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Microbial Resources: From Functional Existence in Nature to Applications provides an exciting interdisciplinary journey through the rapidly developing field of microbial resources… Read more
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Microbial Resources: From Functional Existence in Nature to Applications provides an exciting interdisciplinary journey through the rapidly developing field of microbial resources, including relationships to aspects of microbiology. Covers the functional existence of microorganisms in nature, as well as the transfer of this knowledge for industrial and other applications. Examines the economic perspective of revealing the potential value of microbial material and figuring it into socio-economic value; legal perspectives; and how to organize a fair allotment of socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders who have effectively contributed to the preservation, study, and exploitation of microbiological material.
Academics in Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Ecology, Marine Biology, Public Health. It will target different users from academia to industry as well as government offices and law makers for biological sciences. The book will be a reference a diverse range of institutions can refer to in different stages of the development of microbial products for their research and industry
Chapter 1: Planctomycetes—New Models for Microbial Cells and Activities
John Arlington Fuerst
Chapter 2: A Flavor of Prokaryotic Taxonomy: Systematics Revisited
Paul De Vos Sr.
Chapter 3: Bioactive Actinomycetes: Reaching Rarity Through Sound Understanding of Selective Culture and Molecular Diversity
Ipek Kurtboke
Chapter 4: Microbial Resources for Global Sustainability
James Philp and Ronald Atlas
Chapter 5: Modern Natural Products Drug Discovery and Its Relevance to Biodiversity Conservation
William H. Gerwick
Chapter 6: Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria and Their Potential in Eco-Biotechnology and Bioremediation
Irina Ivshina
Chapter 7: An Overview of the Industrial Aspects of Antibiotic Discovery
Arnold L. Demain and Evan Martens
Chapter 8: Accessing Marine Microbial Diversity for Drug Discovery
William Fenical H. Fenical and Lynette Bueno Perez
Chapter 9: Cryptic Pathways and Implications for Novel Drug Discovery
Kozo Ochi
Chapter 10: The Nagoya Protocol Applied to Microbial Genetic Resources
Philippe Desmeth
Chapter 11: Fungal Genetic Resources for Biotechnology
Dr. McCluskey
Chapter 12: Industrial Culture Collections: Gateways from Microbial Diversity to Applications
Olga Genilloud
Chapter 13: An Overview of Biological Resource Center-Maintenance of Microbial Resources and Their Management
Ken-ichiro Suzuki
Chapter 14: IP and The Budapest Treaty—Depositing Biological Material for Patent Purposes
Vera Bussas
Chapter 15: Biosafety, Transport and Related Legislation Concerning Microbial Resources—An Overview
Vera Bussas, Yogesh Shouche and Avinash Sharma
Dr Kurtböke is an internationally reputed actinomycetologist and she has been in the field of biodiscovery since 1982 conducting research into discovery of novel and potent threpeutic compounds produced by actinomycetes in Turkey, Italy, the UK and Australia. Her most significant contribution has been the development of a novel isolation technique that selectively cultures rare actinomycetes with industrial importance which was adopted and applied by leading pharmaceutical companies since the 1990s. She has established bio-resource libraries for joint screening ventures with leading pharmaceutical companies in different settings since 1990s. Dr Kurtböke’s methodological strength in the field of actinomycetology played a key role in the detection of novel actinomycetes and contributed towards the establishment of yet another microbial library of bioactive actinomycetes at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) in Queensland, Australia since 2001. The library has been used for research and teaching activities at the USC as well as in partnership with regional, national and international collaborators for discovery of new drugs, agrobiologicals, enzymes and environmentally-friendly biotechnological innovations.
Dr Kurtböke has been a member of the Biodiscovery Industry Panel established by the AusBiotech and DEHWA which networks Australian biodiscovery operators. She was also one of the founding members of the Australian Microbial Resources Research Network currently linked with the Atlas of Living Australia and implements a Biolomics system for microbial data sharing. She has also been an active member of the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC) including serving as the Vice-President of the Federation (2010-2013). WFCC provides a nest to the World Data Centre of Microorganisms (WDCM) which maintains large volumes of data from global culture collections. WFCC also strategically links with the OECD's Global Biological Resources Initiative and the Global Biological Information Facility for long term maintenance and conservation of microorganisms and related information. The fortcoming book titled Microbial Resources-from functional existence in nature to industrial applications edited by Dr Kurtbӧke will bring experts in the fields of microbial ecology, taxonomy, culture collections and industrial microbiology together to highlight the importance of microbial genetic resources for global sustainability and biotechnological innovations.