(partial) Distortions and interactions in a fast reactor core, J F W Bishop. Void growth and collapse in solids, B Budiansky et al. Surface waves in cubic elastic materials, P Chadwick & G D Smith. Universal bifurcation problems, D R J Chillingworth. Boundary value problems in plane strain plasticity, I F Collins. Aspects of the theory of dislocations, J D Eshelby. Superplasticity, J H Gittus. The theory of finite plastic deformation of crystalline solids, K S Havner. Dynamic plasticity, H G Hopkins. The mechanics of some industrial pressing, rolling and forging processes, W Johnson. Instability and the ill-posed Cauchy problem in elasticity, R J Knops. Experimental studies of plastic anisotropy in sheet metal, P B Mellor. Crystal elasticity, F Milstein. Aspects of plastic postbuckling behavior, A Needleham & V Tvergaard. Elastic deformations of rubberlike solids, R W Ogden. Elastic-plastic crack growth, J R Rice. Legendre transformations and extremum principles, M J Sewell. Deformation of ideal granular materials, A J M Spencer. Elasticity theory of composites, J R Willis. Index