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The scope of this volume of Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science includes the molecular regulation of olfactory processes in vertebrates and insects including… Read more
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The scope of this volume of Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science includes the molecular regulation of olfactory processes in vertebrates and insects including detailed discussion of olfactory proteins, signaling cascades and olfactory receptor modeling. In addition, because insect olfaction is an important and emerging field, it is also discussed in the context of key research questions such as disruption of host-finding by insect disease vectors, elucidation of the diverse range of compounds that are detected by insects, and the detection of pheromones by moths.
Secondary/tertiary-level students, researchers and academics interested in olfaction or its relationship to biological processes.
Dr Richard Glatz has a broad background in Molecular Biology, Entomology & Ecology. He has worked with industry and government performing scientific research and project management.
In 2004, he completed a PhD at The University of Adelaide. That study involved characterisation of molecules employed by wasps to parasitise pest insects by suppressing their immunity. He then undertook post-doctoral research at CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies developing drug-screening assays for compounds modulating the effect of G-protein-coupled Receptors.
From 2006-2013, Dr Glatz was a Senior Research Scientist at SARDI Entomology in South Australia. During this time he played major roles in a series of projects primarily in biosecurity and sustainability of production systems. One major project aimed to develop an olfactory biosensor of stored grain pests (winning of CRC Plant Biosecurity Committee awards for Innovation and Science Impact). In 2011, he published a comprehensive review (in Progress in Neurobiology) of approaches and technologies associated with using biological tissues, cells and molecules of vertebrates and invertebrates, to either de-orphan olfactory receptors, or as biological sensing elements in biosensor applications.
Some other achievements during this time were:
Since 1998, Dr Glatz has been studying ecology of semi-arid/temperate systems in Australia, particularly mallee ecosystems. He has a close association with Kangaroo Island and has now produced the only insect collection specific to the island; it currently has over 30,000 specimens, with about 15,000 databased. In 2009, Dr Glatz discovered a family of primitive moth from the island that is new to science. This has resulted in an international study that has refined our knowledge of lepidopteran evolution. Additionally, he discovered a new genus of braconid wasp that parasitizes the moth.
In late 2013, Dr Glatz founded D’Estrees Entomology and Science Services, based on Kangaroo Island.
He is an Associate Editor in Entomology for the journal Scientia Agricola, and has reviewed a range of science manuscripts and research proposals. He also continues to hold affiliate/honourary positions with University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and the South Australian Museum, Terrestrial Invertebrates.