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Melatonin: Current Status and Perspectives
Proceedings of an International Symposium on Melatonin, Held in Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany, September 28-30, 1980
- 1st Edition - February 27, 1981
- Editors: N. Birau, W. Schloot
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 2 5 6 8 - 8
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 2 6 4 0 0 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 8 1 0 - 5
Advances in the Biosciences, Volume 29: Melatonin – Current Status and Perspectives is a compilation of papers by different authors presented in the Proceedings of an International… Read more
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Request a sales quoteAdvances in the Biosciences, Volume 29: Melatonin – Current Status and Perspectives is a compilation of papers by different authors presented in the Proceedings of an International Symposium on Melatonin, held in Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany on September 28-30, 1980. This volume is divided into six parts, wherein the first part covers the testing methods of melatonin; the use of the status of assay methods of melatonin; and related studies. Part 2 tracks the developments in melatonin histophysiology, with attempts to clarify cytological aspects of the indoleamine secretory process in the pineal gland; melatonin production by extra-pineal tissues; and other relationships with the pineal gland. Part 3 focuses on advances in melatonin physiology from hypothetical evolutionary function; the biochemistry and pharmacology of melatonin; to melatonin and pigment cell rhythmicity. Part 4 shows the progress made in molecular endocrinology, while Part 5 presents the results of human melatonin research and covers melatonin serum in humans. The last part is comprised of additional papers that are not classified in the former categories: studies of the effects of light on human plasma melatonin; the role of the environmental factors; and the histology melatonin localized in the salivary glands of the rat palate. This compilation of papers is intended for biochemists, neuroscientists, and researchers in the fields of endocrinology, human genetics, and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Assay Methods of Melatonin
Current Status of Assay Methods of Melatonin
Radioimmunoassay for Human Melatonin
Melatonin in Human Serum - A Collaborative Study of Current Radioimmunoassays
Developments in Melaton in Histophysiology
Cytological Aspects of Indoleamine Secretion in the Pineal Gland
Melatonin Production by Extra-Pineal Tissues
Melatonin Biosynthesis in Avian Pineal Gland and Retina
Melatonin and Other Pineal Products
A Comparison of Blinding and Afternoon Melatonin Injections on the Histology of the Reproductive Organs, Pineal Ultrastucture and Gonadotrophin Hormone Levels in Female Syrian Hamsters
A Possible Role for the Pineal Gland and Melatonin in the Diffuse Neuroendocrine System (DNES)
Advances in Melaton in Physiology
Evolution of Melatonin Function: a Hypothesis
New Trends and Perspectives in Melatonin Research
Physiologic Regulation of Melatonin
The Pharmacology of Melatonin
Effect of Light Intensity on Regulation of Melatonin Secretion and Drinking Behavior in the Albino Rat
Effect of Pinealectomy in the Electrical Responses of Hypothalamic Neurones to the Application of Melatonin
The Effects of Microelectrophoretically Applied Melatonin, Putative Transmitters, Thyroxine and Sex Hormones on the Electrical Activity of Pineal Cells in the Guinea-Pig
The Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Melatonin
Inhibition by Melatonin of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Hypothalamus, Uterus and Platelets
Reproductive Consequences of Melatonin in Mammals
Similarities in the Refractoriness of the Reproductive System of Hamsters to Melatonin and to Darkness
Melatonin Stimulation of Prolactin Secretion in Male Rats: Influence of Pinealectomy, Castration or Gonadal Steroid Pretreatment
Gonadotropin Inhibiting Activity of Melatonin-Free Pineal Extract
Melatonin and Biorhythms
Ontogenic and Phylogenic Aspects of the Circadian Rhythm of Melatonin Synthesis in the Pineal Gland
Melatonin: Origin, control of Circadian Rhythm and Site of Action
Annual Bimodal Variation in Human Pineal Hydroxyindole-O-Methyltransferase Activity
Circadian Rhythmicity in the Activity of HIOMT in the Formation of Melatonin and of 5-Methoxytryptophol in the Retina, Harderian Gland and Pineal of the Male Hamster
Seasonal Variations in HIOMT Activity during the Night in the Pineal Gland of Wistar Rats of Several Ages
The Influence of Some Pteridines on the Circadian and Seasonal Rhythmicity of Hydroxyindole-O-Methyltransferase (HIOMT) in the Pineal Gland of 42 Days Old Male Wistar Rats
Circannual Variations of Serotonin in the Pineal Complex of Ammocoetes Prior to Metamorphosis and Metamorphosing Forms of Lampetra planeri (Petromyzontids)
Melatonin and Pigment Cell Rhythmicity
Progress in Molecular Endocrinology of Melatonin
Molecular Endocrinology of Melatonin: Receptor Sites in Brain and Peripheral Organs
Molecular Biology of Melatonin: Assessment of the "Microtubule Hypothesis of Melatonin Action"
Melatonin Receptors in Pineal
Cyclic Nucleotides and the Mediation of Melatonin-Induced Inhibition of Melanogenesis in Mammals
New Results in Human Melatonin Research
Genetics of Melatonin
Melatonin Rhythms in Human Serum
Melatonin in Human Serum: Progress in Screening Investigation and Clinic
Sleep Induction by Intranasal Application of Melatonin
Liver N-Acetyltransferase Activity and Serum Melatonin in Man
Melatonin and 5 Methoxytryptophol, the 24 hour Pattern of Secretion in Man
Melatonin, Vasotocin and Rem Sleep in Prepuberal Boys
Melatonin in Non-Endocrinological Pathology
Circadian Rhythms of Melatonin, Prolactin, Growth Hormone and Cortisol in Patients with Pituitary Adenomas, Empty Sella Syndrome and Cushing's Syndrome Due to Adrenal Tumours
Melatonin in Psychiatric Conditions
Melatonin in Man
Appendix - Melatonin and Rebound Phenomenon: A Theoretical Irreversible Thermodynamic Hypothesis
Additional Papers
Immunohistological Localization of Melatonin in the Salivary Glands of the Rat
Human Plasma Melatonin Studies: Effects of Light and Implications for Biological Rhythm Research
Relative Roles of Environmental Factors, Photoperiod and Temperature in the Control of Serotonin and Melatonin Circadian Variations in the Pineal Organ and Plasma of the Tortoise Testudo hermanni gmelin
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 420
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: February 27, 1981
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483125688
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080264004
- eBook ISBN: 9781483158105
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