(partial) Mechanistic and continuum aspects of toughness in heterogeneous polymers, A S Argon. Unique contributions to understanding fatigue fracture from studies of cyclic deformation, C Laird & F L Liang. A new concept and energetical model of fracture using acoustic emission, L I Maslov. The behaviour of short fatigue cracks and their initiation, K J Miller. Study of the process zone at the crack tip (behavior of the voids at the crack tip of aluminum alloy specimen), H Miyamoto. Predicting the growth of small and large cracks using a crack-closure model, J C Newman
et al. Mechanisms and controlling factors in creep fracture, W D Nix. Fatigue analysis for variable amplitude loading: fundamental aspects and engineering applications, H Nowack & R Marissen. Global and local approaches to creep crack initiation and growth, A Pineau. Crack tip shielding in fracture and fatigue: intrinsic vs. extrinsic toughening, R O Ritchie. Engineering problems and engineering solutions to stress corrosion cracking, M O Spiedel. Quantifying creep-corrosion interactions, D M R Taplin
et al. Simplified design of composite materials, S W Tsai
et al. Electrochemical reactions and corrosion fatigue crack growth, R P Wei. Elucidation of the mechanism of HIC and SCC with the aid of stress analyses and fracture mechanics, C M Hsiao.
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