Microcomputer Principles: Microcomputer architecture. CPU (central processor unit). Memory. Input/output. Stack, subroutines and interrupts.
In-depth Treatment of Pin Functions, Processor Architecture, Instruction Sets, Support Devices and Applications for the Following 8 and 16 Bit Microprocessors: Intel 8080/8085 Family (8 Bit), Zilog Z80, Motorola MC6800 Family (8 Bit), MOS Technology MCS 6500 Family (8 Bit), Intel 8086/8088 Family (16 Bit), Motorola MC68000 Family (16 Bit), Zilog Z8000 Family (16 Bit).
32 Bit Microprocessors: Intel 80386. Motorola MC68020. Zilog Z80000. Inmos Transputer.
High Level Languages: Summary of programming languages. BASIC. Pascal. C.
The CP/M Operating System: CP/M 'built-in' commands. CP/M 'transient' commands. The CP/M editor. The CP/M assembler. The CP/M debugger. Sample procedure for assembly language program. MP/M.
The PC-DOS (MS-DOS) Operating System: PC/MS-DOS Nucleus. Directories and subdirectories. External commands. Line editor.
The UNIX Operating System: UNIX file structure. Handling files. Further facilities in UNIX shell. Logging in and sending mail. Screen editor (vi). Sample procedure for Pascal program. Exercises.
Glossary of Terms. Subject Index.50 lit. refs. approx., 83 illus.