Section I: Features of Obesity and Strategies for Weight Loss
Chapter 1. Obesity and Cardiac Failure: Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Management
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Classification of Obesity
- Cardiac Performance and Morphology in Obesity
- HF and Obesity
- Obesity Cardiomyopathy
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 2. Obesity and Adipose Tissue Microvascular Dysfunction
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Adiposopathy in Obesity
- Adipose Tissue Microvascular Dysfunction
- Angiogenic Dysfunction in Obesity
- Weight Loss and Adipose Microvascular Function
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 3. Ghrelin-Producing Cells in Stomachs: Implications for Weight Reduction Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 4. Asthma in Obesity and Diabetes: Novel Mechanisms and Effects of Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Obesity, Asthma, and Bariatric Surgery
- Proinflammatory State of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and the Antiinflammatory Action of Insulin
- Asthma-Related Genes in Obesity
- Reversal of the Proinflammatory State Following Bariatric Surgery
- Effect of Intravenous Insulin Infusion on Inflammation in General and in Relation to Asthma-Related Factors
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 5. Percutaneous Electrical Neurostimulation of Dermatome T6 to Reduce Appetite
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Theoretical Basis for the Development of Percutaneous Electrical Neurostimulation of Dermatome T6 to Reduce Appetite
- PENS of Dermatome T6 Methodology
- Preliminary Results
- Long-Term Effect of PENS of Dermatome T6
- Hormonal Effect of PENS of Dermatome T6
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 6. The Management of Obesity: An Overview
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Food Intake: The Brain–Gut Axis
- Gastric Determinants of Postprandial Symptoms and Satiation
- Traits Associated With Food Intake, Postprandial Symptoms, and Obesity
- Approaches Available for the Management of Obesity
- What Pharmacotherapies Might be Directed at Different “Actionable” Obesity Traits?
- What Bariatric Interventions are Directed at Different “Actionable” Obesity Traits?
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section II: Surgical and Postsurgical Procedures
Chapter 7. Why Patients Select Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Who Chooses Bariatric Surgery?
- Why Do Patients Choose Surgery?
- Implications
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 8. Best Practices for Bariatric Procedures in an Accredited Surgical Center
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Adoption of Laparoscopy in Bariatric Surgery
- The Effect of Fellowship Training
- The Impact of Accreditation and Standardization
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 9. Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Physiological Changes
- Dosing Anesthetic Drugs
- Intraoperative Anesthetic Management
- Postanesthesia Care Unit Management
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 10. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Complications of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 11. Omega Loop Gastric Bypass
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Metabolic Consequences
- Surgical Technique
- Outcomes
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 12. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- History
- Preoperative Evaluation
- Preoperative Evaluations
- Barret’s Esophagus
- Additional Pre- and Postoperative Evaluations
- Surgical Technique
- Results
- Complications
- Staple Line Leak
- Postoperative Hemorrhage
- Late Complications
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 13. Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Evolution of the LAGB Technique
- The Profile of Weight Loss
- Health, Quality of Life, and Economic Analysis
- Future Challenges
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 14. Biliopancreatic Diversion
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Surgical Technique
- Remarks
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 15. Endoluminal Procedures for the Treatment and Management of Bariatric Patients
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Objectives
- Introduction
- Intraoperative Endoscopy
- Postoperative Evaluation
- Primary Endoscopic Procedures
- Revisional Endoscopic Procedures
- Conclusions
- References
Chapter 16. Intragastric Balloon for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- A Little History of the Intragastric Balloon
- Intragastric Balloons: Positioning, Inflations, Adjustability, and Removal
- Patient Selection and Management
- Intragastric Balloon Efficacy and Safety
- Comparison With More Invasive Surgical Procedures
- Indications
- Intragastric Balloon as Support Therapy Without Surgery
- Intragastric Balloon in Teenagers and Adolescents
- Conclusions
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 17. Jejunoileal Bypass: Physiologic Ramifications of an Obsolete Procedure That Has Resurfaced in Oncologic Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviation
- Introduction
- Technique and Variations
- Adverse Events and Nutritional Follow-Up
- Cancer Risk
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 18. Pediatric Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Management
- Nonsurgical Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity
- Surgical Management of Child and Adolescent Obesity
- Patient Selection
- Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
- Surgical Options and Outcomes
- Postoperative Management
- Ongoing Controversies
- Summary
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 19. Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Pregnancy and Obesity
- Postbariatric Surgery Pregnancy
- Obstetric Outcomes
- Fetal Outcomes
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 20. Mortality Rate and Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Mortality Rate and Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery
- Hospital Admissions After Bariatric Surgery
- Quality of Life
- Weight Regain Trends After Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 21. Critical Care After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Criteria for Intensive Care Unit Admission
- Intensive Care Unit Postoperative Management
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
- Reference to a Journal Publication
- Reference to a Book
- Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book
Section III: Safety and Outcomes
Chapter 22. An Overview of the Safety of Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- An Overview of Morbidity and Mortality Rates in Bariatric Procedures
- The Laparoscopic Gastric Band and the Safety of its Conversion to Other Procedures
- Robotics in Bariatrics
- Centers of Excellence/Quality Accreditation
- Emergency Room Staff and Resident Education
- Special Populations: Transplant Candidates, the Elderly, and Ventral Hernias Patients
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 23. Safety of Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Concerns Relating to Adolescents
- Expert Statement
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 24. Mortality in Bariatric Surgery: A Focus on Prediction
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Perioperative Mortality
- Long-Term Mortality After Bariatric Surgery
- Discussion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 25. Comparing Weight Loss in Three Bariatric Procedures: Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, and Gastric Banding
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Mechanism of Action of the Three Interventions in View of Weight Loss
- Comparison of Weight Loss After RYGBP and Gastric Banding
- Comparison of Weight Loss After Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass and Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
- Comparison of Weight Loss After Vertical Banded Gastroplasty and Gastric Band
- Studies Comparing the Three Procedures
- Influence of Technical Variation on Weight Loss After Surgery
- Weight Regain and Revision
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 26. Metabolic Predictors of Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Predictors of Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery
- Predictors of Weight Loss After Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Age and Weight Loss
- Glucose Metabolism and Weight Loss
- Other Predictors of Weight Loss
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 27. Long-Term Weight Loss Results After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Following the Weight Loss in Different Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Studies
- Excess Weight Loss as a Variable
- Determining the Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Comorbidities, As Well As its Safety
- Weight Loss Mechanisms of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Weight Loss Results
- Differences in the Weight Loss Results Between the Stand-alone and the Staged Approach
- Weight Regain After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Weight Loss Evolution
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 28. Gastric Band Slippage as an Adverse Event
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Gastric Band Slippage
- Conclusion
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 29. Leaks and Fistulas After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Diagnosis
- Management
- Prevention
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 30. Gastric Leaks and Use of Endoscopic Internal Drainage With Enteral Nutrition
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Endoscopic Internal Drainage With Enteral Nutrition
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 31. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia in Bariatric Procedures
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Mechanisms
- Treatment
- Preoperative GERD and HH Evaluation in the Bariatric Patient
- Choice of Bariatric Procedure in Patient with GERD
- Impact of LSG on GERD
- Barrett’s Esophagus
- Bariatric Surgery Selection in the Presence of HH
- Management of GERD and HH after Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section IV: Metabolism, Endocrinology and Organ Systems
Chapter 32. Endoscopic Treatments for Obesity-Related Metabolic Diseases
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Intra-Gastric Balloon
- Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (APOLLO Method)
- Primary Obesity Surgery Endoscopic
- Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing
- Endoluminal Sleeves
- General Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 33. Sleeve Gastrectomy: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetes Improvements
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction and Significance
- Bariatric Surgeries
- Sleeve Gastrectomy: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetic Control
- Summary
- Acknowledgments
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 34. Postprandial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia in Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Definition, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors
- Risk Factors
- Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 35. Bariatric Surgery Improves Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Clinical Proof
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 36. Weight Loss Surgery and the Surrogate Insulin Resistance Markers HOMA, TyG, and TG/HDL-c in Relation to Metabolic Syndrome
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Insulin Resistance
- Assessing Insulin Sensitivity in General Practice
- The Use of Surrogate Insulin Resistance Markers After Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 37. Cancer and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Obesity and Cancer: Overview
- Mechanisms Involved in the Association Between Cancer and Obesity
- Cancer and Bariatric Surgery
- Methodological Factors
- Mechanisms Involved in the Association Between Reduced Cancer Risk and Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 38. Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases Before and After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Dyspepsia and Other Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Helicobacter pylori Infection
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 39. Hematological Disorders Following Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Nutritional Anemia After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Obesity-Mediated Inflammatory Anemia After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Bone Marrow Findings After Gastric Bypass Surgery Mimicking Myelodysplastic Syndrome
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts About Sideroblastic Anemia
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 40. Enteric Hyperoxaluria, Calcium Oxalate Nephrolithiasis, and Oxalate Nephropathy After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Kidney Disease Due to Obesity
- Incidence of Renal Complications After Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Etiology
- Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
- Medical Management
- Surgical Management
- Prevention
- Future Perspective
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Conflicts of Interest
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 41. Thyroid Hormone Homeostasis in Weight Loss and Implications for Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Obesity, Energy Expenditure, and Thyroid
- Aspects of Bariatric Surgery Procedures Relevant to Thyroid Homeostasis
- Hypothalamus–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis in Obese and in Postsurgical Bariatric Patients
- Thyroid Hormone Absorption Following Bariatric Surgery
- Changes in Entero/Adipo–Insular Axis in Postsurgical Patients and Thyroid Function
- Bariatric Surgery-Induced Nutrient Deficiencies and Thyroid
- The Intestinal Microbiome
- Brown Fat, Thyroid, and Metabolism
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 42. The Ghrelin–Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Axis After Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Energy Homeostasis
- The Ghrelin System
- The Endocannabinoid and Cannabinoid 1 Receptor System
- Sleeve Gastrectomy and the Ghrelin–Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Axis
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 43. PNPLA3 Variant p.I148M and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Adiponutrin (PNPLA3) Function and Biochemistry
- PNPLA3 p.I148M and the Risk of Developing Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- PNPLA3 p.I148M and Metabolic Traits
- PNPLA3 p.I148M and Liver Diseases in Children
- New Candidate Genes: TM6SF2 p.E167K and MBOAT7 rs641738
- The Impact of PNPLA3 Genotype on Weight Loss
- A Future Concept of PNPLA3-Associated Liver Disease as an Etiology-Transcending Entity: Personalized, Gene-based Medicine
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section V: Nutritional Aspects
Chapter 44. Dietary Reference Values
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Micro- and Macronutrients
- Caveats and Assumptions
- Requirements for Micro- and Macronutrients
- Requirements in Postsurgical Procedures and the Concept of Bioavailability
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- Acknowledgments
- References
Chapter 45. Meal Disposal After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Biliopancreatic Diversion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 46. Underreporting of Energy Intake and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Methods of Assessment of Food Consumption
- Isotopic Tracers as an Alternative to Food Intake Assessment
- Methodologies for Assessing the Accuracy of Information on Food Consumption
- Obesity and Underreporting
- Underreporting After Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 47. Control Eating Following Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Binge Eating Disorder, Binge Eating, and Loss of Control Eating
- Other Problematic Eating Behaviors and LOC
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 48. Dietary Planning in Bariatric Surgery Postoperative
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Nutritional Recommendations in the Immediate Postoperative Period
- Nutritional Recommendations in the Late Postoperative Period
- Micronutrient Deficiencies: Prevalence, Etiology, and Consequences
- Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 49. Protein Nutrition and Status and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Decrease in Total Energy and Protein Intake
- Gastrointestinal Changes
- Methods to Assess Protein Status After Bariatric Surgery
- Actual Knowledge, Gaps in the Literature, and Future Directions in the Field
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 50. Micronutrient Deficiencies and Sleeve Gastrectomy for Weight Reduction
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Presleeve Gastrectomy Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Postsleeve Gastrectomy Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Micronutrient-Monitoring Frequency After Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Micronutrient Supplementation After Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 51. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) After Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Surgical Management of Obesity
- Overview of the Biochemistry and Physiology of Thiamine
- Clinical Manifestations of Thiamine Deficiency
- Confirmation of a Diagnosis of Thiamine Deficiency
- Thiamine Deficiency in Obesity
- Thiamine Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery
- Mechanisms of Thiamine Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery
- Management of Thiamine Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 52. Vitamin A and Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass and Nutritional Deficiencies
- Contributing Factors to Vitamin A Deficiency in Morbid Obesity, Before and After Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Managing Vitamin A Deficiency After Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 53. Iron and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Iron Deficiency in Bariatric Surgery Candidates
- Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Iron Intake
- Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Iron Absorption
- Iron Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery
- Comprehensive Assessment of Iron Status is Required to Diagnose Iron Deficiency
- Prevention and Treatment of Iron Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section VI: Cardiovascular, Body Composition, and Physiological Aspects
Chapter 54. Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks in Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Cardiovascular Risk in Morbidly Obese Candidates to Bariatric Surgery
- Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Early Markers of Atherosclerosis
- Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Events
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 55. QT Interval After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- QT Interval in Obesity
- Effect of Weight Loss on QT Interval
- QT Interval After Bariatric Surgery
- Mechanisms of QT Interval Reduction After Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusion and Perspectives
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 56. Plasma Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids After Weight Loss Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Alterations of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids After Weight Loss Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 57. Bariatric Procedures and Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 58. Factors Associated with Metabolic Bone Disorders and Its Complications After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Mineral Deficiencies After Bariatric Surgery
- Severe Weight Loss Promoted by Surgery
- High Prevalence of Type II Diabetes Among Surgery Candidates
- Profile of Candidates Seeking Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 59. Gait Patterns After Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Obese Gait
- Gait Recovery Following Bariatric Surgery
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section VII: Psychological and Behavioral Aspects
Chapter 60. Preoperative Psychosocial Assessment for the Bariatric Patient
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Important Considerations
- Assessment Procedures
- The Purpose of Assessment: Benefits and Opportunities
- Emerging Considerations
- Conclusion
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 61. Neurocognitive Factors Associated With Obesity, Obesity-Related Disorders, and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Relationship Between Neurological Functioning, Obesity, and Obesity-related Conditions
- Relationship Between Cognition, Obesity, and Obesity-related Conditions
- Preoperative Neuropsychological Battery
- Improvement in Cognition with Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery
- Potential Cognitive Changes Following Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 62. Temperament and Outcome of Bariatric Surgery for Severe Obesity
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- What is Temperament?
- What are the Relationships Between Temperament and Obesity?
- Does Temperament Influence the Outcome of Bariatric Surgery?
- Conclusions and Future Directions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 63. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Psychopathology in Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Eating Pathology in Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Nonadherence to Postoperative Dietary Guidelines
- CBT Interventions for Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Empirical Support for CBT in Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Psychopathology and Eating Pathology
- Adherence to Physical Activity and Dietary Guidelines
- Conclusions
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary of Points
- References
Chapter 64. Does Body Dysmorphic Disorder Have Implications for Bariatric Surgery?
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Overview of Body Dysmorphia
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Clinical Features
- Body Dysmorphia Before Bariatric Surgery
- Body Dysmorphia After Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 65. Issues Surrounding the Relationship Between Sexual Function and Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Sexual Function and Dysfunction
- Sexual Function: Clinical Features
- Sexual Function Before and After Bariatric Surgery
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Chapter 66. Depression and Intragastric Balloon Treatment
- Abstract
- List of Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Obesity and Depression
- The Intragastric Balloon
- Intragastric Balloon and Depression Improvement
- Perspectives
- Mini-Dictionary of Terms
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References
Section VIII: Resources
Chapter 67. Recommended Resources on Metabolism and Physiology of Bariatric Surgery
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Acknowledgments
- Key Facts
- Summary Points
- References