Military Radiobiology
- 1st Edition - November 14, 2012
- Editor: James Conklin
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 3 1 3 4 3 - 9
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 5 1 4 4 - 3
Military Radiobiology provides an understanding of the sources and consequences of radiation exposure. Military personnel must develop a working knowledge of postexposure effects… Read more

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Request a sales quoteMilitary Radiobiology provides an understanding of the sources and consequences of radiation exposure. Military personnel must develop a working knowledge of postexposure effects in order to determine points of intervention. The medical problems confronting military radiobiology include target damage, which causes decrements in normal performance, physiological injury, and impairments of the immunological-hematological system that lead to life-threatening infectious complications. The book begins by describing the properties of nuclear weapons, including the mechanisms by which nuclear energy is stored within the nucleus, its release, and its conversion to those forces associated with nuclear weapons. This is followed by discussions of the sources, patterns, radiological effects, and management of nuclear fallout; the biological effects of exposure to ionizing radiation released by nuclear weapons; and effects of radiation on the immune system, gastrointestinal physiology, and cardiovascular function. Subsequent chapters cover the diagnosis, triage, and treatment of radiation-associated injuries; internal contamination with radionuclides; radioprotective drugs; psychological reactions to nuclear confrontation; and the response to a nuclear weapon accident.
1. Military Radiobiology: A Perspective
2. Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons
I. Fundamental Concepts
II. Model of the Nucleus
III. Fission
IV. Chain Reaction
V. Fusion
VI. Detonation
VII. Partition of Energy
Suggested Readings
3. Nuclear Weapons Fallout
I. Origins of Fallout
II. Design and Deployment of Weapons Related to Fallout
III. Yield and Atmospheric Conditions
IV. Fallout Patterns
V. Radiological Properties of Fallout
VI. Internal Hazards from Fallout
VII. Management of Fallout
Suggested Readings
4. Ionizing Radiations and Their Interactions with Matter
I. The Basics
II. The Radiation Types
III. Units of Ionizing Radiation
IV. Radiobiology: A Brief Introductory Synopsis
5. Cellular Radiation Biology
I. Radiation Interactions
II. Radiation Chemistry
III. Comparison of Ionizing Radiations
IV. Cellular Radiation Biology
V. Tissue and Organ Sensitivity to Ionizing Radiation
6. Radiation Effects on the Lymphohematopoietic System: A Compromise in Immune Competency
I. Pluripotent Stem Cell
II. Survival of Mature Blood Cells after Irradiation
III. Effect of Radiation on Immune Competency
7. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Gastrointestinal Physiology
I. Prodromal Effects
II. The Gastrointestinal Syndrome
8. Postirradiation Cardiovascular Dysfunction
I. Introduction
II. Etiology of Postirradiation CVD
III. Neurovascular Dysfunction
9. Acute Radiation Syndrome
I. Sources of Data on Human Response to Prompt Radiation
II. Acute Radiation Sequelae
III. Detailed Description of the ARS
IV. Modifying Factors
10. The Combined Injury Syndrome
I. Pathophysiology
II. Hematopoietic-Immune Dysfunction
III. Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
IV. Changes in Endogenous Flora
V. Metabolic Requirements
VI. Healing of Traumatic Wounds
VII. Management of Wounds
11. Mechanisms and Management of Infectious Complications of Combined Injury
I. Abnormal Colonization of Epithelial Surfaces
II. Interaction of Host and Parasite during Infection
III. Summary
12. Diagnosis, Triage, and Treatment of Casualties
I. Decontamination of the Patient
II. Evaluation of Radiation Injury
III. Symptoms Frequently Occurring in Whole-Body Irradiated Casualties within the First Few Hours Postexposure
IV. Initial Treatment for Patients with Whole-Body Radiation Injury
V. Diagnosis and Treatment of the Patient with Combined Injuries
VI. Management of Infection
VII. Future Concerns for Management of Radiation Injuries
13. Internal Contamination with Medically Significant Radionuclides
I. Routes of Entry and Distribution
II. Internal Contamination through Wounds and Injection into the Systemic Circulation
III. Physical and Metabolic Characteristics of Radioisotopes Common in Internal Contamination
IV. Therapeutic Management of Internal Contamination
V. Prevention of Gastrointestinal Absorption
14. Radioprotectants
I. Military Applications of Radioprotectors
II. Characteristics of a Field-Usable Radioprotector
III. Historical Perspective
IV. Mechanisms of Radiation Injury and Protection
V. Screening and Assessment of Radioprotectors
VI. Radioprotectors
VII. Summary
Appendix A: Factors Affecting Survival Studies
15. Psychological Effects of Nuclear Warfare
I. Psychological Milieu before Conflict
II. Acute Psychological Reactions
III. Chronic Psychological Reactions
IV. Summary of Psychological Effects
V. Requirements and Problems of Care
VI. Prevention of Adverse Psychological Reactions to Nuclear Warfare
16. Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Behavior and the Brain
I. Behavioral Alterations
II. Physiological Mechanisms and Performance Decrement
III. Summary
17. Nuclear Weapons Accident Response Procedure
Response to a Nuclear Weapon Accident
Appendix A: Contamination Hazards and Basic Principles of Radiation Protection
Appendix B: Checklist for Actions to Restore a Site
Appendix C: Checklist for Actions before an Accident
Appendix D: Checklist for Immediate Actions
Appendix E: Checklist for Actions as Soon as Resources and Personnel Permit
18. Management of Radiation Accidents
I. Role of the Military Physician in Management of Radiation Accidents
II. Planning for Radiation Accidents
III. Management of Radiation Accidents
IV. Bone Marrow Transplantation
V. Local Radiation Injury
VI. Decontamination and Decorporation after External Contamination by Radioactive Materials
VII. Skin Decontamination
19. Medical Operations in Nuclear War
I. Planning
II. Casualties
III. Combined Injury
IV. Patient Management
V. Advice to the Tactical Commander
Suggested Readings
20. Low-Level Effects
I. Late Effects of Radiation
II. Conclusions
- No. of pages: 414
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 14, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124313439
- eBook ISBN: 9780323151443
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