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Nano and Micro Engineered Membrane Technology is about Nano and micro engineered membrane technology, an emerging new technological area in membrane technology. Potential applicati… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Nano and Micro Engineered Membrane Technology is about Nano and micro engineered membrane technology, an emerging new technological area in membrane technology. Potential applications cover a broad spectrum of science, such as micro and nano filtration, gas separation, optics and nanophotonics, catalysis, microbiology, controlled drug delivery, nanopatterning, micro contact printing, atomisation, cross flow emulsification, etc. A brief overview of filtration membranes and pore structures is presented in chapter 1 and in the subsequent chapter 2 an overview is presented of conventional micro perforation methods, like laser drilling, electroforming, precision etching etc. With micro engineering techniques (chapter 3), originating from the semiconductor industry, it is relatively easy to downscale and form submicron pores (down to 100 nm) using photolithographic methods, with e.g. contact masks and wafer steppers. In chapter 4 some elementary fluid mechanics related to fluid flow in conducts and single and multiple orifices is presented covering analytical methods as well as computational fluid dynamics. Much effort has been put in strength and maximum pressure load analysis (chapter 5) of perforated and unperforated membranes. New analytical expressions were obtained that were verified by a number of computer simulations and many experiments. A separate chapter (chapter 6) has been devoted to the pioneering work of manufacturing polymeric perforated membranes because of its potential future economical impact. Large scale microfiltration applications on e.g. skim milk and lager beer are presented in chapter 7, whereas in chapter 8 a micro scale Lab-on-a-Chip microfiltration/fractionation demonstrator is discussed.
Nanotechnology and nano engineered membranes is the fascinating topic of chapter 9, with typical examples as nanopatterning, nanophotonics and nanomembrane technology. This book closes with novel pioneering applications on atomization (chapter 10) for deep pulmonary inhale and cross flow emulsification (chapter 11) for the manufacturing of e.g. functional foods and nano/micro emulsions.
Microperforation Methods Wet etching of perforations in metal foilsElectroforming of perforations Electro perforation Laser cutting and drilling of perforations Hot embossing
Micro Engineered MembranesIntroduction micro engineering MEMS Silicon micro engineering Micro engineered unperforated membranes Micro engineered perforated membranesSemiconductor lithography Laser interference lithography • Device fabrication with short exposure time• Short versus long exposure times Fabrication of microsieves with silicon wafers • Wet etching through the pores • Silicon Wafers
Fluid Mechanics Fluid flow through a channel and an orificeFlow through rectangular and circular orifices
Membrane Deflection and Maximum Pressure LoadAnalytical pressure load expressions Experiments Perforated membranes and maximum pressure load
Polymeric Membranes Photolithographic polyimide membranes Hot moulding techniques Phase separation micro moulding • Moulding of micro array and a microwell • Flat sheet and tubular polymeric structures • Capillary polymeric structures
Microfiltration Cross flow microfiltration of large particlesCross flow microfiltration of polydisperse suspensions Microfiltration of lager beer Micro filtration and fractionation of milkMicrofiltration of blood-cell concentratesMicroscreens for rapid microbiological detection
Lab and Fab-on-a-Chip Lab-on-a-Chip for particle fractionation Fab-on-a-Chip for de-hydrogenation process
Nanotechnology and Nano Engineered MembranesIntroduction Nanotechnology Zeolites, self assembled molecular sieves• Molecular sieves on siliconnitride membranes Patterning of nanostructures • Stencilling with nanosieves Nanosieves for Photonic Structures • Silicon nitride photonic crystals • Alumina photonic crystals Nano membrane separation technology Nano engineered biomembranes • Biosensors Nanotubes • Carbon nanotubes • Templated nanotubes and nanofiltration• Nano printing and etching
Atomisation Introduction theory Atomisation with micro machined nozzles
Membrane Emulsification CFD and membrane emulsification Analytical cross-flow emulsification model