Understanding And Specifying The Discrete Time Model:
D.B. Nelson, Modelling Stock Market Volatility Changes.
D.B. Nelson, Stationarity and Persistence in the GARCH(I,I) Model.
D.B. Nelson, Conditional Heteroskedasticity in Asset Returns: A New Approach.
P.A. Braun, D.B. Nelson and A.M. Sunier, Good News, Bad News, Volatility, and Betas.
Continuous Time Limits And Optimal Filtering For ARCH Models:
D.B. Nelson, ARCH Models as Diffusion Approximations.
D.B. Nelson, Filtering and Forecasting with Misspecified ARCH Models I: Getting the Right Variance with the Wrong Model.
D.B. Nelson and D.P. Foster, Filtering and Forecasting with Misspecified ARCH Models II: Making the Right Forecast with the Wrong Model.
D.B. Nelson and D.P. Foster, Asymptotic Filtering Theory for Univariate ARCH Models.
D.B. Nelson, Asymptotic Filtering Theory for Multivariate ARCH Models.
D.B. Nelson and D.B. Nelson, Continuous Record Asymptotics for Rolling Sample Variance Estimators.
Specification and Estimation of Continuous Time Processes:
R.F. Engle and G.G.J. Lee, Estimating Diffusion Models of Stochastic Volatility.
A.R. Gallant and G. Tauchen, Specification Analysis of Continuous Time Models in Finance.
L.P. Hansen and J.A. Scheinkman, Back to the Future: Generating Moment Implications for Continuous-Time Markov Processes.
Y.Ait-Sahalia, Nonparametric Pricing of Interest Rate Derivative Securities.