Nations and Households in Economic Growth
Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz
- 1st Edition - May 10, 2014
- Editors: Paul A. David, Melvin W. Reder
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 3 7 9 4 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 6 1 2 0 - 1
Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz is a collection of papers that reflect the broad sweep of Moses Abramovitz’s interests within the… Read more

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Request a sales quoteNations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz is a collection of papers that reflect the broad sweep of Moses Abramovitz’s interests within the disciplines of economics and economic history. This work is organized into two parts encompassing 14 chapters. The first part discusses the individual and social welfare significance of quantitative indices of economic growth. This part also deals with the mechanisms of economic-demographic interdependence and their bearing particularly upon “long swings” in the rate of growth. The second part highlights the changing role of international relations in processes generating national economic development and domestic economic instability. This book will be of value to economists, historians, and researchers.
List of Contributors
Part I Microeconomic Foundations
The Measurement of Real Value Added
1. Introduction
2. Notation and Assumptions
3. Method I: Estimation of the Production Function for Real Value Added
4. Method I Modified: The Use of Duality Relations
5. Method II: Estimation of the Production Function for Gross Output and Measurement of Real Value Added from Output and Materials
6. Time Series Observations
Fortune, Risk, and the Microeconomics of Migration
Part I
1. Some Higher Moments in the Life of Man: A Paradigm
2. Eppur Si Muovono!
Part II
3. Movers and Searchers with Limited Means: A Formal Model
4. Determinants of the Effective Demand for Investment in Migration and Search
Part III
5. The Limits of Analogy
6. Why Are the Shapes of Offer Distributions Different?
On Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of a Unique Maximum Solution
Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence
1. The Concept and Measurement of Happiness
2. The Evidence
3. Interpretation
4. Summary and Concluding Observations
Additional Bibliography
Income-Related Differences in Natural Increase: Bearing on Growth and Distribution of Income
1. Differences in Natural Increase among Income Classes
2. Implications for Growth and Distribution of Income
3. Summary
An Economic Theory of Imperialism
1. Political Favor as a Commodity
2. Some Examples of Imperialist Behavior
3. Alternative Theories of Imperialism
4. Empirical Tests
5. Policy Implications
Does the Theory of Demand Need the Maximum Principle?
1. Introduction
2. The Role of Constraints in the Theory of Demand
3. The Relationships Between Changes in Constraints and Changes in Distributions
4. Implications for Market Phenomena
5. Extensions
6. Conclusions
Appendix A. Proof of Statement 19
Appendix B. Proof of Statement 20
Appendix C. Technical Notes
Are Men Rational or Economists Wrong?
1. Money Illusion
2. Time Illusion
3. Effort Illusion
Part II Macroeconomic Performance: Growth and Stability
Demand, Structural Change, and the Process of Economic Growth
1. Introduction
2. A Formal Model of Dualistic Development
3. The Role of Demand in the Dualistic Economy
4. Conclusions and Agenda for Future Research
Appendix A. Restatement of the Model in Per Capita Terms
Appendix B. Parameters and Initial Conditions for the Simulation Model
Monetary Policy in Developing Countries
1. Cyclical versus Secular Policy
2. Monetary Policy and Inflation
3. Inflation and Development
4. Development without Inflation
5. Money Creation as a Source of Government Revenue
6. Open Inflation Versus Repressed Inflation
7. Anticipated versus Unanticipated Inflation
8. The Rate of Money Creation
9. Prescription
Government: The Fourth Factor
1. The Title
2. The Neglect of Government: Traditional Economic Thought
3. The Changing American Economy
4. The Functions of the Governmental System
5. Government as a Factor of Production
What Became of the Building Cycle?
1. Building Cycles, Kuznets Cycles, and Business Cycles
2. Population Growth, Household Formation, and Housing Starts
3. Outline of the Housing Model
4. Some Model Predictions
5. Explaining Household Formation
6. An Endogenous Residential Building Cycle?
7. Conclusions
Instability in Underdeveloped Countries: The Impact of the International Economy
1. A Bird's-Eye View of Recent Literature
2. Instability in LDCs in Comparison to More Mature Economies
3. Openness and Country Size
4. The Transmission Hypothesis: A Concluding Note
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C. The Determinants of Instability: Separate Regressions for Developed and Developing Countries
Economic Indicator Analysis during 1969-1972
1. Leads and Lags
2. Severity of the Contraction 339
3. Forecasts with Leading Indicators
4. A Summing Up
The Dollar Standard and the Level of International Reserves
1. Introduction
2. False Analogies: Faulty Signals
3. The Role of the Banker
4. Gold Losses
5. When Is a Disequilibrium Not a Disequilibrium?
6. Conclusion
Long Swings and the Atlantic Economy: A Reappraisal
1. America's Weight in the Pre-l913 International Economy
2. A Model of the Atlantic Economy
3. Historical Evidence, 1879-1901
4. Long Swings in Productivity and Real Income
5. Conclusions
Author Index
- No. of pages: 428
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: May 10, 2014
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483237947
- eBook ISBN: 9781483261201
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