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Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat describes the general characterization and genetic diversity of buckwheat (family Polygonaceae, genus Fagopyrum) around th… Read more
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Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat describes the general characterization and genetic diversity of buckwheat (family Polygonaceae, genus Fagopyrum) around the globe (especially in Russia, China, India, and Eastern Europe), the arid and cool regions where it is most frequently consumed, and nutritional information on a variety of buckwheat uses, including tea, groats, flour, and noodles.
With detailed information on buckwheat regeneration, genetic transformation, gene function analysis, and the metabolic engineering of bioactive compounds, the book guides readers through a variety of buckwheat varietal adaptations, providing foundation information on which additional research should be conducted.
It is divided into four parts, including genetic resource and phylogenetic relationship, food nutrition, growth and cultivation, and molecular breeding, with each section providing insights into the most current developments.
Bachelor, master, PhD students of Agronomy or Plant Biology and buckwheat researchers seeking a comprehensive overview of present knowledge about the molecular breeding and food nutrition of Buckwheat.
Research interests in Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Crops and Crop Functional Genomics and Proteomics . Awards:
Award for Japanese Society of Breeding
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Breeding Science Society
Best Research Presentation Award from the International Plant Biotechnology Congress with J. of Plant Physiology
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Crop Science Society
Best Research Presentation Award from the Korean Plant Biotechnology Society
Best Research Award from the Korean Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society
Excellent Paper Award, Korea Federation on Science & Technology Societies
Current Research Interests : Biodiversity profiling, Nutritional Genomics
Important research activities:
• A two locus barcode based on nucleotide sequences of cp rbcL and matK genes developed for identification of Chenopodium quinoa an important nutraceutical crop of Indian Himalayas.
• Allelic forms of waxy locus of rice described for identifying varieties with altered amylose content of starch
• A gene coding for a nutritionally rich seed storage protein from common buckwheat isolated. Accession no. AY245536 (EMBL)
• Complete amino acid sequence of a lysine rich seed storage protein from grain of common buckwheat determined. Accession no. P83004 (SWISS PROT)
• Granule bound starch synthetase (GBSS-I) isolated from buckwheat grains.
• N-terminal amino acid sequence for 25 residues of GBSS-I of common buckwheat determined. Accession no. P84633 (SWISS PROT)
• Cloned the promoter of 26 kDa lysine rich seed stiorage protein of common buckwheat Accession No. EU 595873
Academical degree: Physician and MD 1977, licensed to practice medicine since 1979. Specialized in Occupational medicine at Uppsala University in 1986. Ph.D. degree in occupational medicine at Uppsala University in 1995 on Water Based Paints and adverse health effects. In January 1999 associate professor at Medical Sciences/ Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Senior consultant in medicine 2001. Specialized and licensed as a physician in environmental medicine in 2003 and specialization into aviation physician by the Swedish Civil Aircraft Board in 2004 and work parttime with Scandinavian Airlines, consultant and researcher. Scientific secretay in Swedish Aviation and Nautical Association since 2007 and member since 2012. Ongoing international cooperation with researchers from China. In China, through Professor Wang and Professor Zheng cooperates on biomedical and allergy research in buckwheat with Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Taiyuan, PRC, and Department of Life Sciences at Shanxi University.