Section headings and selected papers: Structure and Bonding. Energetics, bonding mechanism and electronic structure of metal-ceramic interfaces, A J Freeman et al. Universal energy relations and metal-ceramic interfaces, J R Smith et al. Approaches to modelling metal-ceramic interfaces, M W Finnis et al. Bonds, the transition state and fracture, M E Eberhart et al. Chemistry at Interfaces. Physiochemical processes at metal-ceramic interfaces, M Backhaus-Ricoult. Ferrite-metal interfacial reaction, J T Klomp & A J v d Ven. Structure and chemistry of the TI-Sapphire interface, R Peddada et al. Interface reactions and phase stability in the Al-SiC system, C A Handwerker et al. Formation of Interfaces. The formation of metal-ceramic interfaces by diffusion bonding, B Derby. Interfacial structure and bonding strength of silicon nitride ceramics brazed with aluminum, T Okamoto et al. Structure and Defects at Interfaces. High resolution electron microscopy: possibilities and limitations, P Pirouz & F Ernst. High-resolution electron microscopy of metal-ceramic interfaces, K L Merkle. Atomic imaging and interfacial analysis, C J D Hetherington & G Thomas. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Fracture. Mechanics and thermodynamics of brittle interfacial failure in bimaterials systems, J R Rice et al. Cracks on bimaterial interfaces: plasticity aspects, C F Shih et al. Fracture Resistance of Bimaterial Interfaces. The fracture energy of bimaterial interfaces, A G Evans et al. Crack growth on bimaterial interfaces, A G Varias et al. Interface cracks between anisotropic elastic solids, J Qu & J L Bassani.