Contributors. Abbreviations. Design for a high speed path for oxygen: Tuna red muscle ultrastructure and vascularization (O. Mathieu-Costello, R.W. Brill, P.W. Hochachka). Circulatory substrate fluxes and their regulation (J.-M. Weber, G. Zwingelstein). Endogenous fuels: non invasive versus invasive approaches (G. van den Thillart, M. van Raaij). Tissue carbohydrate metabolism, gluconeogenesis and hormonal and environmental influences (T.W. Moon, G.D. Foster). Metabolism of the swimbladder tissue (B. Pelster). Glycerophospholipid metabolism (D.R. Tocher). Amino acid metabolism in fish (K. Jürss, R. Bastrop). Protein synthesis in fish (D.F. Houlihan, C.G. Carter, I.D. McCarthy). Nutrient fluxes and regulation in fish intestine (N.L. Collie, R.P. Ferraris). Metabolic organization of thermogenic tissues of fishes (J.S. Ballantyne). Electric Organs: structure, physiology, hormone-sensitivity, and biochemistry (H.H. Zakon). Biochemical and molecular aspects of singing in batrachoidid fishes (P.J. Walsh, T.P. Mommsen, A.H. Bass). Is glycolytic rate controlled by the reversible binding of enzymes to subcellular structures? (S.P.J. Brooks, K.B. Storey). Histidine-related dipeptides: distribution, metabolism, and physiological function (H. Abe). The metabolic consequences of body size (E.M. Goolish). Exercise metabolism of fish (C.D. Moyes, T.G. West). Fasting and starvation (I. Navarro, J. Gutiérrez). Origins of luciferins: ecology of bioluminescence in marine fishes (E.M. Thompson, J.-F. Rees). Species Index. Subject Index.