Empowering Progress
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This publication has been written to honour the contribution to science and education made by the Distinguished Professor Emeritus Professor Schey on his eightieth birthday. The… Read more
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The topics included in this book include: John Schey and value-added manufacturing; Surface finish and friction in cold-metal rolling; Direct observation of interface for tribology in metal forming; An examination of the coefficient of friction; Studies on micro plasto hydrodynamic lubrication in metal forming; Numerical simulation of sheet metal forming; Geometric and mechanics model of sheet forming; Modelling and optimisation of metal forming processes; The mathematical modelling of hot rolling steel; Identification of rheological and tribological parameters; Oxide behaviour in hot rolling; Friction, lubrication and surface response in wire drawing; and Modelling and control of temper rolling and skin pass rolling.
John Schey and Value-Added Manufacturing (T.A. Brzustowski).
Striking Clarity. An Economic Fact. Rich in Ideas. Just One of Many Contributions.
Introduction - The Scheme of the Book (J.G. Lenard).
The Technical Presentations.
Surface Finish and Friction in Cold Metal Rolling (M. Sutcliffe).
Unlubricated Rolling. Mixed Lubrication. Micro-Plasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication (MPHL). Boundary Lubrication.
Direct Observation of Interface for Tribology in Metal Forming (A. Azushima).
Direct Observation of Interface in Sheet Drawing. Direct Observation of Interface in Flat Tool Drawing.
An Examination of the Coefficient of Friction (J.G. Lenard).
Fundamental Ideas. Experimental Studies. The Coefficient of Friction in Flat Rolling. The Dependence of the Coefficient of Friction on Process and Material Parameters.
Studies on Micro Plasto Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Metal Forming (N. Bay et al.).
Experimental Investigation. Mathematical Model of Micro Plasto Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Lubrication.
Numerical Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming (M.J. Worswick).
Introduction to Stamping Simulation - A Deep Drawn Cup. Explicit Dynamic Versus Implicit Formulations. Simulation of Stretch Flange Forming. Modelling Product Performance - Dent Resistance.
Geometric and Mechanics Model of Sheet Forming (E.J.L. Duncan).
Plane Stress Deformation. Force Per Unit Width, or "Tension". Bending and Unbending Models. Supporting Software.
Modelling and Optimization of Metal Forming Processes (Manninen et al.).
On Modelling and Optimization. Deep Drawing of Stainless Steel. Continuous Extrusion. Optimizing the Tube Hydroforming Process.
The Mathematical Modelling of Hot Rolling of Steel (S. Yue).
The Canmet - Mcgill Mathematical Model for Microstructural Evolution of Steels During Hot Rolling.
Identification of Rheological and Tribological Parameters (D. Szeliga, M. Pietrzyk).
The Inverse Method.
Oxide Behaviour in Hot Rolling (M. Krzyzanowski, J.H. Beynon).
Factors Influencing Friction, Heat Transfer and Quality of the Product in Hot Rolling. Mathematical Model. Analysis of Oxide Scale Failure at Entry into the Roll Gap. Analysis of Descaling Events.
Friction, Lubrication and Surface Response in Wire Drawing (R.N. Wright).
The Effect Of Temperature. Process Design Effects. The Drawing of Shapes. The Generation of Fines.
Modelling and Control of Temper Rolling and Skin Pass Rolling (O. Wiklund, F. Sandberg).
Modelling of the Roll Gap. Modelling of the Roll Force. Process Control. Development Trends.