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Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Covering the essential content and procedures a home care aide needs to know, Mosby’s Textbook for the Home Care Aide, 3rd Edition prepares you for success in this rapidly g… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Covering the essential content and procedures a home care aide needs to know, Mosby’s Textbook for the Home Care Aide, 3rd Edition prepares you for success in this rapidly growing field. A clear approach makes the book easy to use and understand, featuring hundreds of full-color photographs and drawings along with step-by-step procedures for skills performed by home care aides. Updated and expanded in this edition are chapters on meeting the client’s nutritional needs and on getting and keeping a job. Written by home care experts Joan Birchenall and Eileen Streight, this textbook prepares you for the many types of situations you may encounter as a home care aide.