Neural Crest and Placodes
- 1st Edition, Volume 111 - February 3, 2015
- Editor: Paul Trainor
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 0 7 7 5 9 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 0 7 8 9 0 - 1
Neural Crest and Placodes provides in-depth coverage of the topic, including information on their critical role in vertebrate development, evolution, and the way defects in th… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNeural Crest and Placodes provides in-depth coverage of the topic, including information on their critical role in vertebrate development, evolution, and the way defects in their development underlie a wide range of congenital disorders. It delves deep into advances made in our understanding of the mechanisms governing the formation, migration, and differentiation of these two cell populations, also discussing their integration during embryonic development.
The text highlights the application of fundamental knowledge in investigating the etiology and pathogenesis of congenital disorders and the ways the data applies to the field of regenerative medicine.
- Written by leading experts in the field
- Includes descriptions of the most recent advances in the field
- Highlights the applications of this knowledge in investigating the etiology and pathogenesis of congenital disorders
- Explores their usage in the field of regenerative medicine
- Preface
- Section A: Neural Crest Cells
- Chapter One: Neural Crest Cell Evolution: How and When Did a Neural Crest Cell Become a Neural Crest Cell
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Defining Neural Crest Cells
- 3 Chordate Evolution and Vertebrate Origins
- 4 Neural Crest Cell Origin
- 5 Neural Crest Cell Evolution in Vertebrates
- 6 Cranial Neural Crest Cell Gene Regulatory Network
- 7 Evolution of Neural Crest Cell Gene Regulatory Networks
- 8 Conclusions and Perspectives
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Two: Resolving Time and Space Constraints During Neural Crest Formation and Delamination
- Abstract
- 1 Integrating Space During NCC Induction and Specification: Roles of Cell Movements and Cadherin-Mediated Cell Sorting
- 2 Coordinating NCC Delamination Timely and Spatially: Regulation of Cadherin Activity
- 3 Coordinating NCC Specification and Delamination: Spatiotemporal Control of the Core EMT Regulatory Factors
- 4 Spatial Control of the Activity of the Zeb-2 Transcription Factor
- 5 Future Prospects
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Three: Extended Multipotency of Neural Crest Cells and Neural Crest-Derived Cells
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Postmigratory NCSC: Multipotent Cells are Maintained in the Tissues
- 3 Cultured NCSC-Like Cells Originating from the Hair Follicle and Dermis
- 4 Retention of Multipotency in Differentiated NCC-Derived Cells
- 5 Maintained Multipotency in Postmigrating NCC and NCC Derivatives
- 6 Remarks on the Origin of Melanomas
- 7 Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Four: The Ciliary Baton: Orchestrating Neural Crest Cell Development
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Primary Cilium: Defining the Organelle
- 3 The Role of Primary Cilia during NCC Ontogeny
- 4 Craniofacial Phenotypes in Animal Models and Human Patients Support a Role for Primary Cilia in NCC Development
- 5 Beyond the Face: Trunk NCCs are Also Affected by the Loss of Primary Cilia
- 6 NCCs Utilize Primary Cilia for Tissue–Tissue Interactions
- 7 The Role for Primary Cilia in Molecular Signal Transduction
- 8 Conclusions
- Chapter Five: Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling: Regulating Neural Crest Development One Phosphate at a Time
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 RTK Signaling in Mammalian NCC Development
- 3 Current Methods to Investigate RTK Signaling
- 4 Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Six: Neural Crest Cells in Cardiovascular Development
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Cardiac NCCs Enable Pharyngeal Arch Artery Remodeling
- 3 Cardiac NCCs are Essential for Cardiac OFT Septation
- 4 Signaling Pathways in Cardiac NCC-Mediated Vascular Remodeling
- 5 Cardiac NCCs Contribution to the Cardiac Valves
- 6 Possible Roles for Cardiac NCCs in Myocardial Development
- 7 Possible Roles for Cardiac NCCs in the Development of the Cardiac Conduction Systems
- 8 Congenital Abnormalities Caused by Defective Cardiac NCC Development
- 9 Outstanding Questions
- Chapter Seven: Molecular Control of the Neural Crest and Peripheral Nervous System Development
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Neural Crest Specification
- 3 Migratory Patterns of Trunk Neural Crest
- 4 Molecular Regulators of Neural Crest Migration
- 5 Boundary Cap
- 6 Sensory Neurogenesis in the DRG
- 7 Neurotrophic Factors in Sensory Neuron Development
- 8 Gliogenesis in the PNS
- 9 Trophic Signaling Mechanisms During PNS Development
- 10 Conclusions
- Acknowledgment
- Chapter One: Neural Crest Cell Evolution: How and When Did a Neural Crest Cell Become a Neural Crest Cell
- Section B: Placodes
- Chapter Eight: Vertebrate Cranial Placodes as Evolutionary Innovations—The Ancestor's Tale
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 A Brief Primer on Metazoan Phylogeny
- 3 Vertebrates
- 4 The Tunicate–Vertebrate Clade
- 5 Chordates
- 6 Deuterostomes
- 7 Bilateria
- 8 Eumetazoa and Metazoa
- 9 Summary and Conclusions
- Chapter Nine: Transcriptional Regulation of Cranial Sensory Placode Development
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Induction and Specification of the Preplacodal Field
- 3 Breaking the PPE into Individual Placodes with Different Developmental Fates
- 4 Regulation of Cellular Differentiation
- 5 NB Zone, PPE, and Placode Genes Involved in Human Congenital Syndromes
- 6 Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Ten: Neural Crest and Placode Contributions to Olfactory Development
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The OP Formation
- 3 The OE Development
- 4 The Adult OE Maintenance
- 5 The Multipotent Stem Cells in the LP
- 6 Contribution of NCDCs in the OM
- 7 The Limitation of Current Techniques and Future Perspectives
- Conflict of Interests
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Eleven: Epithelial Morphogenesis: The Mouse Eye as a Model System
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Eye Morphogenesis
- 3 Dynamic Changes in the Actin Cytoskeleton Drive Morphogenesis
- 4 Shaping of the Optic Cup
- 5 Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Twelve: Developing and Regenerating a Sense of Taste
- Abstract
- 1 How Are Taste Buds Patterned?
- 2 Regulation of Taste Cell Fate
- 3 How Can We Link Embryonic Development and Adult Taste Cell Renewal?
- 4 Is There a Specialized Taste Bud Stem Cell Population, or Are Extrinsic Signals Responsible for Defining which Cell Lineages Are Generated, and When?
- 5 Is Molecular Regulation of Taste Cell Renewal Analogous to That of Taste Bud Development?
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Thirteen: Signaling in Tooth, Hair, and Mammary Placodes
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Early Patterning and Morphogenesis of Skin Appendages
- 3 Perspectives
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter Fourteen: The Role of Foxi Family Transcription Factors in the Development of the Ear and Jaw
- Abstract
- 1 The Anatomy and Embryonic Origins of the Inner, Middle, and Outer Ears
- 2 Forkhead Proteins as Transcription Factors and Pioneer Factors
- 3 The Role of Foxi Family Members in Inner Ear Development
- 4 The Role of Foxi Family Members in Middle Ear, Outer Ear, and Jaw Development
- 5 Conclusions
- Chapter Fifteen: The Use of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for the In Vitro Derivation of Cranial Placodes and Neural Crest Cells
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Pluripotent Stem Cells
- 3 Derivation of NC Cells from hESC/hIPSC
- 4 Derivation of CP Cells from hESC/hIPSC
- 5 Conclusions
- Chapter Eight: Vertebrate Cranial Placodes as Evolutionary Innovations—The Ancestor's Tale
- Index
- No. of pages: 542
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 111
- Published: February 3, 2015
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780124077591
- eBook ISBN: 9780124078901