Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat
- 1st Edition - June 1, 2016
- Authors: Meiliang Zhou, Ivan Kreft, Sun-Hee Woo, Nikhil Chrungoo, Gunilla Wieslander
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 3 6 9 2 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 3 7 1 4 - 0
Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat describes the general characterization and genetic diversity of buckwheat (family Polygonaceae, genus Fagopyrum) around th… Read more

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Request a sales quoteMolecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat describes the general characterization and genetic diversity of buckwheat (family Polygonaceae, genus Fagopyrum) around the globe (especially in Russia, China, India, and Eastern Europe), the arid and cool regions where it is most frequently consumed, and nutritional information on a variety of buckwheat uses, including tea, groats, flour, and noodles.
With detailed information on buckwheat regeneration, genetic transformation, gene function analysis, and the metabolic engineering of bioactive compounds, the book guides readers through a variety of buckwheat varietal adaptations, providing foundation information on which additional research should be conducted.
It is divided into four parts, including genetic resource and phylogenetic relationship, food nutrition, growth and cultivation, and molecular breeding, with each section providing insights into the most current developments.
- Addresses all aspects of buckwheat research, including genetic resources, biological nutrition, genetic transformation, and molecular breeding
- Presents global characterization on the genetic resource of Fagopyrum, giving researchers insights that will help them breed new cultivars
- Explores the bioactivity of buckwheat
- Includes detailed information on the environmental factors that affect the growth and production of buckwheat
Bachelor, master, PhD students of Agronomy or Plant Biology and buckwheat researchers seeking a comprehensive overview of present knowledge about the molecular breeding and food nutrition of Buckwheat.
- List of Contributors
- Foreword
- Preface
- Chapter one: Molecular Taxonomy of the Genus Fagopyrum
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Two Groups of the Genus Fagopyrum: The Cymosum Group and the Urophyllum Group
- Controversial Opinions: Is F. Cymosum Phylogenetically Close to Common Buckwheat or Close to Tartary Buckwheat?
- Difficulty in Morphological Classification of the Members of the Urophyllum Group
- Diploid and Tetraploid Plants Belong to a Same Species or Belong to Different Species
- The Cases of Two Taxa that are Morphologically Similar but Distinct at the Molecular Level
- The Group of Plants That Have Specific Characters, but Have not Been Analyzed at Molecular Level, Hence Have not Been Decided as Being New Species or Not
- Chapter two: Germplasm Resources of Buckwheat in China
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The Acreage, Production, and Distribution of Cultivated Buckwheat in China
- Buckwheat Germplasm Resources in China
- Introduction of Buckwheat Resources in the Southwest of China
- Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter three: Concepts, Prospects, and Potentiality in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench): A Research Perspective
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Basic Concept of Buckwheat
- Progress of the Biotechnological Approach for the Improvement of Buckwheat
- Breeding Advances in Buckwheat
- Future Prospects for the Improvement of Buckwheat
- Chapter four: Biological Resources and Selection Value of Species of Fagopyrum Mill. Genus in the Far East of Russia
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
- Chapter five: Buckwheat Production, Consumption, and Genetic Resources in Japan
- Abstract
- Production
- Genetic Resources
- Consumption
- Acknowledgment
- Chapter six: The Unique Value of Buckwheat as a Most Important Traditional Cereal Crop in Ukraine
- Abstract
- The Unique Value of Buckwheat in Ukraine
- Chapter seven: Interspecific Crosses in Buckwheat Breeding
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Chapter eight: Crop Evolution of Buckwheat in Eastern Europe: Microevolutionary Trends in the Secondary Center of Buckwheat Genetic Diversity
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Chapter nine: Genetic Resources of Buckwheat in India
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Areas and Distribution of Genetic Diversity in India
- Management of Genetic Resources
- Conclusion and Future Research Needs
- Chapter ten: Phenotypic Plasticity in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter eleven: Bioactive Compounds in Buckwheat Sprouts
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Bioactive Compounds
- Analytical Methods
- Physiological Effects
- Factors Affect the Quality of Sprouts
- Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twelve: Bioactive Flavonoids in Buckwheat Grain and Green Parts
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Flavonoids
- Health Effects
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter thirteen: Nutritional Value of Buckwheat Proteins and Starch
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Functional Value of Buckwheat Proteins
- Functional Value of Buckwheat Starch
- Interactions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter fourteen: Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat in the Czech Republic
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgement
- Chapter fifteen: Factors Important for Structural Properties and Quality of Buckwheat Products
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Palatability and Acceptability of Foods: Proposal of the Molecular Cookery Science
- Scientific Analysis of Traditional Preparing Methods of Buckwheat Noodles
- Mechanical Variety of Asian Noodles Including Buckwheat Noodles and Classification of the Noodles in View of Mechanical Characteristics
- Comparison Between Common and Tartary Buckwheat Products in View of Mechanical Characteristics
- Development of Buckwheat Products Used in Mass Food Serving
- Molecular Cookery Scientific Characterization of Mechanical Changes Arising From Interactions Between Buckwheat Components and Metal Ions
- Conclusions
- Chapter sixteen: Genetic Diversity Among Buckwheat Samples in Regards to Gluten-Free Diets and Coeliac Disease
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter seventeen: Toward the Use of Buckwheat as an Ingredient for the Preparation of Functional Food
- Abstract
- Modern Diet and Health Scenario
- Regulatory Hints About Functional Food
- Buckwheat: An Opportunity
- Use of Buckwheat as a Potential Functional Ingredient
- Conclusions
- Chapter eighteen: Buckwheat in the Nutrition of Livestock and Poultry
- Abstract
- Introduction: Potential Global Significance of Buckwheat in Livestock and Poultry Nutrition
- Buckwheat for Ruminant Species
- Buckwheat for Pigs
- Buckwheat for Poultry
- Conclusions
- Chapter nineteen: Biochemical Properties of Common and Tartary Buckwheat: Centered with Buckwheat Proteomics
- Abstract
- General Properties of Common and Tartary Buckwheat
- Biochemical Properties of Buckwheat Metabolites
- Proteomic Approaches: Gel-Based Versus Shotgun Methods
- Proteomic Studies of Major Cereal Crops
- Current Proteomics of Common and Tartary Buckwheat
- Challenges and Perspectives of Buckwheat Proteomics
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Chapter twenty: Mineral and Trace Element Composition and Importance for Nutritional Value of Buckwheat Grain, Groats, and Sprouts
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty one: The Effect of Environmental Factors on Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Origin of Buckwheat
- Response to Temperature Conditions
- Water Availability
- Nutrient Availability
- Biofortification With Selenium
- Multiple Effects of Environmental Factors on Buckwheat
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty two: The Effect of Habitat Conditions and Agrotechnical Factors on the Nutritional Value of Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Chapter twenty three: Cultivation, Agronomic Practices, and Growth Performance of Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Agrotechniques
- Limitations in Production Yield
- Chapter twenty four: Cultivation of Buckwheat in China
- Abstract
- The Cultural History of Buckwheat
- Introduction of Chinese Buckwheat Varieties
- The Buckwheat Cultivated Technology in China
- Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty five: Characterization of Functional Genes in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Environmental Stresses Tolerance
- Secondary Metabolism
- Protease Inhibitors
- Selfincompatibility
- Allergens
- Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty six: Flavor and Lipid Deterioration in Buckwheat Flour Related to Lipoxygenase Pathway Enzymes
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty seven: Bitterness Generation, Rutin Hydrolysis, and Development of Trace Rutinosidase Variety in Tartary Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Characterization of Rutinosidase in Tartary Buckwheat
- Discovery of a Trace Rutinosidase Mutant of Tartary Buckwheat
- Breeding and Characteristics of Trace Rutinosidase Variety in Tartary Buckwheat
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter twenty eight: Protease Inhibitors in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Classification and Characterization of Buckwheat PIs
- Insect-Resistant Activity of Buckwheat PIs
- The Antimicrobial and Antifungal Activities of Buckwheat PIs
- Antitumor and Anti-HIV Activities of Buckwheat PIs
- The Allergenic Activity of Buckwheat PIs
- Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects for Buckwheat PIs
- Chapter twenty nine: Buckwheat Tissue Cultures and Genetic Transformation
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Callus Formation and Morphogenesis
- Micropropagation
- Culture of Immature Embryos
- Anther Culture
- Genetic Transformation and Bioactive Compounds
- Chapter thirty: Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Flavonols and Their O-Glycosides
- C-Glucosylflavones
- Acknowledgment
- Chapter thirty one: Diversity in Seed Storage Proteins and Their Genes in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Seed Storage Protein Classification
- Buckwheat Legumin Gene Structure
- Future Prospects
- Chapter thirty two: Waxy Locus in Buckwheat: Implications for Designer Starches
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Starch
- The Waxy Locus
- Altering Starch Composition Through Biotechnological Approaches
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter thirty three: Genetic Analyses of the Heteromorphic Self-Incompatibility (S) Locus in Buckwheat
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Self-Compatibility and the Sh allele of F. Homotropicum
- Genes Present in the S-Locus
- An Inference of Evolutionary History Using Genetic Data of the S-Locus
- Chapter thirty four: Biochemical and Technological Properties of Buckwheat Grains
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Biochemical Properties of Buckwheat Grains
- Chemical Compounds in Processed Milling Fraction and Grain Tissues
- Technological Properties of Buckwheat Grains
- Conclusions and Perspectives
- Subject Index
- No. of pages: 482
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 1, 2016
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128036921
- eBook ISBN: 9780128037140
Meiliang Zhou
Ivan Kreft
Sun-Hee Woo
Research interests in Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Crops and Crop Functional Genomics and Proteomics . Awards:
Award for Japanese Society of Breeding
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Breeding Science Society
Best Research Presentation Award from the International Plant Biotechnology Congress with J. of Plant Physiology
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Crop Science Society
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Plant Biotechnology Society
Best Research Award from the Korean Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society
Excellent Paper Award, Korea Federation on Science & Technology Societies
Nikhil Chrungoo
Current Research Interests : Biodiversity profiling, Nutritional Genomics
Important research activities:
• A two locus barcode based on nucleotide sequences of cp rbcL and matK genes developed for identification of Chenopodium quinoa an important nutraceutical crop of Indian Himalayas.
• Allelic forms of waxy locus of rice described for identifying varieties with altered amylose content of starch
• A gene coding for a nutritionally rich seed storage protein from common buckwheat isolated. Accession no. AY245536 (EMBL)
• Complete amino acid sequence of a lysine rich seed storage protein from grain of common buckwheat determined. Accession no. P83004 (SWISS PROT)
• Granule bound starch synthetase (GBSS-I) isolated from buckwheat grains.
• N-terminal amino acid sequence for 25 residues of GBSS-I of common buckwheat determined. Accession no. P84633 (SWISS PROT)
• Cloned the promoter of 26 kDa lysine rich seed stiorage protein of common buckwheat Accession No. EU 595873
Gunilla Wieslander
Academical degree: Physician and MD 1977, licensed to practice medicine since 1979. Specialized in Occupational medicine at Uppsala University in 1986. Ph.D. degree in occupational medicine at Uppsala University in 1995 on Water Based Paints and adverse health effects. In January 1999 associate professor at Medical Sciences/ Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Senior consultant in medicine 2001. Specialized and licensed as a physician in environmental medicine in 2003 and specialization into aviation physician by the Swedish Civil Aircraft Board in 2004 and work parttime with Scandinavian Airlines, consultant and researcher. Scientific secretay in Swedish Aviation and Nautical Association since 2007 and member since 2012. Ongoing international cooperation with researchers from China. In China, through Professor Wang and Professor Zheng cooperates on biomedical and allergy research in buckwheat with Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Taiyuan, PRC, and Department of Life Sciences at Shanxi University.