter deals with the distinction between headache and neuralgia. This book is a valuable resource for ophthalmic surgeons and ophthalmologists.
I. Equipment Necessary for the Examination of the Eye Test Types Lens Ophthalmoscopes Perimeters Scotometer Traveling CaseII. The Pupil and its Reactions Anatomy of Iris Reactions of the Normal Pupil Afferent and Efferent Paths for Light Stimuli Wernicke's Hemianopic Pupil Reaction Hemikinesimeter Hippus Tonic Pupils Reflex Iridoplegia Argyll Robertson Pupil Fixed Pupil Appearance of Tabetic Iris Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems Anisocoria Humoral Transmission of Nerve ImpulseIII. The Muscles and Nerves of the Eye and Its Adnexa Extraocular Muscles Movements of Eye Muscles Paralyses Wolffs Kink Paralysis of Sixth Nerve Paralysis following Spinal Anæsthesia Diplopia in Arterio-Sclerosis Diplopia following Motor Accidents Oculo-Motor Nerve Nucleus Lenticular Ganglion Charlin's Syndrome of Nasal Nerve Neuralgia of Eye Paralysis of Facial Nerve Vidian Neuralgia Petrosal Nerves Lacrymal Gland Hypersecretion and Diminution of Secretion Causes of Ocular Palsies Situation of Lesions Nystagmus Etiology Binocular Vision Diplopia General Symptoms of Paralysis Special Symptoms Heterophoria Examination of Muscle Balance Conjugate Ocular MovementsIV. Papillcedema Appearance of Normal Fundus The Disc in Papillcedema Occurrence State of Vision Measurement of Papillcedema Changes in Development Causation Pathology Etiology Pseudo-Papillcedema Recurrence Associated with Escape of Cerebrospinal Fluid PrognosisV. Optic Atrophy Primary and Consecutive Etiology Atrophy following Hæmorrhage Delayed Atrophy Hereditary Optic Atrophy Amaurotic Family Idiocy Retinitis Pigmentosa Types of Optic Atrophy PathologyVI. Visual Tracts and Cortical Representation of Vision Optic Nerves Chiasma Tracts Primary Visual Centers Medullary Optic Lamina Visual Cortex of Brain Central Connections Vascular Supply of Visual PathwayVII. The Interpretation and Location of Lesions in the Visual Pathway as Shown by the Perimeter Self-Recording Perimeter Confrontation Perimetry Lesions of Optic Nerve Lesions of Chiasma Quadrantic Hemianopia Lesions of Optic Tract, Lateral Geniculate Body and Geniculo-Calcarine Pathway Injury to Optic RadiationsVIII. The Macula Structure Ophthalmoscopic Appearance Related to Diseases of Nervous System Infantile and Juvenile Amaurotic Family Idiocy Symptoms and Diagnosis Niemann-Pick Disease Familial Occurrence of Coloboma Associated with Apical Dystrophy of Hands and Feet Retinal Abiotrophy Macular Disease, Non-Familial Lowered Visual AcuityIX. Localizing Value of Ocular Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Brain Mid-Brain Lesions Tumours of Pineal Gland Pontine Lesions Syndromes: Weber's, Parinaud's, Benedikt's, Millard Gubler's, Foville's, Horner's, Gradenigo's Medullary Lesions Frontal Lobe Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobes Region of Third Ventricle Optic Thalamus Cerebellum Cerebello-Pontine Fourth Ventricle Cerebral Abscess Tuberculous Meningitis Pachymeningitis of Infancy Acute Leptomeningitis Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis Encephalitis Lethargica Oculogyral Spasm Acute Serous Encephalitis Superior Encephalitis Strumpet's Encephalitis Extrapyramidal Syndrome Paralysis Agitane Parkinsonianism Sequel to Encephalitis Lethargica Arterio-Sclerotic ParkinsonianismX. Abnormalities: Congenital and Degenerative Subarachnoid Hæmorrhage Hepato-Lenticular Degeneration (Wilson's Disease) Kayser-Fleischer Ring Torsion Spasm Chorea Oxycephaly Dysostosis Cranio-Facialis Corneal Opacities with Bony Changes and Mental Deficiency Ocular Hypertelorism Morquio's Disease Osteitis Deformane Diabetic Exophthalmos Dysostosis Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome Leontiasis Ossea Mongolian Idiocy Hydrocephalus Little's Disease Otitic Hydrocephalus Fractures of Base of Skull Dermoid and Hydatid Cysts of Cranial Bone Intracranial Aneurysms Subarachnoid Hæmorrhage Diagnosis before and after Rupture Intracranial Hæmorrhage in Infancy and Childhood Pulsating Exophthalmos Thrombosis of Cavernous Sinus, Superior Longitudinal and Lateral Sinuses Word-Blindness, Acquired and Congenital Mirror-Writing Mind-Blindness Amnesic Color Blindness Visual Hallucinations Albers-Schönberg's Disease Morgagni's Intracranial HyperostosisXI. Tumours of the Optic Nerve Intraocular, Intraorbital and Intracranial Involvement Types of Tumor Hudson's Cases Endotheliomata Age Incidence Symptomatology Causes of Unilateral Exophthalmos Hertel's Exophthalometer Visual Fields Fundus Changes Defective Muscular Movement Enlargement of Optic Canal X-Ray Technique Skiagrams Tumors of Intracranial Portion of Optic Nerve Diagnosis Fields of Vision Radiography Inflammatory Pseudo-Tumors of Orbit Treatment of Tumors of Optic NerveXII. The Region of the Optic Chiasm and Pituitary Body Principal Types of Chiasm Intrasellar and Suprasellar Tumors Aneurysms Chronic Basal Arachnoiditis Signs and Symptoms of Pituitary Disease Skiagram of Pituitary Fossa Table showing Differential Diagnosis Treatment of Pituitary Tumors by X-Ray TherapyXIII. Ocular Manifestations in Diseases of the Nervous System Syphilis of the Nervous System Third-Generation Syphilis Secondary Neurosyphilis Tertiary Meningo-Vascular Syphilis Hemiplegia Gumma of the Brain Tabes Dorsalis Congenital Neurosyphilis Juvenile Tabes Juvenile Paresis General Paralysis Retrobulbar Neuritis Disseminated Sclerosis Neuro-Myelitis Optica Migraine Ophthalmoplegic Migraine Epilepsy Primary Thyrotoxicosis Secondary Thyrotoxicosis Myasthenia Gravis Ocular Lesions associated with the Trigeminal Nerve Neuroparalytic Keratitis Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Herpes Febrilis The Phakomatoses: Tuberose Sclerosis Lindau's Disease von Recklinghausen's Disease Spasmus Nutans Gerlier's Disease Chronic Progressive Ophthalmoplegia Hereditary Ophthalmoplegia Externa Irido-Cyclitis-Parotitis-Polyneuritis Uveitis with Associated Alopecia, Poliosis, Vitiligo and Deafness Spinal Cord Injuries Thrombosis Hæmatomyelia Klumpke's Syndrome Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis Acute Ascending Paralysis Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Cord Hypertrophic Cervical Meningitis Friedreich's Ataxia Marie's Ataxia Sanger-Brown's Ataxia Myelitis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Syringomyelia The Amyotrophies Myotonia Congenita Myotonia Atrophica Cataract in Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Type MyopathiC Atrophy Neuritic Muscular Atrophy Functional Nervous Disease Neurasthenia Anxiety Neurosis Hysteria Traumatic Neurosis Psychoses Melancholia Paranoia Dementia Præcox Epileptic Insanity Delirium TremensXIV. Affections of the Vegetative Nervous System Diencephalic Autonomic Epilepsy Cervical Sympathetic Homer's Syndrome Angioneurotic (Edema —Progressive Facial Hemiatrophy Surgery of the Sympathetic Nervous SystemXV. Ocular Manifestations of Head Injuries Classification of Cerebral Traumas Traumatic Orbital Aneurysm Ocular Symptoms Delayed Blindness Cranial Nerve Palsies Summary of Symptoms of Fracture of Base of Skull Extradural Hæemorrhage Subdural Hæmorrhage Chronic Subdural Hæmatoma Head Injuries in Children Corneal Reflex ArteriographyXVI. Poisons Which Affect Vision Acetylcholine Alcohol Methyl-Alcohol Poisoning Arsenic Atropine Carbon-Monoxide Poisoning Cocaine Filix Mas Iodoform Lead Morphine and Opium Physostigmine Quinine Quinidine Optochin Santonin Sodium Salicylate Strychnine Sulphonal and Barbitone Tobacco Vitamins in Ophthalmology and Neurology Pellagra Beri-Beri Central Neuritis of Jamaica Diabetes Nervous and Mental Complications in Diabetes Diphtheria Cerebrospinal Fever Leprosy BotulismXVII. Headache and Amaurosis Headache and Neuralgia Intracranial Regulation of Pressure Pituitary Headache Migraine Intracranial Hæmorrhage and Thrombosis Gun Headache Subacute Serous Meningitis Encephalitis Lethargica Syphilis Ocular Causes of Headache Refraction Retinal Irritation Organic Disease Eyestrain Amaurosis Hysterical Brain Fatigue MalingeringNeuro-Ophthalmological Examination of the Eyes
- No. of pages: 590
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483195636
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