(partial) Availability of Software. Preface. Introduction. Geologic education in the 1990's - the impact of personal computers, H R Burger. STRANA: A Macintosh computer program for the representation and statistical analysis of orientation data in structural geology, M Barchi & F Guzetti. Data and information management for a hydrogeologic study of a waste-disposal site, M J Bellotti. Stimulation via simulation: geochemical modelling, J C Butler. The evaluation of pore-geometry networks in clastic reservoir lithologies using microcomputer technology, S M Habesch. Regional geophysical data on a compact disk, A M Hittleman & H Meyers. Cross sections and volume measurement of stratigraphic units, M M Kimberley. A simple Pascal procedure for outline tracing in image analysis, U Nordland. CatTrack: A Pascal program to display ternary diagrams on a Macintosh computer, C Ong. A microcomputer reconstruction of paleoclimates, B L Roberts et al. Microcomputers in mineral exploration: a database for modeling gold deposits in the Yilgarn block of Western Australia, N M S Rock et al. MACS: A Macintosh program for constructing marine magnetic anomaly profile, E Rosencrantz. Theoretical morphology of shells aided by microcomputers, E Savazzi. Simulation of sediment-fluid interaction in subsiding basins, J C Tipper et al. Porosity Advisor - an expert system used as an aid in interpreting the origin of porosity on carbonate rocks, W L Watney et al. A frame-based expert system to identify minerals in thin section, D Wright et al. Index.