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The molecular age has brought about dramatic changes in medical microbiology, and great leaps in our understanding of the mechanisms of infectious disease. Molecular Medical Micro… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
The molecular age has brought about dramatic changes in medical microbiology, and great leaps in our understanding of the mechanisms of infectious disease. Molecular Medical Microbiology is the first book to synthesise the many new developments in both molecular and clinical research in a single comprehensive resource.This timely and authoritative three-volume work is an invaluable reference source of medical bacteriology. Comprising more than 100 chapters, organized into 17 major sections, the scope of this impressive work is wide-ranging.Written by experts in the field, chapters include cutting-edge information, and clinical overviews for each major bacterial group, in addition to the latest updates on vaccine development, molecular technology and diagnostic technology. Topics covered include bacterial structure, cell function, and genetics; mechanisms of pathogenesis and prevention; antibacterial agents; and infections ranging from gastrointestinal to urinary tract, centrtal nervous system, respiratory tract, and more.
His research interests include i) the pathogenesis, immune response, molecular epidemiology and diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infections; ii) pathogenesis and vaccine development of diseases caused by other Clostridium species, notably Equine Grass Sickness; and in the recent past iii) the role of endotoxin/ lipopolysaccharides in the host. He has served two terms (2005-2009) as Chair of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases’ (ESCMID) Study Group for Clostridium difficile and served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Microbiology (2002-2007) and was Editor-in-Chief of Reviews in Medical Microbiology (1996-2002). He chaired the Society for Anaerobic Microbiology from 1999-2004. He was given a lifetime achievement award by the Anaerobe Society of the Americas in June 2012. He has published almost 200 papers, including over 100 on anaerobes with nearly 50 on Clostridium difficile. He has co-authored two text books and has contributed chapters to many more.