Modern Metallography
The Commonwealth and International Library: Metallurgy Division
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1966
- Authors: R. E. Smallman, K. H. G. Ashbee
- Editors: W. S. Owen, D. W. Hopkins, H. M. Finniston
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 1 1 5 7 0 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 0 9 4 - 6
Modern Metallography focuses on the defects in the properties of metals, such as precipitates, cracks, grain boundaries, dislocations, stacking faults, and impurity atoms. The… Read more

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I. Reflected Light Microscopy
Specimen Preparation
The Reflected Light Microscope
Defects of Lenses
Methods of Increasing the Resolving Power of an Objective
Examples of the Contrast Observed with Reflected Light
Suggestions for Further Reading
II. High Temperature Microscopy
Long Working Distance Objectives
Typical Hot-Stage Experiments
Suggestions for Further Reading
III. Surface Topography
The Importance of Surface Topography Observations
Oblique Illumination
Opaque Stop and Phase Contrast
Examples of Surface Topography
Suggestions for Further Reading
IV. The Polarizing Microscope
Polarized Light
Examination of Anisotropic Surfaces
Other Uses of Polarized Light Microscopy
Suggestions for Further Reading
V. X-Ray Metallography
White and Characteristic Radiation
The Laue Conditions
The Bragg Law
The Structure Factor
The Laue Method and Orientation Determination
Powder Method and the Accurate Measurement of Lattice Parameters
Appendix to Chapter V
The Reciprocal Lattice and the Reflection Sphere
Vector Notation
Suggestions for Further Reading
VI. Specialized X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
Preferred Orientation
Wire Textures
Sheet Textures
Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
Micro-Probe Analyzer
The Observation of Dislocations by X-Ray Diffraction Contrast
Suggestions for Further Reading
VII. Electron Microscopy—I. Electron Microscope
Electron Wavelength
The Electron Microscope
The Electron Gun and Condenser Lens System
Specimen Assembly
Lens Defects
Control of Focusing and Magnification
Bright- and Dark-Field Images
Selected Area Diffraction
Recording the Image
Microscope Attachments
Preparation of Specimens
Replica Techniques
Thin Metal Foil Techniques
Suggestions for Further Reading
VIII. Electron Microscopy—II. Contrast Theory
Diffraction of Electrons by Perfect Crystals
Electron Diffraction by an Imperfect Crystal
Suggestions for Further Reading
IX. Electron Microscopy—III. Interpretation
Analysis of Selected Area Diffraction Patterns
Interpretation of Additional Features on S.A.D. Patterns
Indexing Crystallographic Features on Micrographs
Contrast from Dislocations and the g. b Analysis
Stacking Fault Contrast and the Displacement Vector
Measurement of the Stacking Fault Energy
Nature of Prismatic Dislocation Loops
Dislocation Densities
Precipitation Phenomena
Heating-Stage Experiments
Cooling-Stage Experiments
Suggestions for Further Reading
X. Metallography at the Atomic Level
Field-Ion Microscope
Neutron Diffraction
Suggestions for Further Reading
- No. of pages: 224
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1966
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9780080115702
- eBook ISBN: 9781483180946
D. W. Hopkins
R. E. Smallman
Establishment at Harwell before returning to the University of Birmingham, where he became Professor
of Physical Metallurgy in 1964 and Feeney Professor and Head of the Department of Physical
Metallurgy and Science of Materials in 1969. He subsequently became Head of the amalgamated
Department of Metallurgy and Materials (1981), Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and
the first Dean of the newly created Engineering Faculty in 1985. For five years he wasVice-Principal
of the University (1987-92).
He has held visiting professorship appointments at the University of Stanford, Berkeley, Pennsylvania
(USA), New SouthWales (Australia), Hong Kong and Cape Town, and has received Honorary
Doctorates from the University of Novi Sad (Yugoslavia), University ofWales and Cranfield University.
His research work has been recognized by the award of the Sir George Beilby Gold Medal of the
Royal Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Metals (1969), the Rosenhain Medal of the Institute of
Metals for contributions to Physical Metallurgy (1972), the Platinum Medal, the premier medal of
the Institute of Materials (1989), and the Acta Materialia Gold Medal (2004).
Hewas elected a Fellowof the Royal Society (1986), a Fellowof the RoyalAcademy of Engineering
(1990), a Foreign Associate of the United States National Academy of Engineering (2005), and
appointed a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 1992. A former Council Member of the
Science and Engineering Research Council, he has been Vice-President of the Institute of Materials
and President of the Federated European Materials Societies. Since retirement he has been academic
consultant for a number of institutions both in the UK and overseas.