MICRO 2016: Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
From the Coastline to the Open Sea
- 1st Edition - November 29, 2016
- Editors: Juan Baztan, Bethany Jorgensen, Sabine Pahl, Richard C. Thompson, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 2 2 7 1 - 6
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 2 2 7 2 - 3
Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea brings together highlights from the conference proceedings for MICRO 2016: Fate and I… Read more

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Request a sales quoteFate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea brings together highlights from the conference proceedings for MICRO 2016: Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea.
While the presence of microplastics in ecosystems has been reported in the scientific literature since the 1970’s, many pressing questions regarding their impacts remain unresolved. This short format title draws from the shared scientific and technical material and summarizes the current research and future outlook.
- Includes a range of topics, from macro- to microplastics
- Presents data from source to sink, including occurrence and distribution of microplastics in freshwater bodies, coastal zones, and the open ocean
- Presents the impacts of microplastics on marine life as well as microplastics as vectors of biological and chemical contaminants
- Provides important analysis on solutions and next steps
The target audience primarily includes members of the academic community interested in the multifaceted topic of microplastics; Oceanographers, Ecologists and climatologists, researchers in marine litter, ecotoxicology, marine biology or environmental science, other stakeholders (concerned citizens, educators, policy-makers, conservation groups, industry [including those related to plastics use and manufacturing; fishing; etc.])
- UNESCO MAB Programme
- Foreword
- Organizing Board and Scientific Committee
- Conference Programme
- Part I: Abstracts from Oral Presentations
- Plastic and Restricted Heavy Metals
- References
- Citizen Research for Ocean Conservation
- Microplastics in Sewage Sludge: Effects of Treatment
- Sources and Fate of Microplastics in Swiss Surface Waters
- Reference
- Microplastics in a UK Sewage Treatment Plant
- Fates of Plastic Pollution in a Major Urban River: Persistence and Bacterial Colonization of Oil-based Plastics and Bioplastics in the Yarra River, Melbourne, Australia
- Presence and Abundance of Microplastics in Sediments of Tributaries of the River Thames, UK
- Microplastics in Different Compartments of the Urban Water Cycle: From the Sources to the Rivers
- Validation of a Density Separation Technique for the Recovery of Microplastics and Its Use on Marine Freshwater Sediments
- Microplastics in Singapore’s Coastal Mangrove Ecosystems
- A Quantitative Analysis of Microplastic Pollution Along the South-eastern Coastline of South Africa
- Plastic Pollutants Within the Marine Environment of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Reading Between the Grains – Microplastics in Intertidal Beach Sediments of a World Heritage Area: Cleveland Bay (QLD), Australia
- Patterns of Plastic Pollution in Offshore, Nearshore, and Estuarine Waters of Perth, Western Australia
- Microplastics in Israeli Mediterranean Coastal Waters
- Occurrence of Microplastics in the South Eastern Black Sea
- Microplastics Migrations in Sea Coastal Zone: Baltic Amber as an Example
- Simultaneous Trace Analysis of Nine Common Plastics in Environmental Samples via Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (Py-GCMS)
- Reference
- Extensive Review on the Presence of Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Seafood: Data Gaps and Recommendations for Future Risk Assessment for Human Health
- State of Knowledge on Human Health Implications on Consumption of Aquatic Organisms Containing Microplastics
- Effects of PVC and Nylon Microplastics on Survival and Reproduction of the Small Terrestrial Earthworm Enchytraeus crypticus
- Microplastics: Who Is at Risk?
- Understanding Microplastic Distribution: A Global Citizen Monitoring Effort
- Marine Litter in the North Sea: Experiences With Monitoring
- Voluntary Beach Cleanups at Famara Beach, Lanzarote—Fighting Marine Litter Invasion and Accumulation Locally
- The Wider Benefits of Cleaning Up Marine Plastic: Examining the Direct Impacts of Beach Cleans on the Volunteers
- “Agüita con el Plástico”: Society as Part of the Solution of Plastic Pollution
- No Plastic Campaign Makes a Difference in Island of Principe Biosphere Reserve
- Logistics of Coastline Plastic Cleanup and Recycling: A Literature Review and Research Opportunities
- References
- Tackling Microplastics on Land: Citizen Observatories of Anthropogenic Litter Dynamics Within the MSCA POSEIDOMM Project
- References
- Environmental Science Education: Methodologies to Promote Ocean Literacy
- Microplastics, Convergence Areas, and Fin Whales in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
- Microplastics in Marine Mesoherbivores
- Investigating the Presence and Effects of Microplastics in Sea Turtles
- Microplastics Presence in Sea Turtles
- References
- Factors Determining the Composition of Plastics From the South Pacific Ocean—Are Seabirds Playing a Selective Role?
- Microplastics and Marine Mammals: Studies From Ireland
- Primary (Ingestion) and Secondary (Inhalation) Uptake of Microplastic in the Crab Carcinus maenas, and Its Biological Effects
- Plastic in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) From the Norwegian Coast
- Extraction and Characterization of Microplastics in Marine Organisms Sampled at Giglio Island After the Removal of the Costa Concordia Wreck
- Floating Plastic Marine Debris in the Balearic Islands: Ibiza Case Study
- Enzymes—Essential Catalysts in Biodegradation of Plastics
- Ireland’s Microplastics: Distribution in the Environment and Interactions With Marine Organisms
- Deposition of Microplastics in Marine Sediments From the Irish Continental Shelf
- Where Go the Plastics? And Whence Do They Come? From Diagnosis to Participatory Community-Based Observatory Network
- Distribution and Composition of Microplastics in Scotland’s Seas
- Marine Litter Accumulation in the Azorean Archipelago: Azorlit Preliminary Data
- Microplastics in the Adriatic—Results from the DeFishGear Project
- Reference
- Floating Microplastics in the South Adriatic Sea
- Implementation of the Spanish Monitoring Program of Microplastics on Beaches Within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. First Phase
- Operational Forecasting as a Tool for Managing Pollutant Dispersion and Recovery
- What Do We Know About the Ecological Impacts of Microplastic Debris?
- Reference
- Qualitative and Quantitative Investigations of Microplastics in Pelagic and Demersal Fish Species of the North and Baltic Sea Using Pyrolysis-GCMS: A Pilot Study
- Microplastics Extraction Methods for Small Fishes, on the Road to a Standard Monitoring Approach
- Microplastic Effects in Mullus surmuletus: Ingestion and Induction of Detoxification Systems
- Assessment of Microplastics Present in Mussels Collected From the Scottish Coast
- Bioavailability of Co-contaminants Sorbed to Microplastics in the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis
- Exploring the Effects of Microplastics on the Hepatopancreas Transcriptome of Mytilus galloprovincialis
- Characterization, Quantity, and Sorptive Properties of Microplastics Extracted From Cosmetics
- Beach Sweep Initiatives on the Acadian Coastline in Atlantic Canada
- A Social-Ecological Approach to the Problem of Floating Plastics in the Mediterranean Sea
- News Splash? A Preliminary Review of Microplastics in the News
- Informing Policy Makers About State of Knowledge and Gaps on Microplastics in the Marine Environment
- Microplastics in Cosmetics: Exploring Perceptions of Environmentalists, Beauticians, and Students
- Plastics and Zooplankton: What Do We Know?
- Microtrophic Project
- Source to Sink: Microplastics Ingested by Benthic Fauna From Discharge Points to Deep Basins in an Urban Model Fjord
- Uptake and Toxicity of Methylmethacrylate-Based Nanoplastic Particles in Aquatic Organisms
- On the Potential Role of Phytoplankton Aggregates in Microplastic Sedimentation
- Hitchhiking Microorganisms on Microplastics in the Baltic Sea
- Microplastic Prey? An Assay to Investigate Microplastic Uptake by Heterotrophic Nanoflagellates
- Microplastics in Seafood: Identifying a Protocol for Their Extraction and Characterization
- Vast Quantities of Microplastics in Arctic Sea Ice—A Prime Temporary Sink for Plastic Litter and a Medium of Transport
- Microplastics in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France): Composition, Abundance, and Spatial Distribution
- Plastic Litter: A New Habitat for Marine Microbial Communities
- The Effects of Microplastic on Freshwater Hydra attenuatta Morphology and Feeding
- Evidence of Microplastic Ingestion in Elasmobranchs in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Do Microplastic Particles Impair the Performance of Marine Deposit and Filter Feeding Invertebrates? Results From a Globally Replicated Study
- Occurrence of Potential Microplastics in Commercial Fish From an Estuarine Environment: Preliminary Results
- Improvements and Needs of Microplastics Analytical Control at Open Sea Opportunities for Monitoring at Canary Islands
- References
- A Novel Method for Preparing Microplastic Fibers
- A New Approach in Separating Microplastics From Freshwater Suspended Particulate Matter
- Microplastics—Microalgae: An Interaction Dependent on Polymer Type
- Nearshore Circulation in the Confital Bay: Implications on Marine Debris Transport and Deposition at Las Canteras Beach
- New Approaches for the Extraction and Identification of Microplastics From Marine Sediment
- Using Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Floating Microplastics to Investigate Their Weathering History
- Reference
- The Size Spectrum as Tool for Analyzing Marine Plastic Pollution
- Automated Analysis of µFTIR Imaging Data for Microplastic Samples
- Solar Radiation Induced Degradation of Common Plastics Under Marine Exposure Conditions
- Using the FlowCam to Validate an Enzymatic Digestion Protocol Applied to Assess the Occurrence of Microplastics in the Southern North Sea
- DNA From the “Plastisphere”: An Extraction Protocol for Ocean Microplastics
- Quality Assurance in Microplastic Detection
- Plastic and Restricted Heavy Metals
- Part II: Abstracts from Posters
- Are the Sinking Velocities of Microplastics Altered Following Interactions With Austrominius modestus and Sediment Particles?
- References
- Macro- and Microplastic in Seafloor Habitats Around Mallorca
- Reference
- Evaluation of Microplastics in Jurujuba Cove, Niterói, RJ, Brazil
- Presence, Distribution, and Characterization of Microplastics in Commercial Organisms From Adriatic Sea
- The Origin and Fate of Microplastics in Saltmarshes
- References
- Effects of Microplastics and Mercury, Alone and in Mixture, on the European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Swimming Performance and Subindividual Biomarkers
- DNA Damage Evaluation of Polyethylene Microspheres in Daphnia magna
- LITTERBASE: An Online Portal for Marine Litter and Microplastics and Their Implications for Marine Life
- Reference
- PLASTOX: Direct and Indirect Ecotoxicological Impacts of Microplastics on Marine Organisms
- Community-Based Observatories Tackling MICROPLASTIC: Spanish Schools Pilot Project Based on seawatchers.org
- Tackling Marine Litter: Awareness and Outreach in the Azores
- Prevalence of Microplastics in the Marine Waters of Qatar’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Microplastics Contamination in Three Planktivorous and Commercial Fish Species
- Spatial Variation of Microplastic Ingestion in Boops boops in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Source, Transfer, and Fate of Microplastics in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: A Holistic Approach
- Microplastics in the Final Ocean Frontier
- Microplastic Abundance and Distribution in the Intertidal and Subtidal Marine Environment Around a Major Urban Park in Vancouver, Canada
- Microplastic Ingestion by Decapod Larvae
- May Polystyrene Microparticles Affect Mortality and Swimming Behaviour of Marine Planktonic Invertebrates?
- Improvement of Microplastic Extraction Method in Organic Material Rich Samples
- Defining the Baselines and Standards for Microplastics Analyses in European Waters (JPI-O BASEMAN)
- Effects of Long-Term Exposure With Contaminated and Clean Microplastics on Mytilus edulis
- The City of Kuopio and Lake Kallavesi in the Finnish Lake District—A “Living Laboratory” for the Microplastic Pollution Research in Freshwater Lakes
- Analysis and Quantification of Microplastics in the Stomachs of Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Stranded on the Galician Coasts (NW Spain)
- First Report of Microplastic in Bycaught Pinnipeds
- The Contribution of Citizen Scientists to the Monitoring of Marine Litter
- Experimenting on Settling Velocity of Cylindrical Microplastic Particles
- WEATHER-MIC—How Microplastic Weathering Changes Its Transport, Fate, and Toxicity in the Marine Environment
- Uptake of Textile Polyethylene Terephthalate Microplastic Fibers by Freshwater Crustacean Daphnia magna
- Microplastics Deposited on Two Beaches of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea): Study of the Spatial Heterogeneity
- Effects of Microplastics on Digestive Enzymes in the Marine Isopod Idotea emarginata
- Sinking Behavior of Microplastics
- Reference
- Pilot Study on Microlitter in the Surface Waters of the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
- Persistent Organic Pollutants Adsorbed on Microplastics From the North Atlantic Gyre
- References
- First Evidence of Microplastics in the Ballast Water of Commercial Ships
- Microlitter Abundance in the Italian Minor Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea
- In Search of the Plastic Accumulation Regions: Finetuning Ocean Surface Transport Models
- Preliminary Assessment of the Microplastic Presence in the Gulf of Genoa (Italy, Ligurian Sea, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)
- Toxicity Assessment of Pollutants Sorbed on Microplastics Using Various Bioassays on Two Fish Cell Lines
- Fate of Microplastics in Soft Marine Sediments
- Microplastic as a Vector of Chemicals to Fin Whale and Basking Shark in the Mediterranean Sea: A Model-Supported Analysis of Available Data
- Methodological Prerequisites For Toxicity Testing of Microplastics Using Marine Organisms
- POPs Adsorbed on Plastic Pellets Collected in the Adriatic Region
- Acknowledgments
- Reference
- The EPHEMARE Project: Ecotoxicological Effects of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
- Suspended Microsized PVC Particles Impair the Performance and Decrease Survival in the Asian Green Mussel Perna viridis
- Priority Pollutants in Microplastics From Beaches in Gran Canaria Island
- Plastic Debris in Mediterranean Seabirds
- Monitoring Plastic Ingestion in Selected Azorean Marine Organisms
- Catching a Glimpse of the Lack of Harmonization Regarding Techniques of Extraction of Microplastics in Marine Sediments
- References
- Floating Plastics in the Sea: People’s Perception in the Majorca Island (Spain)
- Plastics in the Mediterranean Sea Surface: From Regional to Local Scale
- Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Microplastics
- From the Sea to the Dining Table and Back to the Environment: Microlitter Load of Common Salts
- Sandy Beaches Microplastics of the Crimea Black Sea Coast
- Plastic Prey; Are Fish Postlarval Stages Ingesting Plastic in Their Natural Environment?
- Microplastic Ingestion by Planktivorous Fishes in the Canary Current
- First Quantification of Microplastic in Norwegian Fjords Through Nondisruptive Ad-hoc Sampling
- Abundance of Microplastics and Adhered Contaminants in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Microbes and Bioplastic
- Marine Litter Monitoring for Coastal Management Indicator System Development: Citizen Science and Collaboration Communication Approach
- Types and Concentration of Microplastics Found on Remote Island Beaches During the Race for Water Odyssey.
- A Throwaway Society: Is Science Stuck With Single Use Plastic? What Can We Do About It?
- Linking Education and Science to Increase Awareness of Marine Plastic Litter—Distribution of Plastic Waste on Beaches of the German Bight
- Are Smaller Microplastics Underestimated? Comparing Anthropogenic Debris Collected With Different Mesh Sizes
- Precipitation/Flotation Effect of Coagulant to Microplastics in Water
- Personal Care and Cosmetics Products (PC-CPs): Is It Cleaning or Pollution?
- Detection of Microplastics with Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) Microscopy
- Are the Sinking Velocities of Microplastics Altered Following Interactions With Austrominius modestus and Sediment Particles?
- Part III: Lanzarote Declaration, June 21 2016
- Part III. Lanzarote Declaration, June 21 2016
- Lanzarote Declaration, June 21 2016
- Part IV: Breaking Down the Plastic Age
- Part IV. Breaking Down the Plastic Age
- Breaking Down the Plastic Age
- Part V: Where Next? The Road to Micro 2018 and Beyond
- Where Next? The Road to Micro 2018 and Beyond
- List of Contributors
- No. of pages: 294
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 29, 2016
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128122716
- eBook ISBN: 9780128122723
Juan Baztan
After earning a double degree in geology (University of Barcelona) and oceanography (University of Perpignan) in 1998, Juan went on to receive his PhD in marine geophysics under the direction of Dr. Jean-Pierre Rehault at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer and the Institut Français de Recherche pour l' Exploitation de la Mer in Brest, France. His PhD dissertation, "Formation et évolution des canyons sous- marins du Golfe du Lion : relation avec les cycles glacio-eustatiques” was developed while he was working on a team led by Dr. Jean-Louis Olivet, and was presented in November of 2004. During his time as a student, he participated in eight oceanographic research cruises, including (i) the first oceanographic cruise of the research vessel Hesperides through the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Canary Islands in 1998 and (ii) in early 2000, he completed a month-long research cruise in the Bransfield Basin of the Antarctic continent.
With over 50 publications, Juan’s work focuses on the evolution and current state of the coastal and oceanic system, ranging from the coast to the deep sea. Much of his work incorporates his interest in the earth-human system and investigates the ways in which humans modify "natural" processes, with a specific emphasis on ethics in relation to concerns of coastal communities.
In 2010, he joined Professor Jean-Paul Vanderlinden’s research team at the Observatoire de Versailles SQY. Juan’s dedication to interdisciplinary research has connected him with local, regional, national, and international experts through his work on projects such as (i) THESEUS: "Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate" and (ii) ARTISTICC: "Adaptation to Transdisciplinary Research and Policy Community Centered Approach", this project seeks to analyze how knowledge, in all its dimensions, can be mobilized to foster coastal adaptation to climate change.
Also, since 2007, Juan has drawn from his firm commitment to collaborative, ethical, and interdisciplinary research to coordinate Marine Sciences For Society: a network of concerned scientists working to enhance the dialogue between marine scientists and society as a whole.
Bethany Jorgensen
Sabine Pahl
Richard C. Thompson