Microbiological Assay
An Introduction to quantitative principles and Evaluation
- 1st Edition - November 12, 2012
- Author: William Hewitt
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 3 3 3 9 7 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 5 7 0 9 - 4
Microbiological Assay: An Introduction to Quantitative Principles and Evaluation aims to provide an introduction to the principles of microbiological assay, assay design, and… Read more

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Request a sales quoteMicrobiological Assay: An Introduction to Quantitative Principles and Evaluation aims to provide an introduction to the principles of microbiological assay, assay design, and calculation procedures. Organized into nine chapters, this book begins with the philosophy of biological assay, as well as the method’s basic techniques, principles, mechanization, automation, purpose, reference standards, specifications, and reports. It also looks into the preparation of test solutions of standard and sample. Some chapters follow explaining the specific methods, such as agar diffusion assay and tube assay; others explore the statistical evaluation of these assays. Features of assay design, such as replication, number of dose levels, and spacing of dose levels, are also described. This book will serve as an elementary introduction to this field of interest to help encourage a less empirical approach to the subject.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Philosophy of Biological Assay
1.2 Basic Techniques and Principles
1.3 Mechanization and Automation
1.4 Purpose of the Assay
1.5 Reference Standards
1.6 Preparation of Test Solutions of Standard and Sample
1.7 Specifications and Reports
Chapter 2 The Agar Diffusion Assay
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theory of Zone Formation
2.3 Nature of the Response Curve
2.4 Dose-Response Curves in Practice
2.5 Simple Assay Designs
2.6 Simple Multiple Assay Designs
2.7 Simplification of Computation of the Potency Ratio
2.8 Designs Incorporating Checks for Curvature (Three Dose Levels)
2.9 Designs Incorporating Checks for Curvature (Four Dose Levels)
2.10 Assays by Large Plates—General Principles
2.11 Large Plate Assays Using Latin Square Designs
2.12 Large Plate Assays Using Quasi-Latin Square Designs
2.13 Low-Precision Assays Using Large Plates
2.14 Small Plate Assays Using Interpolation from a Standard Curve
2.15 Missing Values
Chapter 3 Tube Assays Growth-Promoting Substances
3.1 General Principles
3.2 Measurement of Response
3.3 Nonideal Responses
3.4 Slope Ratio Assays—An Unbalanced Design
3.5 Criteria of Validity
3.6 Multiple Linear Regression Equations
3.7 Potency Computation from an Unbalanced Design
3.8 Balanced Slope Ratio Assays with Linearity Check
3.9 Simplified Computation of Potency Ratio from Balanced Assays
3.10 Multiple Assays by the Slope Ratio Method
Chapter 4 Tube Assays for Antibiotics
4.1 General Principles
4.2 Response Curve—Commonly Used Forms of Expression
4.3 Linearization of Dose-Response Relationships—Theoretical Considerations
4.4 Dose-Response Linearization Procedures in Practice
4.5 Potency Estimation by Interpolation from a Standard Curve
4.6 Graphic Estimation of Potency by Probit of Response versus Dose
4.7 Arithmetical Estimation of Potency from an Assay of Balanced Design by Angular Transformation of Response
4.8 Graphic Estimation of Potency Using the Relationship Log Response versus Dose
4.9 Estimation of Potency by Interpolation from a Dose-Response Line Using an Automated System
Chapter 5 Assay of mixtures of Antibiotics
5.1 Occurrence of Mixtures and the Nature of the Problem
5.2 General Techniques
5.3 Comparative Bioautographs
5.4 Quantitative Bioautographs
5.5 Differential Assays
Chapter 6 Evaluation of Parallel Line Assays
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Basic Assumptions for the Statistical Evaluation of Parallel Line Assays
6.3 Evaluation of a Standard Log Dose-Response Curve
6.4 Analysis of Variance to Separate Components Attributable to Various Sources
6.5 Evaluation of a Simple Two Dose Level Assay
6.6 An Alternative Method for Obtaining Confidence Limits
6.7 Evaluation of a Multiple Two Dose Level Assay
6.8 Evaluation of a Three Dose Level Assay
6.9 Evaluation of a Large Plate Assay (Latin Square Design)
6.10 Evaluation of a Large Plate Assay (Quasi-Latin Square Design)
6.11 Evaluation of a Large Plate, Low Precision Assay
6.12 Evaluation of an Assay Incorporating Reference Points—The "FDA" Design
6.13 Evaluation of a Quantitative Bioautograph
6.14 Evaluation of Tube Assays Using Function of Response versus Logarithm of Dose
Chapter 7 Evaluation of Slope Ratio Assays
7.1 Principles of Evaluation
7.2 Evaluation of Simple Slope Ratio Assays
7.3 Evaluation of a Multiple Slope Ratio Assay
7.4 Evaluation of a Turbidimetric Antibiotic Assay by Angular Transformation of Response and Slope Ratio
Chapter 8 Choice of Method and Design
8.1 Choice of Method
8.2 General Considerations in Selection of Design
8.3 Plate Assay Designs
8.4 The Influence of Curvature in Parallel Line Assays
8.5 Choice of Design for Plate Assay
8.6 Tube Assays—General Considerations
8.7 Designs for Slope Ratio Assays
8.8 Influence of Curvature in Slope Ratio Assays
8.9 Choice of Design for Slope Ratio Assays
8.10 Tube Assays for Antibiotics
Chapter 9 Repeated Assays, Specifications, and Reports
9.1 Replication of Assays
9.2 Collaborative Assays
9.3 Combination of Replicate Potency Estimates
9.4 Combination of Replicate Potency Estimates—Simplified Methods
9.5 Specifications for Antibiotics
9.6 Official Standards—A Practical Approach
Appendix 1 Patterns for Small Plate Assays
Appendix 2 Calculations for Parallel Line Assays
Appendix 3 Potency Ratio, or F/E, Tables
Appendix 4 Proforma and Worked Example—Agar Diffusion Assay
Appendix 5 Sources of Reference Materials
A5.1 International Biological Standards and International Biological Reference Preparations
A5.2 British Biological Standards and Reference Preparations
A5.3 European Pharmacopeia Commission Reference Substances
A5.4 United States Pharmacopeia Reference Substances
A5.5 International Chemical Reference Substances
Appendix 6 The Dilution Of Reference Standards
Appendix 7 The Probit Transformation
Appendix 8 The Angular Transformation
Appendix 9 The t Distribution
Appendix 10 Variance Ratio Tables—The F Test
Appendix 11 The χ2 Distribution
Appendix 12 The Range/Mean Test
Appendix 13 Evidence That Quadratic Curvature is Without Influence in Balanced Parallel Line Assays
- No. of pages: 298
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 12, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124333970
- eBook ISBN: 9780323157094
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